How many seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, and decades have we wasted our lives on trivial like grumbling and whining about one thing after another. Then there’s the criticizing, judging and pointing fingers. And don’t leave out the infamous triplets … should’ve, could’ve, would’ve. Say yuk ... Views: 1526
Let's Talk.
Do you wake up some days and feel that you just can’t seem to get your mojo going? You know what I mean, you’d rather pull the covers over your head and pretend life is going to automatically fall into places as you’d like it to. Hey, we all get off track sometimes. It generally ... Views: 5558
Most often at the onset of the spring and summer months with winter being behind, people generally are geared-up to get in the creative mode. The beginning of a new season in some way incites creativity and motivation for change. Included with the desire to change may arise enhancing our lives; ... Views: 1958
Last Saturday my family served at our church’s annual Easter egg hunt. This annual event generally brings children and families peacefully from both the congregation and nearby neighborhoods. Fun and games are on the menu for the children who will be putting their expectations and appetites on ... Views: 1741
It's Spring! Generally in my neighborhood the walkers and joggers are out and about. This is a great neighborhood for outside exercise. But I must admit many days and throughout the summer I watch them from my office window thinking I have to get out there myself. Then I see all of the work I ... Views: 1126
So you want to sell your home and get the best return on your investment? From my experiences, buyers are looking for a well maintained home. Studies have shown that most buyers make a decision about purchasing a house within 15 seconds of walking through the door. Many buyers have made a ... Views: 1351
Let's Talk
As I was sitting here quiet in meditation this morning there were so many things running through my mind. It is virtually impossible to focus that way. Today I am determined to de-clog my mind that I may hear and know clearly the directions I must take for my life, family, home, ... Views: 2150
This morning I received some news that left me feeling as if I’d been kicked in the stomach. Although a misunderstanding occurred, I didn’t know how to fix it. As a matter of fact, in my own strength I couldn’t fix it. I began praying about it and got the notion to call a partner ministry to ... Views: 1357
Question: Are Nutritional Supplements Necessary For Healing And Health?
Yes! A well controlled study performed at the Shriners Burn Trauma Center at the University of Cincinnati Medical School demonstrated conclusively, that burn trauma victims (children experiencing severe burns over 60% of ... Views: 1428
Along with listing and writing Christmas cards is the list of guest we’re inviting over during the holidays. “Gee, this year the Butterfields and Hamburgs are coming. I must put my best foot forward. You know everyone will be talking about how lavishly I entertain my guest. Have to make a ... Views: 1240
It seems everyone I talk to these days is experiencing some bumps and bruises of life. While the economic downturn is causing widespread financial difficulties, fear is all around, and more and more people are searching for ways to get their lives in order and find peace.
But know that what ... Views: 6209
A family design meeting is a great way to discover what will be a unified conclusion to make the environment work orderly and peaceably for everyone. Discussions during a design meeting can include the storage needs, personal needs, social needs, or any emotional responses to certain colors, ... Views: 1423
Lately I've been diligently thinking about making a conscious effort to think and say only the things I want to really show up in my life. It isn't a difficult process. Challenging, well perhaps. It's similar to replacing a recipe with a new one for a favorite dish that's been used all of my ... Views: 1067
… and do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live …
—Ephesians 4:30 (nlt)
The topic of health and the environment of our bodies gets big press today and rightfully so because our bodies are the temples of... the ... Views: 1417