Think About Your Thinking
“What in the world am I doing? I am totally out of my league. I don't belong here. What was I thinking?”
“Well, that was a nice lunch. I do wish I had told her about my real feelings. But then, the consequences would not be pretty. Maybe I did the right thing. No, ... Views: 840
The Top 3 Practice Points for Gaining Self Awareness
A couple of years ago I went to a one day meditation retreat with Cheri Huber. One of the guided meditations centered on practice. She said that everything in life is practice. And she meant EVERYTHING!
At first, I was skeptical. I know ... Views: 890
Top 15 Questions to Plan For Success
To be a success in your career, you have to spend time not only IN your career (painting, teaching, coaching, designing, nursing, etc), but also ON your career (planning, marketing, networking, visioning, etc). This holds true for all parts of life. If you ... Views: 941
How To Change Anything
In my work, I talk with people every day about the things that hold them back from creating the life they want to have. These things range from thoughts of dis-empowerment, feelings of depression or fear, to behaviors like procrastination and avoidance. When I tell them ... Views: 891
The 2 Keys to Success: Optimism and Imperfect Action
My first two students are graduating this year. Makes me feel pretty old, but that is beside the point. These two gentlemen have been in my studio for 6 years. I am so proud of their accomplishments! Between them, they've made top chairs at ... Views: 820
The One Word That Will Undermine Your Success
The movie, “Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium,” tells the story of a young woman who works at a very special toy store. The store owner hired a young gentleman to help get the paperwork in order because it had been neglected for years. The gentleman ... Views: 742
I Am Enough
I would LOVE to write a post that has 5 easy steps, or 3 simple ways to evaluate your belief system. From where I sit today, that is simply not possible.
Awareness of self and the belief systems we have is a life's work. It takes time, patience, and commitment to change. This ... Views: 2810
Goal Setting Instruction Booklet
The Long and Short of It
Created By: Sybil R Smith
Have you ever made unrealistic goals?
Do you neglect to make any goals for fear of failing?
I sure have.
When thinking about the future, I am often discouraged because there is so much to do that I ... Views: 1395
Failure is a gift. Really?
The scientific method is the best way to conduct objective research. So we think. Lets pretend you are conducting an experiment. You do some research to educate yourself about a particular topic, and then you make a hypothesis. Next, you set up an experiment in the ... Views: 861
Emotional Detox in 4 Steps
What a funny word! “Detox” has so many negative connotations. In this instance, it means letting go or releasing the unnecessary emotions we gather through the year.
Through the year we accumulate emotions. This is a wonderful thing, as long as we also release ... Views: 1057
Don't Be A Blind Believer
“You gotta stay one step ahead of the competition.”
I heard this on a news broadcast in reference to the fight against crime.
Have you ever asked “why” to this saying? It is a very common saying we have here in America. But why do we say it? Why do we sit by, ... Views: 767
The Art of Letting Go
The 9 Essentials to Release for the Creation of Momentum
Created By: Sybil R. Smith
Thriving in life begins with creating momentum for growth. Momentum comes when we clear out the “junk” of our life. It only comes when there is room to grow.
You know, the stuff ... Views: 536
The 5 Most Important Self Evaluation Lists
Every year, since I was a little girl, I have had a ritual of reviewing the the end of the first week of January. For me, it is the celebration of Epiphany. It has been an incredibly powerful ritual that sets the year in motion. Here is how ... Views: 755
Top 7 Reasons to Celebrate Everything
One of my big missions in life is to see everyone celebrate themselves. When my clients walk in the door of my office or speak with me on the phone, the first thing they hear me say is, “How are you?” I mean this in the most sincere sense of the phrase. ... Views: 828