Have you ever tried creating a new habit, such as eating only healthy food, only to find yourself unable to exert the self-control needed to make the habit permanent? It's not your imagination that you "run out" of willpower!
When you try to improve an aspect of yourself, you face a dilemma. ... Views: 1987
If you believe that greater happiness is something you can achieve on your own, think again. In his groundbreaking A Primer in Positive Psychology, Chris Peterson summarizes positive psychology in three words: "Other people matter." Happiness resides in the individual, in one-on-one ... Views: 6724
In an economic downturn, one of the first budget items to land on the corporate chopping block is employee training. Too often, executives focused on survival believe that they must minimize expenses. They reason that training must not be a necessity -- after all, employees have been able to ... Views: 1115
It's no secret that times are tough. As a whole, people are afraid, uncertain and pessimistic about the future.
No wonder, really. All you need to do is flip on a news program, surf the Internet or stand at the water cooler for two minutes to hear the latest developments in depressing ... Views: 1093