Every single one of my coaching clients hires me because they want something to be different. Whether that's an improved relationship, a better way to handle stress, greater self-knowledge, enhanced well-being, a new job, a new mindset - it all comes down to making changes. Changes that ... Views: 1956
Seems to be the season for relationship break downs around here. I've got a few friends moving like molasses through the pain of separation. I am sad for them, and yet I know there is good stuff lying in wait around the corner.
For my husband Rob, who is a divorce lawyer, and who was divorced ... Views: 1306
Does anyone else wonder what will happen to Apple now that Steve-The-Genius Jobs has passed on? If there is ever to be a test of his leadership, it's now; what survives when the leader doesn't? We may not know for a few years yet.
Here's what has survived - the example he set in his fierce and ... Views: 1453
"How long are you going to put with this?"
I've asked this of clients who complained of cheating partners, of insubordinate staff, of poor health and body image, of cluttered homes.
This is my favourite question to clients who finish a litany of woes. It's a great circuit breaker.
It's ... Views: 1141
Every time a client sits across from me I can see their Inner Rock Star. Clear as a bell. I see their passion, their vigour, their purpose, and the most awesome version of who they are. Present tense.
They don't always see what I do. At first.
Why do we get stuck in self-doubt? Why does ... Views: 1724
This was a question asked by a client about how to 'make the best of a bad situation'.
Great question. The short answer is - you don't.
Dog pooh is dog pooh. You don't want it. You don't like it. And you certainly don't want to eat it.
'But hang on', I hear you say, deliberate creator's ... Views: 1594
I pulled the card "Turning In" from my Zen Osho tarot card pack today. It means that when you stop desiring, when you stop thinking and simply observe the mind, then you achieve a certain type of freedom.
But how do you blend the compulsive, lush, richness of the desires of a glorious ... Views: 1386
What does the Dalai lama say when he's got just half an hour? He speaks from the heart. Here is what he said (and I hung on every word):
1. Money is important but it is not the absolute source of happiness. Love, compassion, and forgiveness give you the emotional strength and freedom to be ... Views: 1424
If you want great results, you need great behaviours/habits, beliefs, values, focus. So how do you cultivate a winning and positive attitude? Sometimes it's born from your environment (if you are very lucky): your parents taught you all about how to identify your soul purpose, were encouraging ... Views: 1295
My clients are achieving amazing results and milestones in their personal and business lives. I am perpetually awe-struck by them and consider it a huge privilege to be part of their experience.
"George" (real name changed to protect his privacy - he likes to keep me as his 'secret weapon') - ... Views: 1220
"Imagination is preview of life's coming attractions." ~ Albert Einstein
My time in Byron Bay cleared the decks for something new. You see, I LOVE my life - wonderful husband, great health and I'm in awesome physical shape (and getting better too!), money flows abundantly, I work with amazing ... Views: 1386
Life sometimes really, really sucks. These are the days when you think you might barely be able to make it through without floundering in tub of your own tears or strangling yourself with the force of angst. And yet by some miracle, you emerge through this chaos.This is what Martha Beck calls in ... Views: 2212
I've been immersed in the Sedona method's "Keep It Simple Sweetheart" Process for the last few weeks. I was asked to review the product. I get asked to review a lot of products and say 'no' a lot too. But Steve Seretan persisted and so I agreed to take a look. I'm glad I did.
The Sedona ... Views: 1346
“I feel like giving up. Throwing in the towel. This business thing is really, really hard.”
Large pregnant pause. You could feel the silence building like the prelude to a hurricane.
My coach said, “If you treated your husband like you treat your business – always pulling the rug out, ... Views: 1226
It took me awhile to figure this out. Abundance is a reflection of the love you flow in your life. The more love you feel, the more abundant riches of all kinds manifest. It's a beautiful relationship - you flow love, and abundance flows back to you.
Before you think I'm going all hippie on ... Views: 1490
When I led canoe trips for a living, one of the first things we taught is that you don't need to put that much pressure in your strokes to change the direction you're going. A little does a lot. And the same thing is true for goals.
Have you made a resolution or goal for this new year? Most ... Views: 1390
Ever get close to your goal, and then find yourself four steps behind? Like you just about reach your financial target and then whammo! The car needs fixing. Or your training is finally on track and poof! You get an injury. Or you meet the nicest guy and kabam! Turns out he's got another girl ... Views: 1647
Here's the thing: we're all way too attached to manifesting stuff.
We get tripped up all the time! We think it's the lover, the car, the job, the money, the hot sexy bod that is going to give us that feeling of joy and excitement.
It's not any of those things.
The #1 Manifestation ... Views: 1543
What is the price you are prepared to pay for your dream to come true?
I'll tell you what I'm NOT prepared to sacrifice: my health, my marriage, my values, my integrity.
Everything else is up for grabs. That means writing articles on weekends while hubby surfs the internet. That means ... Views: 1420
"It's what I am here to do!" she blurted and tears gushed forth.
This was 'Sarah', a client sharing a moment of acknowledgment that she finally knew what she wanted to do with her life. In that instant she accepted she could speak her truth about her soul purpose - not her parents', not her ... Views: 1435
"It is not enough to sit around and believe. Demonstrate trust by listening to your inner guidance and taking action on it."
How's that for a spiritual butt kicking? Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer in their book, "Creating Mo.ney - Attracting Abundance" outline a crucial component of the ... Views: 1660
What is a vision board? It is a visual anchor for your goals.
How a vision board works: We create and attract into our lives what we think and feel about the most. Relying on the the conscious mind to stay focused on one thought is really like trying to herd chickens - you tend to go all over ... Views: 4705
Olivia Bartlett-Marques is a remarkable woman. She hasn't let any social norms affect a passionate vision of her life. She started in the fitness industry at seventeen, and became the Managing Director and partner in the burgeoning business, TEAM Fitness, at just 21. At 24 she took out the ... Views: 1525
It started off badly. I took a phone call from a sales rep who talked really quickly and wanted me to sign up on the spot for the unbelievably-amazing-super-duper-offer. My spider senses were tingling, and I backed off and used the great pause button, "I must talk with my husband."
Not taking ... Views: 2712
Fighting cancer is not the best way to heal. Think about it: if you've got a broken ankle do you try to force it to mend? If you've got a cold, do you fight it into submission? If you've got diarrhea to you challenge it to a duel?
Healing occurs in a restful, peaceful state. 'Fighting' isn't ... Views: 2328
This is not another article about 'active listening'. You know all the tips already - pay attention, nod, open body position, ask questions, acknowledge, clarify, paraphrase, encourage. This message takes listening to a deeper, more magnetic level that creates deep, authentic connection.
The ... Views: 2847
When I think 'resistance' what comes to mind is the French Resistance: a bunch of intrepid and dedicated underground rebels fighting for the freedom of their country - all with a certain 'je ne sais quoi' and irresistible French accents...
But that's only good in the movies. Dealing with ... Views: 1864
So the poop has hit the twirly thing and you're feeling kind of narked about life and all.
Who do you turn to for advice? Better question, who is worth turning to for advice?
If you've got a sage and sober wizened old soul in to ring up, then kudos to you. Maybe you've got a wise old dad ... Views: 2153
I read in the Good Vibe University recently that when you pray for courage, what the Universe gives you is a situation where you get the opportunity to be courageous. Likewise if you pray for strength, you'll be thrust into situations that require strength.
It's better to skip all that and go ... Views: 2597
What do you most regret and feel guilty for? If you said 'nothing' then you are a rare human indeed. Go clone yourself - the world needs you.
Many of my clients are racked by the shenanigans of past woes - real and imagined. It keeps them miserable and self-flagellating.
And here's the ... Views: 2476
This is what happened: When I was at Outward Bound, "Jonas" was an off-the-wall instructor who had a good heart, bad habits, and (in my opinion) a skewed view of the world. He was caught smoking (a big no-no on a non-smoking property), he enjoyed a bit of pot - ok, a lot of pot, and the ... Views: 1240
Leading can be difficult and painful – hence the notion of 'crucible' experiences: an event that was challenging or even harrowing acts as a transformational experience, much like a crucible provides a container for huge temperatures that initiate a re-structure of its contents.
Leaders too ... Views: 1275
Many of my clients share their deepest dreams that they have shelved and buried deep.
I always ask, "hmmm..why?"
The answers is inevitably, "because..."
Because the kids need new shoes and and braces.
Because my mortgage is still over $200,000.
Because I need to provide a home and ... Views: 1326
I am a huge fan of Tudor England. Who knew a bunch of stinky, violent, and paranoid 500 year old wanna-be royals could be so compelling? And yet they hold a secret for manifestation and leadership.
It's in the rawness of the stories we find some fundamental truths.
King Henry VIII ... Views: 1401
Have you got a to-do list? Or maybe five of them? (one for work, one for home, one for projects, that pile of mail, all those emails...)
As leaders we can get very bogged down in crap that sucks our energy and time, before we ever do anything meaningful. So here is my quick list for you to ... Views: 1358
Ever got stuck mulling a problem over and over and over? And then tarted thinking about it again only to get stuck all over again?
Yup - been there, done that!
It's not that there is no solution, but you need to change the way you are thinking, how you are focusing. And the quality of ... Views: 1521
You've seen them - buttoned up and squeezed into that blue suit uniform - men and women at networking functions, business lunches, board rooms, and the ubiquitous blue suit conference.
It's a sea of uniformity, stoic observation of tradition and formality, toeing the party line, maintaining ... Views: 1450
I couldn't believe my eyes - the email read - "I'm feeling so disheartened lately. I have not hit any of my goals. I missed my personal best by 25 seconds. My list of contacts has not been growing at the same rate. I haven't reached my revenue targets."
Can you relate? Have you got goals you ... Views: 1927
I confess - I am no good at receiving compliments. I've trained myself to say 'thanks' instead of 'it's nothing' but I'm still usually in shock. Love my article? But it's just what I do day in day out. You find my coaching insightful and powerful? But I just tell it how I see it. Love my ... Views: 1364
Ever wonder how some people seem to always get their own way? They seem to glide easily through life, gathering supporters and fans as they go.
Their secret?
Influence. Whether you want to make an impact on your family or on your organisation, influence is critical.
Here are five ... Views: 1359
When my client asked me what I see as mistakes that people make in leadership roles, one example jumped to the fore - 'Sally'. Observing Sally is like watching a train smash in slow motion. She demonstrates the first two top leadership mistakes. The remaining one comes from examples closer to ... Views: 1498
You can sense Roslyn from out in the carpark. She is a tornado of stress and drama. Her energy whips up a frenzy around her and the more intense the chaos, the more focused she becomes in the eye of the storm. And when she leaves, there is an eerie stillness.
Roslyn's vibrational signature is ... Views: 1754
Getting what you want involves being deliberate and focused with your intentions. You get clear, you get excited, you take inspired action, and things manifest.
And then sometimes life whacks you with a wet fish that knocks you flat.
Like how I was busy and enthralled with my work at ... Views: 1378
Have you ever been around someone who seems to generate their own positive stratosphere? Someone you can't help being drawn to, appreciating their words of wisdom as well as their very presence? I've had a few coaches that fit the bill. And the odd stand-out colleague. They're the ones where you ... Views: 1256
Do you have a very strong locus of control? You know - you feel absolutely in control of your own destiny, know how to influence, make decisions, take risks, create results...
I'm a bit like that.
OK, a lot like that.
I've been an independent little tot since I was able to walk. Mum had ... Views: 2169
What are you hanging on to? For years my Dad told this story about his neighbour who stole his toy lawnmower and got away with it! Forty years later he was still indignant about the unfairness of it, how cheated he felt, the resentment he had about his mother who did not believe him and clipped ... Views: 2983
Do you follow your head or your heart?
My friend Karim told me about his adventures in India where each day he'd wake up, pull out a rupee coin, and make a decision based on how the coin landed when he flipped it. Heads, he wore the blue shirt, tails he wore the green one. Heads - toast for ... Views: 1364
Are you a chronic personal development junky? Do you have a pile of self-help books on your shelves? Are you still looking for that elusive 'secret'? How much have you actually implemented?
I confess, that has been me too. I'm addicted to the self-help section. I gobble up books, programs, ... Views: 1458
That's what is written on my new Holosync meditation CDs. How cool is that? What a terrific positive affirming message. I felt all warm and googly inside.
But what the heck does that actually mean?
What's wrong with the old me?
Actually, nothing.
The old me worked just fine. It got ... Views: 1284
What are you most stuck on? You know - the thing that lingers like a bad biting smell... And no matter what you do to shift it, it still stinks.
Chances are it's your personal demon with its barbed tail firmly wrapped around your brain, spewing out hellfire and misery whenever you want to ... Views: 6528