I recently had a conversation with a friend who shared with me a better solution for how another friend should have planned her day. My response was that I use enough energy to plan my own life – I don’t have the time or inclination to work out how others could have done things better, ... Views: 1238
Wow! 2012.
I feel like I’ve lived a year already in only two months. And from what I’m hearing, I’m not the only one. This year is turning out to be vibrant, satisfying and full of change.
We’re starting a family in a couple of months and have bought a new home. I’ve written and submitted ... Views: 1001
I’m watching ‘American Idol’ again and am often asked WHY in astonishment. The show remains a great metaphor for how to create your life and actively participate in it – according to your dream.
Stephen Covey says to begin with the end in mind. All the kids dream of being the ‘next American ... Views: 1064
A friend of mine takes her two-year old daughter to dance classes on a Monday. Reports are that although she’s not particularly good at dancing, she loves the activity and the classes. She lets herself do whatever she pleases on the ‘dance floor’ and laughs at herself. My friend gets just as ... Views: 2264
A number of months ago, while duty-free shopping at Singapore airport, my husband said to me, “Choose yourself some perfumes. I’ll buy them for you.”
“How many?” I responded excitedly.
“Whatever you want,” he casually responded browsing the aisles.
Greedily I grabbed a basket and started ... Views: 1280
I once heard a comment passed between friends ‘Just wait till you have kids of your own and you’ll be moaning about your husband like the rest of us.”
Although the comment was said in jest, I was still a little surprised at it and wondered when we’d gotten so passive about our lives. ... Views: 1255
Spring is by far my favourite season. It signifies new beginnings, longer days, green shoots, buds and leaves. New life is forming everywhere.
I wait for Spring throughout winter. I feel like I come out hibernation in some ways. Some of the specialness about Spring relates to both hope and ... Views: 1101
I recently saw a wonderful example demonstrating the limitations we experience if we live by perception and projection alone. I was reminded of how misguided and often, judgmental they can be.
A member of the audience was upset at how one of the workshop leaders had spoken to another member ... Views: 1072
Sitting in a coffee shop last week with a friend we watched as an elderly lady shuffled in. She looked disoriented and slowly glanced over the group of people sitting at the tables. We caught her eye and she unsteadily made her way towards us.
“Are you OK?” we asked.
“I’m looking for St John ... Views: 1197
Oh – and company.
In fact, I already do this – and even more than one mile. I belong to a Saturday morning walking group that meets early in the morning before the heat (in summer) and the rain (in winter) sets in.
We actually walk 5 miles before we’re ‘allowed’ to have coffee – arguably ... Views: 1179
Walking into Kylie Minogue’s concert a few evenings ago, I walked past two teenage girls stepping into a floodlit area.
“Hey! Look at my shadow!” the one shouted excitedly to her friend, as they played with the way the lights fell around them.
Being a coach who works a lot with the shadow ... Views: 946
I forgot a friend’s birthday this month. A friend that I’ve known for over 20 years.
I really have no excuse, as it just so happens that 7 birthdays of close friends and family fall in the first week of January. So I’m usually prepared for this week and quite aware of each birthday on each ... Views: 1146
There is a new Australian TV series called “Spirited’ which illustrates a relationship of sorts, between Henry (a ghost) and Suzy (the only person who can see him).
Henry is trapped in ghost-format in Suzy’s apartment because it appears he needs to resolve some life issues still. He’s stuck in ... Views: 1073
I babysat a friend’s 16-month old daughter on Saturday night. Being inexperienced in this realm, there’s always a smidgen of anxiety regrading this responsibility, but Lauren made it easy for me. She’s not yet able to talk properly, but can definitely demonstrate what she wants!
• She wanted ... Views: 789
“I lead a small life, but a valuable one. Do I do it because I like it – or because I haven’t been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of what I read in a book – and I wonder, ‘Shouldn’t it be the other way round?’”
These are the words Meg Ryan sends to her online friend in the movie, ... Views: 1142
It’s Christmas Time – or ‘the holidays’ – or the Festive Season. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s a time of the year that has significance in our calendar.
Robert Holden said that it’s a time when your life seems to come under a magnifying glass. You tend to ask questions of yourself and ... Views: 1500
I forgot a friend’s birthday this month. A friend that I’ve known for over 20 years.
I really have no excuse, as it just so happens that 7 birthdays of close friends and family fall in the first week of January. So I’m usually prepared for this week and quite aware of each birthday on each ... Views: 993
Being exposed to so many things American most us know that this time of the year is celebrated with Thanksgiving in the US.
This modern holiday traces its origins from a 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation, where the Plymouth settlers held a harvest feast celebrating a successful ... Views: 918
Being exposed to so many things American most us know that this time of the year is celebrated with Thanksgiving in the US.
This modern holiday traces its origins from a 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation, where the Plymouth settlers held a harvest feast celebrating a successful ... Views: 918
I recently spent a week in the African bush re-experiencing things that I’d almost forgotten about. Bush safari experiences are special for me as I’m transported into a different world. A world where man is insignificant and nature rules.
This magic world, once again, showed me insights of ... Views: 985
I often tell a story about a grandmother who once told me, “I don’t need Life-Coaching as I’ve finally learned to say NO. Especially to my family!”
I laughed at this comment, appreciating the inherent wisdom in it.
The ability to say no, with suitable assertiveness, compassion and respect is ... Views: 1374
Today (May 31st) is officially ‘Quit Facebook Day’ - and with Facebook continually in the media gathering the popularity (or notoriety) that it has, I’ve started to wonder what it’s really all about.
Facebook, being everywhere, is now part and parcel of our society today. Most organisations ... Views: 937
I started writing this article on the drive down to Busselton for the Half-Ironman event this weekend.
Being the day before the event, the conversations in the car milled around the usual topics that pre-race jitters bring up: training dramas; personal timing; event pacing; food need before ... Views: 1415
I have an addiction. A public addiction.
I watch American Idol – despite being a few years (er.. decades) beyond the target audience.
This may be justification, but the main reason I enjoy it so much is seeing the personal transformation each individual goes through (Internally and ... Views: 899
Within a short space of time I’ve experienced two extreme contrasts. The simple family home life of a Cambodian Tuk-Tuk driver as well as the pomp and ceremony of the Mardi Gras in Sydney. The poverty and simplicity on the one hand and a lavish parade highlighting the need for human rights and ... Views: 861
During January I encountered numerous people in the throes of huge life change, such as:
- changing or losing jobs
- starting own businesses
- babies born to first time parents
On a much smaller scale, I joined a new, large gym and caught myself feeling slightly out of sorts about my first ... Views: 901
After spending three weeks in Vietnam and Cambodia a single word that really stands out for me is contrast. Contrast within each country as well as to ours.
Travelling in a group of course also presents contrasting personalities. I took this opportunity (and there always is one) to learn ... Views: 762
The personal development industry has grown in the last number of years. More and more people are starting to understand the importance of “growing yourself in order to grow your world”.
Many aspects of personal development work are designed around WHAT you want in life. You’re encouraged to ... Views: 948