A few weeks ago I posted about my “Ultimate Manifestation Experiment”. My experiment was posting my heart’s desire at the moment – obtaining a 3 day a week job in my current field - which would allow me to pursue other priorities in my life right now. I asked the Universe for this opportunity ... Views: 954
Do you believe you have a dark side? It doesn’t even matter if you do. Everyone has a dark side. Your dark side is where all your less desirable emotions hang out. Jealousy, anger, envy - name anything you think is nasty - it is there. The biggie, the root of all lack is also lurking there. ... Views: 1870
I am so thankful for Abraham-Hicks! Earlier I had written about desiring a 3 day-a-week job, so I could continue to sustain myself in my current field, while I transitioned into different and unknown work.
Since that earlier post though, things had degenerated for me. Every morning, when I ... Views: 1372
I’m totally exposing myself, as I’m posting about my biggest desire. It is the one thing, I dearly wish the Universe to deliver to me.
I started focusing on this goal in February 2010, as it seems like it is the key to take me to the next level in the aligning with my authentic self. My ... Views: 1276