Over the years, I’ve discovered three actions that can guarantee your happiness. To start off, it’s important for you to know that happiness is a skill that anybody can learn. Most people believe that happiness is some kind of circumference that is outside of yourself. To be happy, many people ... Views: 2020
I’d like to invite you to release your body fascination, so that you can become a happier human being. Your body is a part of the earth. It’s doing whatever it’s doing. You can certainly manipulate it into different forms, that’s for sure. We’ve seen people become stunning bodybuilders. We’ve ... Views: 1648
Tonight was a powerful reminder to keep my emotions under control I allowed The Drunk Monkey to derail my emotions and i suddenly found myself stopped at every step of my trip. When I finally released my resistance, the results were magical. Heres what happened.
I arrived at the airport later ... Views: 1606
There are five steps that I say will help you to eliminate your anxiety. After working with more than 8,000 people and coaching them on a weekly basis to live in states of happiness and peace, and succeed at the highest levels, I can tell you, I’ve dealt with a lot of people with ... Views: 1800
Getting a job will not make you happy. I know many of you think that it will, but it won’t. In fact, I was reading a survey done by Deliotte Shift. It was a index survey, and they discovered that eight percent of the people who are employed today are dissatisfied with their job. Why? Because ... Views: 1636
So many times my clients say to me, “Well, Matthew, you know, this is just a means to an end. I’m doing this business. I’m doing this project because where it’s going to get me is where I want to go.” You know what I say to that? Means to an end equals suffering. It means suffering today. And ... Views: 1420
How do you pick a life coach? I think that the main thing you need to do is decide what exactly you want to get out of the life coach process. For example, my specialty in the process is happiness and peace, and then utilizing that to be an action. But that’s not everybody’s specialty. I have a ... Views: 1347
As a child, whenever you were given something tangible (gifts) or intangible (compliments), you were taught to always acknowledge it by saying 'thanks' or 'thank you' because it was the right thing to do. You were being polite. But did you know that being thankful or grateful has other effects ... Views: 1533
Do you find yourself always saying 'yes' to other people's requests? Are you up to your eyes doing errands for others because you just cannot turn them down and say 'no'? Looking back on your life and the decisions you made in the past, Have you pursued a path – career or personal – that was ... Views: 3395
How do you love the work that you do? So often the work that you are doing doesn’t feel like it is necessarily your life’s purpose. And yet, you were drawn to this work. If you’re interested in finding work that is your life purpose, and you don’t feel like you are there yet, there is a way to ... Views: 1490
So what actions can you take today to immediately take advantage of the power of gratitude? The first thing that I’d recommend is something that I recommend to all of my coaching students when they come to me. That is the 10/10 visualization process.
I’ve coached 8,000 people over the years, ... Views: 1694
I completed my first marathon back in 1999 and I remember calling my mom and saying to her, “Oh my gosh! I completed my first marathon! It’s such a victory! It’s so amazing!” And she’s like, “It is! It’s huge! It’s so amazing, congratulations!” And I said, “Yes, especially since my knee has been ... Views: 1159
God helps those who help themselves. You ever heard that before?
I notice with some of my clients are visioning, visualizing, writing out their goals and affirmations, but they’re not taking any action. They aren’t getting the results that they want.
Now, I notice that also there’s another ... Views: 2276
A lot of my clients come to me and they’re just like the rest of us; they have a big life. They’re up to things and they’re taking things on. When you get a lot of projects going, it’s so easy to get stressed.
There are physical ways to combat stress. There’s exercise, diet, meditation, ... Views: 1206
In life coaching, your coach simply wants the best for you. But your mind is not designed for change. Your mind is designed to keep things the same. Your mind is designed to keep things going in a similar direction, because your mind is designed to keep you safe.
The problem is that when you ... Views: 1042
As a life coach, my job is to help you remove barriers to happiness and success. One big barrier is your mind. I often ask my new clients, “Have you ever considered that your mind is not your friend?” Most are stunned by the idea of it. Your mind, which I call The Drunk Monkey, is just a ... Views: 1798
As a life coach who has had more than 8300 over the last 16 years, I can tell you with certainty that three simple shifts in your point of view will cure your recession blues, lift your spirits and get you back on the road to a personal recession recovery plan.
The first shift is towards ... Views: 2086
As a life coach, I help clients understand what their true passion in life is, and then help them set their life up so that their passion can exist within the structure of their life.
Now, this is not easy, because our life is currently designed to perpetuate the commitments that we've ... Views: 1434
All the top sales people who are committed to having a fulfilling experience in life are in a life coaching program. Well, I say all and that is a bold statement. I’ll explain.
So many of the top salespeople I have worked with don’t care about having a fulfilling experience. They care about ... Views: 1234
As a life coach, I help clients understand what their true passion in life is, and then help them set their life up so that their passion can exist within the structure of their life.
Now, this is not easy, because our life is currently designed to perpetuate the commitments that we've made ... Views: 933
As an Inspired Action life coach, my job is to assist my clients in action on their goals and dreams. This is not easy to do because most people have been trained to motivate themselves to take action.
The problem is that motivation doesn't last. Motivation is like utilizing sugar in your ... Views: 992
As an executive coach, I notice one shift in mindset can translate to amazing results. As a life coach, I see people experiencing so much joy, love, peace and happiness in all areas of their lives – business, home, relationships with others, health. Setting the Law of Attraction into motion to ... Views: 1404
As a life coach, my job is to support my clients in getting inspired and empowered to take action on their most cherished dreams. Fear gets in the way.
You know what you want. In fact, most of the time, you even know what to do to get what you want, but you get stopped by fear, doubt and ... Views: 1334
As an Inspired Action life coach, my job is to support my clients in living a life of happiness, joy, peace, and most importantly, bliss. The dictionary defines bliss as supreme happiness. Most people don't have an experience with bliss. Most people don't know what bliss even is.
It is that ... Views: 900
As a life coach, part of my job is to support my clients in having amazing relationships with everyone in their life. But often I find that a person's primary relationship with their spouse, lover, or partner is the most significant and influential.
If you are not in a good place in your ... Views: 1633
When I have clients who are feeling sorry for themselves, I pose the question “If Picasso were in jail, would he still create?” Some say, “No, he wouldn’t.” Others say “If Picasso was in jail, he wouldn’t be able to create the same way, and therefore his creations would not be of the same ... Views: 955
As an Inspired Action life coach, I support people with the process of transmuting their anger and moving back towards being happy, positive, fulfilled, and satisfied. This is not always easy to do, but many successfully happy people have created strategies that assist them in moving out of the ... Views: 1603
Have you ever driven to a sales appointment with your mind focused on how badly the market is doing? Have you driven to a sales appointment harried, exhausted and unsure of your ability to close the deal, even though you have sold your product for years?
Today’s market economy can put doubt ... Views: 1647
As an Inspired Action life coach, my job is to help my clients successfully transition from the life that they currently have to the life they want. This means confronting and conquering the fear of change. Think about it like this. Even though your goals and dreams are exciting to think and ... Views: 1131
Executive Leadership Coaching removes all the barriers to inspiration. When the leader is inspired, the energy of that inspiration pours through and energizes the entire company. Results naturally skyrocket.
Executive leadership coaching is a powerful tool for creating that energy and ... Views: 1033
Life coaching starts with a rigorous examination of your entire life. You will identify everything that is standing in the way of living the life of your dreams.
Working with your coach, you will uncover what is working and what is not working. You will spend some time getting clear about ... Views: 941
I answered this on Yahoo Answers and I thought you might enjoy my thoughts.
“A friend recently introduced me to The Secret: Law of attraction, a concept I found extremely interesting. Upon further research, I found that it is strongly linked with the new thought movement. Both of these ... Views: 941
One source of immeasurable misery in relationships is thinking that the past will repeat itself. Sorry… People have changed, life is different, and nothing is the same today as it was yesterday.
WARNING! Listen to The Drunk Monkey in your head. Mine says “Matthew Ferry, you are insane! ... Views: 1417
There are two ways you can approach life. You can approach life as if you are at the effect of things or like you are the cause of things. Both are true. The way you focus creates your reality. It’s clear that you are being the cause of your life because you are reading this blog about self ... Views: 956
I received this question from a client…
“I was in bed thinking about my 5-year-old and the problems he is having with interpersonal relationships at school and a little bit with his nanny. He seems to talk back and he can be a tyrant. Also he is not quite a big follower of authority. I know ... Views: 887
I’m sitting in row 20 seat E. That’s the middle seat at the back of the plane. This morning, not knowing what seat my assistant had booked me for this trip I wrote in my intentions, rather spontaneously, “I am so thankful to the universe for providing me with first class seats on the way up ... Views: 886
I answered this on Yahoo Answers and I thought you might enjoy my thoughts.
“A friend recently introduced me to The Secret: Law of attraction, a concept I found extremely interesting. Upon further research, I found that it is strongly linked with the new thought movement. Both of these ... Views: 1471
I’m sitting in row 20 seat E. That’s the middle seat at the back of the plane. This morning, not knowing what seat my assistant had booked me for this trip I wrote in my intentions, rather spontaneously, “I am so thankful to the universe for providing me with first class seats on the way up ... Views: 1367
Divorce can be brutal on you emotionally. When my first wife divorced me, I was devistated for a couple years. Needless to say, back then I did not understand how to feel bliss and all I had was anger, doubt, fear, disappointment and hurt feelings.
That was 14 years ago and it was the ... Views: 1072
As a life coach, my job is to help people see beyond their limitations and ultimately live in a state of happiness and peace. The problem is that most people are con artists and they don’t know it. The dictionary defines con artist as a person adept at lying or glib self-serving talk.
Most ... Views: 1766
Two months ago I published 10 ways you let fear get a hold of you. I continue this exploration with 9 Conditions of Fear.
As a Life Coach, my intention is to demonstrate the conditions that make fear more favorable. In phase III of the Inspired Action Coaching process my coaches and I work ... Views: 998
Deluxe. Several times I was moved, elated, bouncing and feeling so happy being right here, right now.
In the last month I read all four Twilight books and I was so blown away by how it made me feel.
I’m sitting here thinking. Where have I been? What have I been doing? What have I been ... Views: 911
The Drunk Monkey (your mind) is a survival machine. It’s job is to protect you from possible destruction. Therefore, it is totally addicted to the news. The news organizations have realized that sensationalized news hooks their viewers Drunk Monkeys.
The news has no commitment to truth. It ... Views: 876
As a life coach, I help my clients get into harmony with everyone in their life as soon as possible. Once you have achieved harmony with all the people in your life, everything you do is easier and comes together faster. So here it is.
To gain forgiveness with your parents is very simple ... Views: 1221
Last night I had one of those nights where my mind worried. Using my techniques I didn’t pay much attention. But I use to get gripped by the madness. Laying there not able to do anything about any concern because it’s midnight, I’m in my PJ’s and I’m trying to go to sleep for god sake!. ... Views: 947
I just finished creating my goals and intentions for the Second Quarter of 2010. I started by assessing my Q1. In doing so I realized that I wasn’t living my over arching intention for 2010. I have two signs in front of my computer screens…
1. Simplicity
2. My time is valuable
In the first ... Views: 912
Complaints are normal. Everyone complains. If you listen to the random thoughts in your head, which I call The Drunk Monkey, you will hear thousands of complaints a day.
It’s natural. Complaints are aspects of your experience that The Drunk Monkey disagrees with. Life happens, people do ... Views: 1564
Because of the nature of my training and coaching programs, many of my clients come to me with a very spiritual perspective on things. The promise of a spiritual perspective is that you will feel more connected, more loved, more joyous, and feel a sense of oneness. Yet, many spiritual people ... Views: 1122
As a Life Coach, this is where I find people. Great lives born out of negative pasts.
If your past sucked, then you benefited and your life is better today because of it. Having a negative childhood is almost always the best thing that ever happens to someone. The contrast you experience ... Views: 1498
I’ve got a group of people working with me in my Transforming Fear into Action Class. Their assignment is to think of four outrageous actions that would catapult their life forward. Many were having troubles, even after we went through their entire life, rated their level of satisfaction in each ... Views: 981