Have any idea what that one resolution could be? Patience? Faith? Intention? Action? Courage? While all of these are wonderful attributes, and definitely add a critical element to our accomplishments, none of them are the one resolution that’s needed. The only arrow required to shoot straight to the center of all your targets is evolution. Resolve to evolve. That’s it. It’s that simple. Courageously resolve to evolve. When we are learning, we are growing, and when we are growing, we are moving towards our goals. So many of us aspire to do more, spend more time with family & loved ones, lose weight, travel, quit a nasty habit, start a relationship, end a relationship, or start some sort of self improvement program, but set ourselves up to fail before we even start.

Without a clear and concrete plan of action, we are merely making the normal and so outdated fluff & stuff resolutions. “I’m going to really really lose weight this year. Really I am. I mean I know I said that last year, but, this year, well this year is different. It is. Really. I mean it. I’m not sure how much I’m going to lose, but it’s going to be a lot!” Then after a few weeks of running circles around the gym with no clear direction or plan….we choose out and fall back into our old habits and patterns. Sound familiar? Or ending a destructive relationship, learning a new skill to advance your career, etc. The desired outcomes may differ, but the principles are the same. When we are aiming for the center, we begin by pulling back on the bow. The farther back we pull the bow, the more focused we become, the more concise the impact when we let go. By pulling back, by courageously looking at ourselves and our goals through the eyes of truth, the more guaranteed we are to hit our marks.

2011 offers so many promises. So many opportunities for growth, love, relationships, health, career, whatever it is, as long as your chosen resolve is to evolve, your target becomes clear and attainable. Take a little time to step back from your fears. Quiet the cast of fictional characters playing re-runs in your mind. Become an observer for a few moments, and get clear with what matters for your evolution. The first and most crucial step is awakening to the truth. Not the watered down version of the truth. Not what others want to hear as the truth. Your truth. And trust yourself. Your higher self knows what lies you have been buying into up until now. What is it going to take for you to be happy? To truthfully be happy? To experience joy? To build & grow your financial landscape? To nurture your health for optimal performance? To pursue your life’s passion? To create a relationship so delicious that it makes Hollywood salivate for what you have? To live a life of excellence? To live a life of excellence we must choose to excel. To move through the lies in every area of our lives.

Are you finding that you are always busy doing, yet the results at the end of the day are anything but excellent? Do your days find you drained by nightfall? Is the chaos your swimming in beginning to feel as though you have cement shoes on? Where are you in respects to your emotional growth? Spiritual? Mental, and physical? This year is about renewing, restructuring, reviewing, rebuilding, results and rewards. Are you so busy bending over for others that you have no time for yourself? How exhausting is that? Are you fed up with being Mr./Ms. Fixit? Or molding yourself into the image that others want you to be? Time for your evolution. Time for breakthrough. It’s a new year. A New You. Get real so you can live a real life.

Write your top 10 values in life. Your personal virtues that you and those around you must live by. What are they? Get very clear with what matters to you. Take some quiet time to get in touch with your values. What makes up your value system? Once you have your top 10, choose 3. Choose the three that are your absolute deal breaking non-negotiables. Now you can create a solid action plan to achieve, obtain and move towards your goals. Apply these three to every situation, circumstance, life decision or choice you are about to make and you will begin to move towards your goals and begin building momentum for your desired results. The first step may be a little scary at first. This is totally understandable and will get easier with each honest step you take. Each time you speak from your truth, you will begin to walk with a greater sense of ease, of peace, of clarity and of grace. Confidence is built with movement. Honesty takes strength. The strength that comes from your truth.

Honesty also takes courage. The courage of knowing that you are safe speaking, walking and living from your integrity. Your values. Your target will become clear. Your choices, naturally, better. Conducive and supportive of your personal goals, dreams, hopes and desires. Those that have weighed you down, that which has kept you stuck, will instantaneously lighten up so you can let go. Let go so you can grow. Evolve. Your sights become fixed, arrow becomes locked in and SHAAAZAM!! BULLSEYE :)

If you are ready to make 2011 the year you truthfully and joyfully take yourself on, turn the heat up to a healthy notch, and let go of a life by default, creating instead a life that you design, I am accepting applications for a limited amount of new clients and projects. For more information on my elite coaching programs or to set up a consult, please email me @ stacie@staciecampanelli.com

Here’s to creating a powerful year and making GREAT choices!


Author's Bio: 

*Author/Writer* 5 Star Succes Coach(tm) Speaker* Women's Empowerment Leader * Feng Shui Expert * Mompreneur. Successful Mompreneur of five better than beautiful children (two 'bonus' children) & three grander than Grandchildren, I took a 30+ year history of Domestic Violence & Trauma and turned it into a new life of Women's Empowerment & Transformational Leadership. I have been well seasoned and trained in Discovery processing, Intensive Breakthrough & Leadership strategies as well as intensive Relationship Training. I am a leader of leaders and being gifted with an innate ability to see & connect with people at their emotional core, I am able to assist them in breaking through lifelong barriers and blocks. All of which have kept them in a state of longing, pain, turmoil, grief & suffering. As a coach & teacher in group settings as well as individual, I teach & show exactly how to make love a habit. I empower lives through writing, teaching and speaking. Educating others using entertainment and inspiration is my passion.