Twenty Choices You Can Make to Increase Happiness
In our pursuit of happiness we must first realize and accept that being happy is a deliberate choice; a choice we make every moment of every day. There are many strategies to help make attaining that goal possible. Following is a list of ... Views: 840
Ten Ways to Prevent Narcissistic Re-victimization
One of the greatest fears of those in recovery from narcissistic abuse is re-victimization. People feel powerless against the covert mind control used by narcissists to trap unknowing victims. Knowledge is power. Awareness is protection. ... Views: 1728
Take The Quiz
To find out if you are suffering from relationship codependency, please answer yes or no to the following twenty questions:
Do you put others’ feelings, desires and needs before your own?
Are you drawn to relationships with people who lack stability and/or are ... Views: 1146
Do you suspect that you are suffering emotional abuse from someone who has narcissistic personality disorder? Here are twenty of the most common behaviors you may be experiencing:
Does he rage when his opinion, point of view, or idea is challenged, even slightly?
Is she emotionally ... Views: 1072
Narcissists feel no more love for the people they have relationships with than they do for strangers. They may use the word “love” to express their feelings, and they may at times demonstrate appropriate loving behavior, but it is a ruse. They are emotionally unequipped to love anyone but ... Views: 1040
Isolation, Loneliness, and Disconnection in the Aftermath of Narcissistic Abuse
Written by Randi G. Fine, Author of Close Encounters of the Worst Kind
Every survivor of narcissistic abuse experiences feelings of isolation, loneliness, and disconnection in the beginning stages of the ... Views: 1211
Through a Simple Twist of Faith
The conclusion of a three-part article written by Randi G. Fine
I should have seen the writing on the wall and planned an exit strategy long before I needed it but I had not. Financially dependent and deeply in denial I lingered until the very last second. ... Views: 1019
Through a Simple Twist of Faith
Part two of a three-part article written by Randi G. Fine
Some who suffer adversity have had their lives negatively altered by an identifiable, pivotal event. Others gradually lose their foothold over a period of years. Though unaware that it was happening ... Views: 1177
Through a Simple Twist of Faith
Part one of a three-part article written by Randi G. Fine
I was born into a highly observant Jewish family. My mother’s father, a Lithuanian immigrant, was a pious man. He was a cantor by trade—an ordained Jewish clergy with a magnificent voice who joined ... Views: 921
Recovering From Relationship Codependency
(Codependency Part Two)
written by Randi G. Fine
Originally published on Life As A Human
Codependency is an emotional disorder that begins forming in childhood, but it does not reveal itself until a person starts having adult ... Views: 1339
Confusion and Disappointment of Love Addiction
(Codependency Part One)
written by Randi G Fine,
originally published on Life As A Human
Have you ever believed that you could love someone enough to fix whatever is wrong in their life? Do you have the ability or tendency to deny and ... Views: 1438
You Are Living Your Life But Are You Living Your Legacy?
Conclusion of a Three Part Article Written by Randi G. Fine
You may not realize it but your life has been influenced by or benefited from the lives of those who have gone before you; your parents, grandparents, great grandparents. They ... Views: 1045
You Are Living Your Life But Are You Living Your Legacy?
Part Two of a Three Part Article Written by Randi G. Fine
A life lived virtuously and consciously ripples and reverberates eternal. That is the legacy of unsung heroes.
That is one of the legacies I hope to leave behind and try to ... Views: 948
You Are Living Your Life But Are You Living Your Legacy?
Part One of a Three Part Article Written by Randi G. Fine
Have you ever asked yourself what your ultimate purpose is; what you are supposed to add to this world and what imprint you will leave on it? Are you living the legacy you hope ... Views: 1096
Addictive Personalities
Conclusion of a Three Part Article Written by Randi G. Fine
Deep down inside people with addictions know that what they are doing is wrong. They know that their behaviors, choices, and actions are hurting them and their loved ones. But the need to feed their addiction ... Views: 1000
Addictive Personalities
Part Two of a Three Part Article Written by Randi G. Fine
Much has been written about genetic predisposition and its relationship to addictive personalities. Having an addict in the family does not guarantee that everyone in the family will become addicts. But many ... Views: 1062
Addictive Personalities
Part One of a Three Part Article Written by Randi G. Fine
How do you envision someone with an addictive personality? Do you picture an alcoholic, someone strung out on drugs, a chain smoker, or a gambler down on his luck?
Addictive behaviors are commonly thought of ... Views: 1418
Domestic Abuse and Violence
From Seduction to Survival, Part Three
Written by Randi G. Fine
Domestic abuse creates a complex emotional and psychological syndrome in victims that makes their reality very difficult to accept. Victims believe that if they do and say all the right things, the ... Views: 1180
Domestic Abuse and Violence
From Seduction to Survival, Part Two
Written by Randi G. Fine
There isn’t any accurate way to predict who will abuse and who won’t. What we do know is that children who have grown up with abusive role models and learned that violence in a relationship is normal ... Views: 1105
Domestic Abuse and Violence
From Seduction to Survival, Part One
Written by Randi G. Fine
One out of every four women will experience domestic abuse or domestic violence sometime in her life. Although women are more commonly victimized, roughly two out of every five domestic abuse victims ... Views: 1129
Making Difficult, Courageous Decisions
Written by Randi G. Fine
A life rooted in faith, love, and honor is one of compassion and acceptance; one that values and respects others for their intelligence, strength, and courage. ~Randi G. Fine
Finding the courage to make a difficult decision, ... Views: 1219
Life Transitions
Written by Randi G. Fine
Transition is uncomfortable and difficult but nothing in life would exist without it.
Transitions have beginnings and ends. We cannot possibly know what is in store for us, but hindsight of our past will assure us that everything will work out ... Views: 1171
Life Transitions
Written by Randi G. Fine
Life is a series of beginnings and endings. Seasons change; trees blossom and then go barren, flowers bloom and then go dormant, day turns to night, years begin and they end, we are born and we die.
Endings are not sudden, nor are beginnings. They ... Views: 1156
Can Your Children Be Honest?
Parenting Advice: Establishing Open Communication and Trust
Written by Randi G Fine
Children go through phases, particularly during their adolescent years, when they see no logical or justifiable reason to communicate with their parents for any reason other ... Views: 954
Recognizing the Red Flags
Article Written by Randi G. Fine
Author of Close Encounters of the Worst Kind: The Narcissistic Abuse Survivor’s Guide to Healing and Recovery
Narcissists are everywhere. These predators covertly walk among us in droves. Adept at changing their personalities in ... Views: 1231
Pathological Narcissistic Abuse
Written by Randi G. Fine
Excerpt from my upcoming book, Close Encounters of the Worst Kind: The Narcissistic Abuse Survivors Guide to Healing
Pathological narcissistic abuse is far more damaging than any of us can possibly conceive. Have no doubt—it is both ... Views: 1331
Narcissist, Psychopath or Sociopath?
Excerpt from Randi Fine's Upcoming Groundbreaking New Book,
Close Encounters of the Worst Kind: The Narcissistic Abuse Survivors Guide to Healing
There is a great deal of false information on the internet about narcissistic personality disorder and its ... Views: 1981
A Preview From Randi G. Fine’s Upcoming Book
Close Encounters of the Worst Kind: Surviving Pathological Narcissistic Abuse
This is copyrighted material. It may not be reprinted, or used in whole or part by anyone other than the author.
As an Adult Child of Narcissistic Abuse you can learn ... Views: 2217
Transcript from 6/14/12 blog talk radio show A Fine Time for Healing, Transitions in Life
Transitions in Life
Written by Randi G. Fine
Life is a series of beginnings and endings. Seasons change; trees blossom and then go barren, flowers bloom and then go dormant, day turns to night, years ... Views: 2274
Can Your Children Be Honest?
Parenting Advice: Establishing Open Communication and Trust
I often hear parents say, “My child does not tell me anything.”
Children go through phases, particularly during their adolescent years, when they see no logical or justifiable reason to communicate ... Views: 1437
Self Love Comes Before All Else
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." ~Buddha
So many women struggle with the concept of self-love. Women by nature are nurturers, caretakers. Many of us believe that it is our duty to give and give, ... Views: 1326
Always Remain True to Yourself
We each have subtle senses; intuitions, gut feelings, little voices inside our heads that guide our judgment.
We do not need to elicit our intuition every time we have a decision to make. Many of our decisions are determined by conscious thought, prior ... Views: 1519
How to Throw a Successful Pity Party and Then Start Thriving Again
I have discussed this thought in previous articles, but this time I will state it in the form of an affirmation: "There is a reason of greater good for everything that happens."
Acknowledging that there is a greater good ... Views: 1254
Is Codependency a Problem in Your Life and in Your Relationships?
Take the Quiz
To find out if codependency is a problem in your life, please answer yes or no to the following twenty questions:
Do you put others’ feelings, desires and needs before your own?
Are you drawn to ... Views: 1747
What is Your Emotional Awareness About Your Past?
Identifying Unexpressed Emotion
To find out if you are having trouble letting go of the past, please answer yes or no to the following twenty questions:
Do you have painful childhood memories that you have yet to deal with?
Do you ... Views: 1462
Narcissistic Parents Divide Their Children Through Triangulation
Conflict is a normal part of family dynamics. The fact that a family argues from time to time does not make it a dysfunctional family unit. What makes a family dysfunctional is the emotional pain and confusion that prevails ... Views: 2178
Where Has Our Ability to Empathize Gone?
Excerpted from August 2, 2012 show on A Fine Time for Healing, Is Our Ability to Empathize Eroding?
Empathy is the ability to emotionally put oneself into someone else’s shoes—the capacity to share and understand the feelings, emotions, and ... Views: 1499
Should Narcissistic Abusers Be Held Accountable for Their Actions?
Excerpt from January 7, 2014 show on A Fine Time for Healing, Whether to Forgive or Not Forgive the Narcissistic Abuse
Many recovering victims of narcissistic abuse struggle with the dilemma of whether or not to hold the ... Views: 2268
Narcissists Need to Show Perfection to the World, At Any Cost
There is an elderly woman I know (whom I will not name) whose narcissism is so severe that it is physically destroying her. This woman has been suffering from a painful auto-immune disease for thirty-five years.
Progressively ... Views: 1748
When Children Don’t Stand a Chance
Narcissistic mothers do not have children for the right reasons. They are not nurturers. They have no maternal instincts or genuine love to give. To the narcissistic mother, children represent a captive narcissistic supply. Because a young child’s very ... Views: 1973
Adult NPD Survivors Further Assaulted By Ignoramuses
When people hear that I have chosen to have no contact with my highly toxic, aged mother and father they always tell me how sorry they feel for my parents. I can only assume that in me they see a happy, well-adjusted adult woman and must ... Views: 1496
Narcissism is an instinctive trait of self-love that everyone possesses to some degree. In infancy we all possess traits of narcissism that are appropriate for that level of development such as self-absorption, omnipotence and grandiosity. However, these same characteristic are seen as ... Views: 1683
Have You and Your Siblings Been the Target of Narcissistic Parental Triangulation?
To find out if your narcissistic parent has used triangulation to divide you and your siblings, please answer yes or no to the following twenty questions:
Is there one sibling in your family who is your ... Views: 3789
Is One Parent a Narcissist and the Other an Enabler?
To find out if you have a narcissistic parent and a parent who enables him or her, please answer yes or no to the following twenty questions:
Did you grow up in a two parent home with one parent significantly more domineering than ... Views: 3305
Friendship is one of life’s greatest gifts. It is a fulfilling relationship that is shared by two people who care about each other, trust each other, and want only the best for each other. A good friendship is honest, loyal, and truthful; good friends understand and accept each other in ways no ... Views: 18871
The word Karma is new age and trendy. We see it used on food products, bath and body products, on business names, as titles of songs, etc. But how many of us really know what it means?
Karma is often thought of as reciprocal punishment, with the same connotation as, “An eye for an eye.” ... Views: 4825