I have many times wondered about the wisdom that lies in many of our adages. One of such is “a house that is divided against itself cannot stand” We are the house and we are the world. The universe belongs to us, it can only be sustained through harmony. Without love there is no harmony, both ... Views: 1429
Nineteen years ago, I lost my younger sister. It was sudden and tragic. The pain was much, the wound was very ghastly. My heart bled for the loss of a sister, confidante and friend. I thought I would never be able to laugh again. In fact, I lost hope in everything. Then, memories of good times ... Views: 2646
1. You are the parent and not the boss
2. Establishing rules is different from enforcing them
3. Love and weakness are not the same
4. Becoming the homeland detective is just not cool
5. Cleaning someone’s mess is not a good idea
6. Too much lecture causes distress
7. Advice is only good, ... Views: 1410
Wouldn't it be nice to look at an acorn and already see a mighty oak? How about perceiving every image of despair as hope and transmuting every idea of sorrow into joy. Sounds too technical, doesn’t it? Well the idea is about focusing your energy on a positive outcome rather than a negative one. ... Views: 1081
The joy of shopping to some is like the sweet savor of good wine. Package and baggage - all delights of one hasty decision to taste another forbidden fruit. Dresses, shirts, shoes, perfumes and unlimited categories of buyables. Excuse my coin word but in this era of credit cards flying all over ... Views: 1443
Are you always looking for validation? Family, friends and colleagues are always in better control of your life’s direction, you are in fact fond of sampling ideas and opinions. Maybe you belong to that group of people who started with confusion and have ended up with greater confusion by the ... Views: 1989
Is civilization a curse or blessing? Trends, fads, new things and new ways come and go. Some of these actually leave indelible marks on the society, which are either damaging or perfecting. What happened to the good values of the past that were built on good intentions and sweat of founding ... Views: 2749
Your world is always a crystallization of your thought. The picture comes into existence, first in your mental faculty, before it becomes a solid full blown image in the physical world. The mind is indeed a powerful machine that readily accepts impressions and information we send to it. You are ... Views: 1279
“The Apprentice,” produced and presided over by the mogul and billionaire, Donald Trump reminds me of the manipulations and treachery that are prevalent in most work places. In fine and proper language, it is called “Office Politics”. Backbiting, mudslinging and bickering are often the backdrop ... Views: 2001
Some people call it being careful and well calculated, yet hesitation can become more of a vice than a virtue. Being indecisive is a major setback to goals and achievements. “To be or not to be” can steal the moment from a person. Some opportunities come once in a lifetime, and when they are ... Views: 1564
Simply put confidence is focusing and believing in your ability rather than disability. It is all about self-esteem. The journey however starts in the mind. Your mind mirrors how you see yourself. If you think of yourself as a giant you will act as a giant, like wise if you see yourself as an ... Views: 1160
Procrastination is hiding in the shadow of the future when you should deal with “now”. It is all about delay tactics, which turn seven days journey into seven years. Procrastination thwarts growth and hinders progress. It is a canker worm that thrives on excuses at all times and in every ... Views: 1571