We all have our share of junior high school traumas, right?
Here’s mine: Picture me, a somewhat nerdy (OK, extremely nerdy) student in my seventh grade French class, being told by the teacher that I didn’t have the chops to continue on to the advanced French class for the following academic ... Views: 1714
If you had the choice, which superpower would you want to have?
Here are the choices – Superpower #1: The Power of Flight, like Superman. Superpower #2: Being invisible – go anywhere, anytime, unseen.
I heard this question asked last year on a radio show, and being invisible won by a ... Views: 1034
If you had the choice, which superpower would you want to have?
Here are the choices - Superpower #1: The Power of Flight, like Superman. Superpower #2: Being invisible – go anywhere, anytime, unseen.
I heard this question asked last year on a radio show, and being invisible won by a ... Views: 938
Want to help yourself and your career?
Quit asking for permission. Just go ahead, grab the bull by the horns, and do it. Far better to ask for forgiveness later than permission now. Here’s why:
Asking permission ensures that your idea may never see the light of day. Ideas need a chance to ... Views: 1331
What would it mean to your business if….
Sales professionals had better conversations with prospects?
Leaders had better conversations with clients?
Managers had better conversations with their teams?
Employees had better conversations with each other?
It isn’t any secret that it makes ... Views: 1993
At some point you just have to make the call, stop hemming and hawing and decide that it’s time.
At some point you have to stop getting ready to get ready to make the career change that you fully intend to do once you’re ready. You have to stop telling yourself that you will do it…once you’re ... Views: 1186
Unfortunately, making things complicated is easy to do. Take something pretty straightforward, like weight loss. I don’t know about you, but if you gave me a donut for every time someone said, “All you have to do to lose weight is eat less and exercise more,” I’d be up to my eyeballs in ... Views: 989
It’s review time at the office and your boss has asked you to complete a self-assessment – those forms that ask you to rate yourself on your own work performance. Here’s where you’re going to have to walk the gauntlet like never before. After all, you’re being asked to step back and consider how ... Views: 1636
We’ve been told to be assertive, and ask for what we want – but do we cross the line when it comes to our careers? As a former fundraiser, I was taught to ask for the money – we can’t expect people to read our minds or to hand over their checkbooks. And, I’ve seen enough ‘Oprah’ by now to know ... Views: 1005
The next time you’re looking for a little fun at the office, try this one on for size: Prowl around a few cubicles and sneak up behind an unsuspecting employee or two. Then, quickly, before they have time to think, bombard them with a series of questions: “How would you define our brand? How ... Views: 1130
Here’s something that has been forgotten, overlooked – or just simply unrealized in the workplace: You’re a guest. Think about it: You’re an intern, employee, freelancer or anything else at the invitation of your employer. And, if you can be invited, you can be uninvited, too.
Our goal? ... Views: 960
Winging it doesn’t work. Playing it by ear, seeing what happens or deciding what you’ll be ‘in the mood for’ when the moment strikes – all bad, bad ideas. If you’ve bought into the idea – as I had – that spontaneous people are more relaxed, or experience higher levels of creativity or fun ... Views: 990
Here’s a scenario I read about the other day in The New York Times: An article profiling several unemployed white-collar workers focused on one man, in his early forties, who wondered why his job search strategy wasn’t working. According to the piece, this man, and many others featured in the ... Views: 1096
If you attend my Weight Watchers meetings on a regular basis, you know that I love talking about mindset. Here’s my point of view: We can talk about points, tracking, exercise, or eating smaller portions, but unless we have our minds made up that we can actually do this stuff, the points and ... Views: 932
Here’s a math problem for you: Take a look at your life over the past days, weeks, or months, and compare how much you spent in front of a screen (including phone, computer, TV), with how much time you spent face-to-face with someone. If you’re like a lot of us, the screen time wins out over ... Views: 1016
When it comes to new networking, think of an onion. Like the aromatic onion, your networking strategy works best when you peel back a layer at a time. When you network effectively, you ‘peel back’ layers and layers of people to get to the heart of what you’re looking for – if you stop at the ... Views: 965
Fair or not, it’s going to be tougher for you to get a job than your American counterparts. There are several reasons why, including the tighter restrictions on H1-B visas, and the fact that American recruiters may not feel entirely confident in your English skills, your ability to adjust to ... Views: 1888
As the economy starts to slowly get back on its feet, companies are also slowly starting to rehire. You loved your old job and would like nothing more than to be rehired by your former employer. How to get back on the short list when your company starts hiring again? Here are a few ... Views: 894
We’ve been told to be assertive, and ask for what we want – but do we cross the line when it comes to our careers? As a former fundraiser, I was taught to ask for the money – we can’t expect people to read our minds or to hand over their checkbooks. And, I’ve seen enough ‘Oprah’ by now to know ... Views: 930
Fix your bad career habits
If 2010 is going to be your year, then get serious about fixing bad career and workplace habits that are dragging you down. Here are a few to think about:
Bad Career Habit #1: Not Networking
Let’s agree on one point – most of us would rather pull out our ... Views: 1082
Think back to childhood: Were you one of those kids that sat on your bed and secretly dreamed of being a rock star? As you got older, maybe you fantasized that you’d be walking down the street and someone would approach you and say, “You must star in my next film!”
When you’re young, ... Views: 859
Whether you’re starting out in a career or transitioning into a new endeavor, one truth remains: If you think that hard work alone will move you up the company ladder, think again. It’s relationships –the ones you have with your manager and coworkers (present and past), clients and more – that ... Views: 795
No Friends, No Contacts, No Nothin’:
How to Get Your Foot in the Door When You Know Nobody
Here’s something I’m not proud to admit, but I’ll admit it just the same: Once in a while – a very, rare while – I have the strange, secret desire to become Paris Hilton. That’s right – Paris Hilton. ... Views: 985
It’s a Cubicle, not a Living Room:
What to Bring to your Workspace (and what to leave at home)
If you’re reading this article at work right now, stop – at least, momentarily. Take a minute to stretch your legs, stroll around the office, and, oh-so-discreetly, check out what your coworkers ... Views: 2118
Getting Along with the Boss:
Build the Relationship at Work that Matters Most to Your Career
Find me someone who has ever held a job, and I’ll find you someone who’s hated his boss. Call it karma, feng shui, or just the way of the world, but everyone seems to have had a boss they’ve ... Views: 1790
Congratulations! You’re in, you did it – after all that hard work, the 42 rewrites of your resume, the hours preparing for interviews – you landed your internship.
Now, before we get too carried away and start sending ourselves flowers or calling the Pope, let’s remind ourselves why we worked ... Views: 1215
Burning Bridges is for Arsonists:
How to Leave Your Job with Class
Ready to jump ship? Sick of your job and want a new one? Time for graduate school or a trip abroad?
You’re not the only one who feels that way. Between 50-80% of all college graduates leave their first job within three ... Views: 1082
Imagine that you’ve just purchased a new car. Your first “real” car, you’re proud of the time you spent reading up, really doing your homework, and taking to find the right model in the right price range for you. Now, imagine that you’ve just picked up your friend for a ride in your new car, ... Views: 893
Networking is probably one of the toughest and most important aspects of the job search..not to mention our careers and overall professional development. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most hated, misunderstood and, consequently, poorly practiced areas in our careers, too, which is ... Views: 881
Are you pursuing the right job opportunities for you?
Laid off and getting nowhere in your job search? Between the rejections, the unanswered phone calls and limited opportunities, it’s far too easy take it personally, give up altogether, and even worse, assume that you’ll be unemployed ... Views: 982
Compete Where You Can Win:
Quit Beating Your Head Against the Wall and Go Where the Love Is
By Elizabeth F. Freedman
Why is selling ourselves – whether it’s to a prospective employer or client - so tough? Whether you’re looking for ... Views: 958
Don’t Ruin a Good Thing:
Avoid the 3 Mistakes that Hurt New Employees on the Job
By Elizabeth Freedman, MBA
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to ruin a good thing? If you’ve ever spilled coffee on a new shirt, added just a bit too much salt to a recipe, or ... Views: 1228
“You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there." -- Edwin Louis
Here’s a recent conversation I had with a prospect I had been wooing for months: “You know, Liz, we’ve decided not to use your services, after all. Thanks so much for your time.” In one brief moment, a ... Views: 888