In any situation where an agreement is formed to share a reality there is then made a commitment between the parties to do that. Legally the words ‘in trust’ mean and that there is something left to an appointed trustee lets say to care for and to dispense to another that may be a minor. So there is a sense of the word trust whereby in legal issues it is recognized. In relationship there is usually an agreement to share a reality together and the participants entrust to one another the contribution of their openness on a level where if there is intimacy they likely will not criticize each others ideas or successes in ways that have planned sabotage in the words or deeds.
Whether married officially or living common law a couple has a choice to embrace trust; if one of them is ever ill the other would not wish to harm that other obviously but would help care for the other lovingly till that other was well. Vulnerability is an issue that does come up in intimate relationships where people have a choice to abuse or to love.
Where trust may get skewed is in the stewardship of it if it is given to another and that other betrays then it is important to remember that it was given. Therefore any betrayal of it is a risk that is present and people who give trust are risk takers, logically. Risk taking in engaging an intimate relationship with the fear of betrayal is not uncommon and sometimes haunts relationships that could be really outstanding if that fear was released.
Risk taking is it wise? All great inventors and innovation creators in any sector would not have been if they had not proceeded because of a fear of risk taking. On some level trust existed in order to get their creations in to the market place and to be successfully received. If a person orders a product and pre pays awaiting the product to be shipped there is few greater examples of trust of the seller by the purchaser than that. Risk is there without trust and in all situations without trust there is risk. Surgery is a risk so is investment in the stock market, class field trips (consent forms for medical treatment area included in case of emergency) and many other examples that are a part of how society functions. An attitude of worry engages the adrenal cortexes which mimics as if an accident or stressful event has already occurred. Symptoms of the body after high stress processing by the system are not unlike the effects of a traumatic event on the system. This undoubtedly has an effect that is measurable on the quantum field. Risk then could be seen as a disastrous potential looming instead of mild chaotic circumstances of a quantum field shifting and the new joyful or successful reality forming. How can a happy event occur if a heart is racing in fear and cortisol is released in the blood? That is a disaster response ‘feeling’ which usually brings chaos or things going awry on. Mind management reduces risk and increases the potential for success. Quantum Mind Management is offered in Blue Matrix Energetics training modules along with other valuable tools.
Trust executed from an individual prone to fear response and stress is likely to fail. Management of that stress response is necessary because if too many challenges have been taken on and stress results it is unwise at that point to take a risk. Therefore trust begins with trusting the self by managing the mind; once that is in place relationships of all types whether personal or business are more likely to succeed. Successful marriages, relationships business and other entrepreneurial endeavors observed prove where trust vs. risk is in affecting those individuals quantum field. Our feelings and how we see the world around us do affect it and that is proven in a variety of basic physics principals that are great additional reading.
Aryana B. Hudson's full bio is available on her Expert's page.
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