It was the ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, who said, “You cannot step into the same river twice.” By this, Heraclitus meant that permanence is an illusion. There is a constant in the universe and that is change. Nothing is permanent and the entire universe is in a constant state of flux ... Views: 7898
Certain nutritional supplements can play an important role in how your body ages. There are many different anti-aging supplements in the marketplace today. Some have shown that they can help slow the aging process but most fall short of their promise to make you look and feel young again. ... Views: 971
What exactly is motivation? Is it will power? Are we motivated to achieve goals by others inspiring us to do so? What is it that keeps us going day after day without giving up?
Motivation is in psychological terms that which is causes behavior. In other words, motivation is the reason or ... Views: 794
There is one constant in the universe and that is change. Everyday we wake up, we are not the same person we were the day before. Our skins cells and organ cells have died and been replaced. Yet do we not resist change in different parts in our life. Change is just a circumstance of life. It is ... Views: 789
We all have goals and aspirations. Sometimes we have difficulty knowing where to start. We want that new body, or want to be healthy and have more energy, but we just do not know what the first step is. In addition, the road to our goals is sometimes a rocky one. It is difficult to transgress ... Views: 855
If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, chances are you will be prescribed some kind of medication. However, you should be aware of the fact that drugs are not the only solution to the problem. For instance, changes in diet, exercise, and stress levels can also have an impact on ... Views: 863
A Doctor at the University of Toronto developed the glycemic index (note: this is sometimes spelled glycaemic) in the early 80’s. At first the index was utilized as a means for diabetics to gauge the insulin demand of the foods they ate. It wasn’t until later that dieticians realized the ... Views: 988
The common heel spur is an ailment striking people from a wide range of ages and activity levels. However, the cause of this injury is usually based upon the aggravation of Plantar Fasciitis. Though the two are often used synonymously there is a slight difference. While a heel spur is a ... Views: 886
It is estimated that approximately 7% of the population has some form of heart disease or damage to their heart. Most people associate heart disease with arteriosclerosis, which leads to heart attacks. However, there are other forms of heart disease, which are just as deadly. Knowing the ... Views: 1794
Though the importance of good nutrition has been elevated in recent years, a vast number of people continue to neglect the basic principles of a sound and healthy diet. What we eat and how much plays a great role in determining our longetivity and likelihood of developing life threatening ... Views: 936
Hypertension is the term doctors use for high blood pressure. It’s often referred to as a Silent Killer since many people may have no noticeable symptoms. Over 50 million people suffer from high blood pressure, but nearly one third aren’t even aware of it. Hypertension is a major risk factor for ... Views: 896
Working mothers face tremendous challenges when it comes to exercise. They can find themselves short on time, energy, and stamina. New mothers, in particular, may find it difficult to attend to their own fitness needs. However, it is entirely possible for working moms to achieve their fitness ... Views: 908
Perhaps you’re a student, trying to make it on a student budget. Or, you’re a stay-at-home mother with little cash to spare. Or you’re just getting started in your career and you don’t have much in the way of disposable income. No matter what your situation, know that there are inexpensive ... Views: 1255
Is your relationship with your significant other, mother, father, or friend making you sick? Believe it or not, there’s scientific evidence to suggest that our relationships can actually contribute to illness. Therefore, in order to achieve a healthy life, it is important to make our ... Views: 871
Shockingly, it is estimated that 22 million of the world's children under 5 are overweight or obese and approximately one in four American children are overweight. The problem this presents is that these children are more susceptible to pediatric hypertension, type II diabetes, greater risk of ... Views: 875
Our bodies are made up of over 75% water. We all know that without water, there is no life. In fact we can only live 3 days without it. However, water has been replaced in most diets by soft drinks and other sugar sweetened refreshments. However, water is a healthier and more necessary drink ... Views: 837
People who walk daily have a lesser incidence of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other killer diseases. Not only does walking make you healthier but it also burns calories, creates psychological well being, increases metabolism, strengthens muscles, increases flexibility, improves ... Views: 1206
Most of us know and have heard the phrase, “You are what you eat”. However, is it possible that another phrase also applies? “You are what you THINK”.
Yes, it is very possible that this phrase is also an accurate representation of how our perceptions and expectations affect our body and ... Views: 703
No matter who we are, we all have days when we just do not feel like exercising. The weather might be grey, you’ve had a busy day, or you might just be bored with your program. Whatever the reason, you just don’t feel like it!
It’s on these days that we need that extra motivation.
I’ve been ... Views: 1172
On a hot day we may feel like we’re melting, but did you know that our internal temperature (or core temperature) only changes by a few degrees. Our normal body temperature at rest is maintained between 36 and 38 degrees Celsius. Our core temperature is extremely important as the processes that ... Views: 859
The primary reason we need to eat food is to provide fuel for the body. This fuel comes from the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. To explain it simply, food is broken down to produce energy, and it takes many chemical processes for that to occur. Molecules are removed, heat is ... Views: 883
You’ve finally committed to getting fit and you want to join a gym, but which one? Unless you’ve been a regular at gyms in the past you really don’t know a good one from a bad one.
A good fitness center has their members as their number one priority. They are customer service oriented. A bad ... Views: 920