We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Why do a small percentage of Consultants qualify year after year as top in their Company while others sit back and wonder how they could ever achieve it.
There are many reasons, including Knowledge, Good Habits, Positive Mental Attitude and Excellent Skills, but research has shown that these ... Views: 727
Technology can help tremendously with time management, and many examples of this are seen everyday: It can make changing calendar appointments effortless. Also, with the click of a button, many people can be emailed an announcement of a meeting change. Potential uses are enormous. But, time and ... Views: 777
Our lives are a montage of events. A flurry of activity. Running here and running there. Details. Details. A blur. Lots of movement, but how much accomplishment? Of all the activity we engage in, how much of our energy do we direct toward fulfilling our central mission in life? How much of our ... Views: 801
Coach John Wooden was one of the most successful athletic coaches the world has ever seen. As the head basketball coach at one of the United States top universities, UCLA, Wooden compiled a record of 620 wins to 147 losses. Even more incredibly, Wooden¡¯s teams won the US national championship ... Views: 799
Ready for analogy city? The problem is, if you want to do something you've never done before, then the steps to that, the milestones, will be unfamiliar. How do you go somewhere you have never gone before? Analogies are useful for explaining something unfamiliar in familiar terms. The most ... Views: 3029
Who are the dream stealers? Dream stealers are the people who make you believe that you'll never reach your dreams. They're the people that encourage you to play it safe: to get a nice safe job, to marry the first nice person you meet, to vacation in Texas instead of Africa. Does this sound a ... Views: 12413
Any successful corporation has a well-defined vision, one well-known to all of its employees and even its customers. This vision defines the corporation’s aspirations and serves as the guiding principle for all significant future action. Similarly, every individual needs a personal vision. ... Views: 1290
The celebration of the New Year brings hope and new life to old dreams. Things that didn¡¯t seem attainable or possible suddenly seem as though they are right within our grasp as the next year arrives. Are our dreams any more attainable then they were a day, a week, a month earlier, most likely ... Views: 764
At the beginning of each new year, we often think about the process of goal setting. We want to set lofty enough goals to be significantly challenged. But we don't want to set goals so high that we'll be perpetually frustrated. The best way to do this is to access the complementary concepts ... Views: 835
Goals are the basic units of life’s design. They are markers or targets we set to measure our progress along life’s path. In the process of attaining the goals we strive for, we keep our commitments to ourselves, and we experience greater satisfaction in our lives.
Unfortunately, few people ... Views: 1750
We are all familiar with the old saying a Place for everything and everything in it's place.
Everything you own must have a home. When you think about it you are probably about 95% there. Let's face it, when you come home with the groceries you don't just leave them sitting by the door (the ... Views: 1225
We sometimes don't notice when change happens gradually. As a result, we sometimes don't recognize the progress we have made in our lives. It's quite probable that wherever you are in your life right now, there is another place that you are aspiring to be. This may result in a sort of ... Views: 757
When reviewing your goals (which you should consider doing regularly), keep in mind the following thoughts: Goals are usually materialistic, that is in the ‚outside' world, and refer to things we want to get or to do at or within a certain period of time. But this is kind of superficial, ... Views: 1125
This article is part of a class I taught recently on developing life strategies that work . The class was put together around seven spiritualprinciples that are basic in all of our lives. We also developed specific strategies around each one of the principles involved. The following material is ... Views: 1220
What thoughts or emotions came over you as you read that? Never give up! Billionaire Philanthropist and Presidential Candidate H. Ross Perot said, “Most people stop digging three feet from the goldmine.” This is the wrong approach. There has to be certain aspects in place, such as goals, plans, ... Views: 839
The number one reason people don't reach their goals is because
they never fully committed to them in the first place.
Let's begin by looking at the word commit.
Commit: to bind, as by a promise: pledge: entrust, consign,
Too often people use the word "committed" rather ... Views: 1321
Most successful business plans start by visualizing the outcome, and using that visualization to work backwards through a plan of action. This same process can be used (sometimes called the Law of Attraction) to help you visualize a successful and productive and happy life for ... Views: 1661
Recently, a friend of mine named Renee was driving her seven-year old son home from school, and she was preoccupied with worry. She had a lot of bills to pay and was having difficulty making money. Her husband had been ill and unable to work, so they’d fallen behind on their mortgage. This was a ... Views: 693
Are you ready to take your business to the next level, or looking for excuses to cash in your chips.
Why do I ask?
Because I've been there.
I could make excuses for not taking action, all sounding good. None true.
But before you quit and decide success on the net is for someone else, ask ... Views: 867
When people set goals, they all too often create a "laundry list" of hopes and wishes they never get around to fulfilling. While their feelings and thoughts might be in the right place when they make their list, they probably haven’t thought realistically about how they ... Views: 895
We don't usually think of appreciation as a powerful tool, yet it is key in our desire to handcraft a life of choice. This is a key learning that I received from a master teacher on my recent vacation in Peru.
It was easy to feel and express appreciation while I was away on a fabulous ... Views: 748
A simple, yet effective, tool to bring what you are wanting into your life is the "Ideal Profile." Ideal Profiles are an excellent tool for invoking your creative power. I often use profiles for myself, clients, and friends. Using them is nearly effortless, they support your outward actions, and ... Views: 751
Planet Earth is ripe for change. Everywhere you look, change is occurring: for the individual, families, corporations, communities, states, countries, and ultimately the world.
The pace of change has increased to keep up with the human desire to create more change. You wouldn’t have to look ... Views: 906
It’s that time of year again, the time for optimistic thinking and resolution making. If you are not mindful, another year will pass you by taking with it your dreams and aspirations. Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to make forward progress in your life? It is usually because you have ... Views: 1667
"Three tries for a dollar," shouted the midway huckster above the din of the crowd. "Shoot a duck and win this giant gorilla." The stuffed animal had an affable sneer; it was cute.
I eyed the yellow plastic ducks as they swam across the plywood ocean at the back of the booth. Each little ... Views: 746
I was raised on the Oregon Coast, and I enjoy hiking in the woods.
A while back, I signed up for a class on wild mushroom identification. I learned the basics of finding, recognizing and cooking some of the many varieties of edibles in the rain forest. I learned to find some basic varieties: ... Views: 644
Research indicates that many people go through life without ever identifying what they want to accomplish, where they want to go and who they want to become. Goal setting and planning helps you manage your life as well as time; defining your purpose, establishing you values and developing ... Views: 818
Goal setting is the framework for personal achievement. It is the backbone of becoming a person you desire to be. Setting and achieving personal goals will guarantee you success. Most people who do set goals have little to no understanding of goal setting and as a result fail to achieve them and ... Views: 1554
It is a sad fact that only a very few people know exactly where they are going in life. Only a very few ever bother to make a decision, set down on paper a list of goals, and then go for them.
The rest drift aimlessly through life, just following the ... Views: 951
There's no denying that the Internet is allowing more and more entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and effectively market their new products. However, there seems to be an increasingly common misconception when these businesses try to generate media attention and publicity for their ... Views: 783
With the plenary of philosophers and self-improvement gurus in all forms of media, it is amazing how many times a day are we informed that all we need to do is, have a dream and go after it. Many of the clients of PARTNERING TO SUCCESS have told me that Partnering is the secret to success. Well ... Views: 1250
Effective Goal Setting Made Easy
The next time somebody tells you that setting goals is really a lot of hype, tell him this: if life is a journey, how will you get there if you don’t have an itinerary?
Break down a single goal into little pieces
Regardless of your goal’s size, ... Views: 659
Think for a moment about a big goal or objective you accomplished in your life. Maybe it was a financial goal, a physical, emotional, or spiritual one. Maybe it was buying a new house, getting a new job, securing a new client in business, having children or getting children through college. ... Views: 1273
Does life ever feel like a struggle? Doesn't it seem some people seem to turn dirt into gold, while seemingly doing nothing?
Follow these ten steps - in order, because each grows upon the previous - and in no time you will be amazed at the results you produce.
1. Focus Your Potential. Know ... Views: 914
Webster’s defines the word “commit?as: to pledge or devote oneself
To that definition I add: to pledge or devote one’s attention. In every moment, our attention is committed to something. If you are reading this right now, it is what your attention is committed to.
If you want something in ... Views: 715
I’ve always been fascinated by dreamers. And making dreams come true for myself and others is what my life is about.
When I was in my teens, I started to think seriously about where I wanted my life to go. Like many young people, I had visions of doing something significant. I also knew that ... Views: 860
Let's be honest, you're serious about getting the things you want from life. You've got plans. You've got goal and you know why they are useful, how to set them, and how to go after them. But have you ever thought about where these goals come from?
You may think this is silly. After all, if ... Views: 897
1. Recognize that LIFE is what you get when you're born...
...LIVING is what you do with it!
You can sit back and wait for life to happen to you or you can make it happen yourself. As Maya Angelou once said, 'Life likes to be taken by the lapel and told, I'm with you kid. Let's go!'
2. ... Views: 807
Just like the movie “The Truman Show,” I see the world like a big movie set and every person is an actor. You produce, direct, and write your own movie. During the “filming” process, you act out certain emotions because you know that people will be watching. Your verbal and emotional responses ... Views: 963
Goal manifestation, by the way of goal setting, itself is very simple.
First step: Simply envision the goal. When I say envision, I *mean* envision. For example, if your goal is to move into a new house by the middle of next year, then close your eyes and picture the house clearly. Do not make ... Views: 861
“People don’t plan to fail; sometimes they just fail to plan.”
One of the major steps of Stress-less Success is to the create goals that reinforce the vision you created in the first step. The most effective method of goal-setting that I know is the SMART Goals model. SMART ... Views: 1836
How does a kid go from an average student to the top of the class?
As an elementary school student, Pat was average. She made Bs, Cs, and an occasional A. She even had a D slip up on her report card. However, she left her junior high school with the highest grade point average. She graduated ... Views: 1905
Have you seen the movie "The Secret"? If you have, you probably formed one of two opinions: "Awesome, great stuff I didn't know and I loved the concepts and ideas about changing my thoughts to achieve what I desire." Or... "What a crock of crap! How can we manifest anything merely by thinking ... Views: 1216
It can happen to the most determined of us. We have decided on some worthwhile goal that we want to achieve. We have even set down on a nice clean sheet of paper a splendid and well defined way to attain that goal. But then for some inexplicable reason we ... Views: 1648
You guessed it, procrastination! Procrastination by definition is to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done. It also means to put off intentionally and habitually. The Wikipedia states that procrastination is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task. "For the ... Views: 794
Many of the most successful and famous people in the world have one thing in common - they have spent time every day writing down their thoughts and goals! Learn how writing down your goals will increase your ability to be successful.
Recently a book came out in my country about the early ... Views: 5222
It is important to hand-write your goals on paper, the action of writing them helping to imprint them on your brain. However, before writing them - be they material, emotional, or spiritual goals - identify what price you are willing to pay to achieve them. At some point, expose to yourself your ... Views: 1764
Have you ever had the chance to watch a Beaver at work? Well, if you haven't, you'd be amazed at what they can teach us all about succeeding at a task. Beavers, whether they know it or not, are masters at setting goals. They see a tree that may be too big to bring down for food all at one time, ... Views: 834
The other day I came across an old diary and was reminded how powerful visualization can be. In the diary, which was from 1999, I had clued in pictures of different things I desired and dreamed of. Like the view from my dream home: Soft hills with olive trees and the sea far below. I had ... Views: 1171
What's wrong with striving for perfection? Doesn't that mean that you will always do your best?
Let's consider those two standards--"be perfect" and "do your best." Are they really equivalent?
In his 27 years of coaching basketball at UCLA, John Wooden had one standard that he taught all of ... Views: 1050