Spiritual freedom is the energy of the heart. No matter where you live, the circumstances of your life or if you practice a religion or not, you have the freedom to tap into the energy of your heart. The energy of the heart is the Spirit that gives you life. Each one of us, all humans on this ... Views: 1539
Do you remember the intentions you made for this year, this month, or maybe even for today? Or have you lost your focus? Right now is the perfect time to refocus.
Why is it so easy to lose our focus? Most of us move through our day as a matter of habit and simply “go through the motions.” We ... Views: 1237
What’s your reaction to these four words? Do you push against them while grumbling something like “yea right!” or do you sigh, releasing the breath you’ve been holding in for the past three minutes because you are frustrated with the day? Were you taught that anything worth having is worth ... Views: 1408
Life is energy in motion. We are constantly aware and “reading” the energy of the world around us. Each one of us has an internal guidance system. Similar to the GPS in transportation, it reads the energy around us and feeds back directions through our intuition. This is true for everyone. Some ... Views: 1911
When you develop your insight, the world you see through your eyesight changes. Many of us were taught to see the world around us in an objective way rather than reflective. We were taught to evaluate and react to it rather than observe it. Your insight is the sight you have from within, your ... Views: 2049
“Ancient Spiritual traditions remind us that each moment of the day, we make the choice to either affirm or deny our lives. Every second, we choose to nourish ourselves in a way that support or depletes our lives, to breathe deep and life-affirming breaths or shallow, life-denying ones, and in a ... Views: 1478
Ever feel like you’re standing in the middle of a long corridor of doors, all closed, and you’re confused about what to do next? This often happens when you begin to consider making changes in your life. Doors may close before new one’s open and you discover you’re in the hallway and it feels ... Views: 1819
The beginning of a new calendar year sparks a new life in most of us. It’s like beginning a new page in a journal or moving into a new house. There is a blank slate and many possibilities. What are you imagining for yourself in 2008? “Born to be Great in 2008,” is a wonderful affirmation that ... Views: 1386
Remember the last time you took a road trip? With your bags packed, car loaded, map laid out on the front seat, destination circled, you anxiously anticipated your arrival. Suddenly, you ran into a roadblock and the blaring orange detour signs took you off course. Did the disappointment ... Views: 4029
When you jump into your day unconsciously, most of your energy is used reacting to what happens “to you.” This constant reacting is draining and can soon lead to burnout. On the other hand, when you set an intention at the beginning of each day, you are consciously focusing your ... Views: 1385
Each one of us is like a radio station playing life at our unique frequency. We are constantly sending out signals over the airwaves. We have a band of high and low frequencies that identify our personal energy range. And, as the Universal Law of Attraction is always in action, we are calling ... Views: 1222
FEAR is: False Evidence Appearing Real. In others words, most fear we experience is self manufactured – yep, we make it up! Think about it, most things you fear are things you imagine will or may happen to you in the future. This is your perception, but has little to do with the ... Views: 2342
Few of us look forward to confrontation. When we have “issues” with someone our energy has become strained or “jammed up.” We often feel the energy between us and this person has become a battleground and confronting them feels like we’re heading into battle. And ... Views: 1115
Who do you know that reflects a “Magnificent Self?” We all know someone. Oprah is a prime example of someone who embraces her Magnificent Self. She uses her passions and multitude of resources to motivate and inspire others. She shines her light brightly into places of darkness to ... Views: 1186
You catch a thought, an inspiration pops into your mind. A light bulb goes off. You begin to toss it around in your head, giving it consideration. Your mind begins to wrap around the possibilities as you sit with it for a few days in contemplation. Your emotions begin to engage in this now ... Views: 1240
Renew Your Sense of Purpose
As the Earth renews itself with the arrival of spring, it’s a great reminder to refresh yourself by renewing your sense of purpose. I took a moment to recently reflect, renew and rediscover my own sense of purpose and was reminded once again of just how blessed I ... Views: 2070
Stay in Balance
When our lives are in balance we feel more stable, secure and better able to handle the changes that life brings us. When we feel unbalanced, our levels of stress and anxiety increase. As stress levels increase, the more out of balance we feel. It can become a pretty slippery ... Views: 1279
Stop the Leaks and Reframe
Here is a great technique I have been using in my coaching practice. I call it “Stop the Leaks and Reframe.”
Have you ever found yourself obsessing about a situation that doesn’t seem to be working for you? It could be an unbalanced relationship; a frustrating ... Views: 1007
The Power of Love
If I were to ask you to point to yourself, you would most likely point to the center of your chest, to the area of your heart charka. If I were to ask you close your eyes and place your attention on love, again, you would most likely place your focus on your heart charka. ... Views: 1513
Time For an Emotional Alignment?
Whenever you get new tires on your car, they always ask if you want them aligned. Having the wheels, tires and the vehicle aligned properly makes the car run more efficient. As a result of an alignment, you get the best use, most mileage and a smoother ride ... Views: 2308
One Thing at a Time
I believe most of us have become fairly proficient at multitasking. We thrive on the efficiency of being able to accomplish one more mechanical task while simultaneously performing another; like driving while talking on the phone, or holding a conversation while preparing ... Views: 995
Developing Inner-Core Strength
I was introduced to the Pilates Method of exercise a few years ago and have since been fascinated with the idea of “core strengthening.” The Pilates exercise program consists of a series of movements designed to strengthen the core of your body by ... Views: 6176
What’s in a Word?
Words impact our lives and have more power than we can imagine. Words create the core of our communication, personal expression and are powerful enough to manipulate our reality and existence. Think I’m speaking “out of context?” Then, why at age 50 are you still allowing the ... Views: 1235
The Ultimate Intelligence - Spiritual
The Holistic Community is built around the belief in the trinity of mind, emotions and spirit being the foundation for a wholesome life. And now scholars agree. In the earlier part of the twentieth century the term IQ, (Intelligent Quotient) became the ... Views: 2383
Raising Your Self-Esteem
Esteem is the value and worth we place on something. Having a healthy self-esteem places value and worth on you as a human being. Low self-esteem prevents you from claiming your “good” in life, and sharing your unique gifts and talents with the world. A healthy ... Views: 1317
Make up Your Mind!
How do you want to experience your day? Well, “make up your mind” and do it now! It is all up to you. The world you experience each day is based on how you choose to perceive, process and respond. You are in total control of how your day will be experienced!
Notice I ... Views: 1304
Making Up Stories
Author Lisa Nichols says, “we use our stories to keep us where we are.” I started thinking, how else could we use our story?
Each and every day we make up a story about our life. We make up stories all day long about everything that happens in a day. Some of the ... Views: 1438
Managing “What if”
“What if” are two of the most powerful words in our language. “What if” is the key that unlocks our imagination. Our imagination opens the door to the world of possibilities. Sounds wonder-filled doesn’t it? We have the power to change our lives with the “what if” key. ... Views: 1193
Move the Energy
We’re all familiar with those “hot and hazy” days of summer. You know, the days when the air feels as if you could cut it with a knife- it feels stagnant and suffocating, as though there’s less oxygen available, making it hard to breathe. On these stiffeling days we turn on ... Views: 1198
Moving Through Change
Part One – 9 Attitudes that Keep You Stuck
Have you become proficient at “managing stuck?” Have you given up on “plan A, B, C and D, abandoning dreams of what you thought your life would be like? Are you stuck in managing stuck?
Picture this: you’re in a rowboat ... Views: 2750
Tune-in and Tune-up
Each one of us is like a radio station playing life at our unique frequency. We are constantly sending out signals over the airwaves. We have a band of high and low frequencies that identify our personal energy range. And, as the Universal Law of Attraction is always in ... Views: 818
Getting Unstuck
You will never get unstuck by focusing on how stuck you feel. When you are overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings of being stuck, your creative energies shut down and taking action can feel impossible. Focusing on how stuck you feel will create more situations that make you ... Views: 1281
Having fun manifesting
For many years I’ve been teaching, speaking and coaching about how we create our own reality by the way we think. Since the release of the DVD “The Secret”, there has been more conversation about creating and manifesting your reality. From several articles I’ve read in ... Views: 935
Throughout the past week I have been given many opportunities to contemplate this event we call “life.” It made me stop and realize just how many forms, meanings and expressions the word “life” encompasses on any given day. In one week’s time, I was called upon to attend a wake and help ... Views: 1034
Broken Promises
Most of the promises we break are the promises we make to ourselves. In some cases, broken promises can become almost “second nature” in the sense that we fail to realize the seriousness of the problem. Take a minute to think about the promises you made to yourself this week ... Views: 1474
Clarity, Confidence, Conviction
The beginning of a New Year feels the same as when I begin a new journal. All the pages are fresh and blank inside a beautiful bound book, ready to be filled with the adventures of my life. This feeling is both exciting and full of the anxiety as I anticipate ... Views: 4739
Close All Unnecessary Doors
There may be times in your life when you feel anxious and overwhelmed. Maybe you have commitments, obligations or projects bidding for your attention…all at the same time! Maybe you have an important decision to make and find yourself having a difficult time ... Views: 1376
Cultivate Your Genius
You were born a genius. The whole world opens to you when you acknowledge and express your genius. Usually we define the word genius in association with someone that possesses extraordinary intellectual power. But originally the word genius meant “a guardian spirit of a ... Views: 2485
7 Sure Fire Ways to Sabotage Your Life:
A Witty Approach to Getting Back on Track if
You’ve taken a Left Turn on the Road to Happiness
We all begin life traveling on the “road to happiness.” At some point during this journey we may come to realize we turned left when we meant to turn ... Views: 1775
Breaking Bad Habits
I’ll let you in on a little secret. Habits cannot be broken! Stop feeling frustrated and stop criticizing yourself for not being successful at breaking that bad habit you’ve been stuck in for years. Habits cannot be broken…they can only be changed.
Habits are energy ... Views: 1163
An Unfinished Life
You catch a thought, an inspiration that pops into your mind. You begin to toss it around a bit, giving it some consideration. You begin to wrap your mind around the possibilities. You sit with it for a few days. Your emotions become engaged in this fabulous idea. You drop ... Views: 1240
How many times have you wanted something but were afraid to ask? I recently heard someone mention that they are accustomed to getting what they wanted because they have no problem asking for it. Their belief is that if there is a 50% chance they will get a “yes” answer, ... Views: 1017
Balancing Your Energy Bank Account
Have you balanced your Energy bank account lately? Did you even realize you had one? Since life itself is energy, each one of us has an Energy Bank Account! All of life is about investing and receiving Energy. And just as you can become more financially ... Views: 1608