Many people like myself have suffered or are suffering with financial challenges. I was injured on my last job and I was not aware that my employer did not carry compensation insurance. I could not go back to that job due to the injury and I became very depressed. My financial situation became ... Views: 1461
The humor of needing to go to the bathroom as I said was a release from the panic attack as it was building.
Everything was going on at the same time it seemed, as we sped along the highway.
The driver calling back to the guy watching me, the attendant asking me questions that I found to be ... Views: 1311
I was going to have to wake my husband because the tightness and chills were getting worse.
My plan was to take a couple of over the counter pain medications, make a cup of tea on the propane stove and then for sure this feeling would be gone . Was I wrong on that one!
Somewhere inside of me I ... Views: 1398
My life changed forever : It was a cold Friday night in August 2006 and I could not seem to get warm all night long.
I kept putting on layer after layer of clothes to stop the shivering and chill. Nothing was working to get me warm. It did not help that I was way back in the bush with no hydro ... Views: 1330
1. Be predictable, don"t surprise them. If you say you are going to meet them somewhere at a certain time, be there. If you agree to respond to a certain anxious habit in a certain way, stick to the plan.
2. Don"t assume that you know what the affected person needs, ask them. Make a mutual plan ... Views: 1385
This may be a bit tongue in cheek but it is a true story. I know this for a fact as I am the one who had the heart attack.
No, I did not use the book to break my fall when I was in the throws of the attack, or to rest my head on in the ambulance. I used it two months later as ... Views: 1227
Everyone has moments in life where they feel down. Sadness, hopelessness and loneliness are entirely natural human emotions and experiencing them is not, in and of itself, evidence of a mental health problem or disorder. In fact, those who are unable to feel lonely or “blue” are probably more ... Views: 1625
Many ask how does thinking about getting rich make it happen?
You can kick start your journey to real riches in a financial and personal way by following a formula or recipe for success.
Here is the most significant fact.The subconscious mind takes any orders given to it in a spirit of ... Views: 8099
Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the mud, and one sees the stars.If you have placed second in a writing contest, will you jump for joy and push for better results the next time or will you be discouraged and find an excuse not to join again?
You can change your point of view ... Views: 1260
When a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance, becomes available to every individual brain in the group.
Most people would agree that a shared interest, bond, or meeting of the minds on a particular subject or ... Views: 1425
Mention has been made of the money making secret which has made fortunes for more than a million exceedingly wealthy men and women who have applied these principles. Millions more have followed, to more modest accomplishments.
The secret works as well today as it did in the past, for the simple ... Views: 938
The First Step Toward Riches
Great souls have wills
Feeble souls have only wishes
Chinese proverb
When Edwin C. Barnes hopped off the freight train in Orange, New Jersey, USA, more than 100 years ago, he may have resembled a tramp, but his thoughts were those of a king!
Think And Grow Rich ... Views: 955
Don’t stop just before you get the goal.
In “The NEW Think and Grow Rich” there is a story about a man who had plenty of tangible evidence of riches, but lost it, because he stopped three feet short of the goal he was seeking.
One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting ... Views: 3497
In every chapter of The NEW Think And Grow Rich mention has been made of the money making secret which has made fortunes for more than a million exceedingly wealthy men and women who have applied these principles since their initial publication. Millions more have followed it to more modest ... Views: 1030
Success Is A Causable Event
One of the powerful principles in The NEW Think and Grow Rich is a lesson that Napoleon Hill and Ted Ciuba teach in the Author’s Preface of The NEW Think and Grow Rich
Success is a Causable Event!
Here is how the author put it.
Like all things in Nature, ... Views: 1340
Problems Provide Opportunities
When the opportunity came, it appeared in a different form, and from a different direction than Barnes had expected. That is one of the tricks of opportunity. It has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door, and often it comes disguised in the form of ... Views: 916
In my opinion, anti-anxiety/anti-depressant medications are being grossly over prescribed (these type of medications are the 5th and 6th highest selling medications in the world). While these type of medications do have a place in the treatment of SOME anxiety conditions, they should NOT be ... Views: 1215
Believe me I think it’s great that I can be more effective at what I do because I can delegate chores and needs that others do better or for less, leaving me more time to do what I like and can do best - but it is a choice, not a necessity.
Somewhere along the way we have forgotten how to ... Views: 1138
It is quite possible that your anxiety and stress fatigue has both a physical and emotional component. Many of us have a constant stream of chatter going on in our heads — a kind of stress implant from our earliest years — that requires a great deal of subconscious energy to manage. Learning ... Views: 966
Everybody deals with fear and anxiety, however sometimes our anxieties can get the best of us. As a result, here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their daily stresses and anxieties.
Sometimes, we get stressed when everything happens all at once. When this happens, a ... Views: 1110
Everyone is talking about this girl. If she gets this much media attention at her age ,what will it be like 40 years from now? Do you think Paris Hilton suffers from anxiety? I am sure she does because anxiety does not select just everyday people but as we have read and seen, anxiety even comes ... Views: 1548
The stress relationship between heart disease and my own heart attack on August 12, 2006 has been of interest to me for the last 10 months. At first when I had the attack ,I was not aware of how the coming months and even years of my life would be changed. Until you have lived with the physical ... Views: 1010
It took me less than 3 minutes to write this list of anxiety producers and they suck, as some kids would say in todays language. You can think of some anxiety producers too. I want you to think of ways that these anxiety producers can be used to your advantage. How can stress, anxiety and panic ... Views: 1550
Lasting motivation is what is needed for success in the reduction of anxiety and its related issues. I have been told that making a change in the way you think about your issues is the way to lasting success.
Carrying the power of your positive thoughts in your mind will always be there to call ... Views: 1684
When I got up this morning I realized that my finances were in a bit of disarray.One of the causes of my anxiety is money. It is odd that I refer to the anxiety I feel as mine.
It is almost like this anxiety is a possession or perhaps a friend that I invite over to my home whenever I have a ... Views: 1093