Life Coach and Hay House Author, Louise Presley-Turner offers tips on clearing the clutter and spring cleaning our lives.
Get your priorities straight
Do you find yourself saying ‘YES’ when you know you ought to really be saying ‘NO’? Do you find yourself organising your best friend’s hen ... Views: 1376
The time has come when we cannot just rely on others to make the world a better place – each one of us has to do our bit. And let’s face it this world needs our help right now.
Random acts of kindness are an ideal way to raise your energy to attract great things in to your life. It starts ... Views: 1982
Are you fed up doing work you don't really care about? Are you looking to do something more meaningful but aren’t sure what to do?
As a life coach, I continually work with people helping them leave the grind of the corporate world behind, to find more purposeful and fulfilling work. It can be ... Views: 1130
Life is sometimes like a roller coaster. Ups and downs, with a few hairy bends thrown in for good measure. Not all days are nirvana and life can drag us down from time-to-time. It’s OK to have down days, we all have them and always will. Experiencing the whole array of emotions we’re born with ... Views: 2619
All Year Resolutions!
So here we are, another year is upon us. And, as we all know, January is all about the good old New Year Resolution. Exercise, new job, find love, save money, stop drinking, lose weight. We literally take on the world in January, but in doing so, invariably we set ... Views: 1125
Have you had enough?
Leading Life Coach Louise Presley-Turner shows us how to say NO to wanting more…
Do you find you have everything you could possibly need, yet you still want more? Maybe it’s clothes, shoes, bags, maybe it’s the latest gadget and gizmos. It seems we’re caught in a cycle ... Views: 1921
Have a sense of wonder
When was the last time you glazed with wonder and amazement at the vast starlit sky, or lay on the daisy-laden grass and felt fresh air nourish your soul?
As we grow older, our busy lives can consume us and we forget to have a sense of wonder. Today, act like a child and ... Views: 1735
Are you taking life too seriously?
Did you know as we age we are less inclined to see the funny side of life? New research shows that children laugh on average 400 times a day, compared to 28% of UK adults, who don’t laugh for up to a week at a time!
Why have we all stopped ... Views: 3384
In a world that is seemingly speeding up, life coach Louise Presley-Turner looks at what we can do to gain a few precious hours for ourselves.
How often have you said ‘If only I had more time?’
If you’re anything like most of Western Society you’re always chasing the ... Views: 1098
Life Coach Louise Presley-Turner talks about how overcoming our fears are a normal part of life and essential if we want to live our lives to our true potential.
What is it your afraid of?
Is it making decisions, getting it wrong, finding a new job, losing your relationship, learning to drive, ... Views: 1277
All couples enter into a relationship or marriage with the expectation that their passion will last forever. In the beginning of any relationship it’s all very exhilarating and fun. It’s exciting getting to know each other, going out on dates, sharing small adventures and doing things out of the ... Views: 912
In a world that is seemingly speeding up, life coach Louise Presley-Turner looks at what we can do to gain a few precious hours for ourselves.
How often have you said ‘If only I had more time?’
If you’re anything like most of Western Society you’re always chasing the clock, tick, tock, tick, ... Views: 839
Do you know your goals for 2008?
When was the last time you set yourself a goal? Studies tell us that only 3% of people in the UK set goals and those that do are among the wealthiest in the country. So what about those that don’t set goals? Well, I call them plodders! In order to achieve the ... Views: 871
Do you know your goals for 2008?
When was the last time you set yourself a goal? Studies tell us that only 3% of people in the UK set goals and those that do are among the wealthiest in the country. So what about those that don’t set goals? Well, I call them plodders! In order to achieve the ... Views: 784
Have you ever stopped to think about what your life purpose is?
Whether you want to call it a ‘life purpose’ or not, we all have a set of values or things that we are passionate about, that when followed, bring us increased joy and happiness. These values are the fundamental ... Views: 3991
The power within – who?…me?
What would you say if I told you there was a hidden power within you that had the potential to create a world you wanted in live in; a world of greater wealth, peace and happiness?
Would you think I had gone bonkers or was living in ‘lar lar’ land?
Probably. I ... Views: 1029