Whether you are a fan of The Secret, or could simply use a daily reminder of your goals, a vision board can be a great tool for putting you closer to your dreams. You can use it for visualization exercises, daydreaming, or to keep your goals/dreams in mind on a regular basis. I recently made one ... Views: 1254
November means the Thanksgiving Holiday; that got me thinking about gratitude.
Thanks, appreciation, gratitude; it’s all the same feeling. But how often do we stop and take inventory of what is right in our lives? I suppose we pay more attention to what we don’t like in ... Views: 934
Comfort Zones keep us safe from RISK. Taking a risk is when we do something new and we don’t know how it’s going to turn out. Period. If you are human, that stirs up anxiety and fear of the unknown. The “What If” Thinking often begins: “What ... Views: 971
Humans are creative creatures. Period. Everyone is born with a unique creative talent. Your soul knows exactly which creative gift you came brilliantly equipped to contribute to the planet. I suppose in a perfect world, we would all grow up free to express our ... Views: 904
Change…..It can be brutal. I guess the hardest one is the death of a loved one. There are also lovely little changes like divorce, jobs going away, kids leaving home, new bosses, moving, the list goes on.
But wait a minute. If there wasn’t change, you’d stay an infant, and ... Views: 825