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What is really important to you right now in your life? In other words, what do you really value? The main headings are: PEOPLE- THINGS- OTHER, e.g. career. Also finances. That word MONEY again!
Areas of goals:
These can be divided into short, medium and long-term; these respectively being ... Views: 1631
Oh no, not another article on goalsetting!
'There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it.'
- Napoleon Hill (author of the classic book, 'Think and Grow Rich')
'Nothing happens, no ... Views: 887
Oh no, not another article on goalsetting!
'There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it.' - Napoleon Hill (author of the classic book, ' Think and Grow Rich') 'Nothing happens, no ... Views: 818
'...There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is- definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it.' - Napoleon Hill
'Nothing happens, no forward steps are taken until a goal is established.' - David J. Schwarz (author of ‘The ... Views: 8202
I've subscribed to "Forbes" magazine for many years. In the back of the magazine, as you may know, there's a page titled "Thoughts on the Business of Life." I always read it for the excellent quotations it carries--like this one by B. C. Forbes: "It is when things go hardest, when life becomes ... Views: 855
Like umbrellas and pens, unwritten goals almost always end in loss!
Written goals are catalysts, transforming agents for success and achievement. You will achieve far greater and more consistent results when you take the time to write down your goals.
Writing goals sets off a chain of events ... Views: 667
I recently appeared on the cover of the Colorado Free University (CFU) catalog and many people have asked how I managed to accomplish that. Actually, it was simple ? I followed a process that turned my dream into a goal and my goal into reality.
The first step in creating what we want is to ... Views: 820
How many times have you begun the year with grand ideas of things you needed to do? The calendar changes a little bit, and we have this sense of a new beginning. You know what I'm talking about, those silly things we call "New Year's Resolutions".
"New Years Resolutions", okay I confess I've ... Views: 782
Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.
When I was a teenager I volunteered to work the water station at a 10k (6.2 mile) race.
It was called the "Heaven Can Wait" 10 K run and iroically, it was sponsored by the local cemetery.
My job was to pass out water to the ... Views: 1209
I'm sure if you're a serious Goal Setter, at some point you have heard the acronym of S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Specific Measurable Attainable Reasonable Time Bound
That's logical except for one thing.
Most people are not inspired by "Reasonable" Goals.
And who decides what is reasonable?
Most of ... Views: 1145
Self-help books and psychologists often recommend goal setting as a powerful strategy for self-improvement and personal growth. One study in particular, the “Yale Study of Goals,” is frequently cited by self-help gurus and motivational speakers to illustrate the power of goal setting. As the ... Views: 946
Have you ever noticed how wise you are when you give advice to a person younger than you? You aren't fooling yourself. You really have gained some wisdom over the years. Have you ever wished you could be that wise when you had troubles? You can. You can talk to yourself like a "Dutch uncle." ... Views: 879
We are redefining the way we work and relate to one another.
I encourage people to ask questions about what's not working for them and what is really standing in their way of performing and leading. Awareness is the first step to succeeding in a world that is changing, day by day. The basic ... Views: 954
1. Clouded Vision - Get a Grip Step back. It's time to look at the forest. What exactly are you trying to accomplish. Sometimes we get so caught up in the detail we forget where we're going.
2. The Task is Overwhelming - Break it Down The bigger the task, the more we need to define the natural ... Views: 1162
If you truly desire your money to work for you then you need to tell your money what to do. If you do not know what you want your money to do, you will find your money going to waste month after month. Knowing what you want needs to be step one in the process of creating wealth.
When deciding ... Views: 943
Segal's Law says this:
A man with one watch always knows what time it is.
A man with two watches is never sure.
Many have heard this before reading it here. What does it mean, though?
That was the goal I had in mind when I wrote THE MASTER KEY WORKBOOK ... Views: 1521
Quantifying your goals can be a long process. You'll have to gather a lot more information before you're ready to set specific targets. Eventually, you'll probably want to put those goals together in the form of a business plan. But before we move on to the process of getting that information, ... Views: 8927
Goals must be set in advance! Determine your direction accordingly.
When you consider setting goals in your life, you are much like the captain of a ship. You have the vast area of the sea of your life before you. You have the ship of your abilities, potentials and desires to carry you to your ... Views: 925
I am often asked about the "secrets to success". I've had the chance to work with thousands of highly successful people in business and finance, in sports, in entertainment and the arts, and the good news is, there are no "secrets" for success!
There are, however, a few tools that, when used ... Views: 985
Successful people have always had clear, focused goals that guide them to greatness.
It took Thomas Edison thousands of attempts and thousands of failures over many years to invent the electric light bulb, but he new exactly what he wanted, and his goal kept him going until he achieved it The ... Views: 818
Successful people have always had clear, focused goals that guide them to greatness.
It took Thomas Edison thousands of attempts and thousands of failures over many years to invent the electric light bulb, but he new exactly what he wanted, and his goal kept him going until he achieved it The ... Views: 926
If you answer "yes" to three or more of the questions below it's a good bet you need to get your life organized and put an end to being stressed out a good deal of the time.
1. Do you find yourself feeling frustrated that you never have enough time to do the things you really enjoy?
2. Do you ... Views: 858
Goals give you direction in all areas of your life – Personal, Career, Spiritual, Material, and Contribution
Goals give you a purpose in life. A reason to get up early in the morning and go to bed late at night
Goals will put drive and passion into your life
Not having ... Views: 759
Work real hard, then play real hard with joy. Your best times in life are when you are in community with others. It is important to continually build community. The more we get to understand other people, the more we can understand ourselves and grow to become more productive adults.
"To live ... Views: 751
Scientifically, Observation has an effect on the results of an experiment.
Similarly, a Self-Fulfilling prophecy is when "a false definition of the situation evokes a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true."
What we say to others and how we articulate our thoughts ... Views: 795
Does your heart ever beat so fast and hard that you feel you may die? When this happens, (and it happens to me) it motivates and forces decisions (and action).
It may be fear, or it might just be some raw excitement. In either case, it is not a bad thing.
Moving toward your goals, dreams and ... Views: 839
I am a Network Marketer. The direction I go in my business is in exact proportion to the lifestyle I have planned in my mind years ago to live.
There is a good chance YOU are a Network Marketer too, so I wanted to share with you a quick and dirty on how to make your business take off as mine ... Views: 814
Q. What do I do when my goals don't match the company's goals for me?
A. This is a question from our recent Virtual Seminar on setting goals. Since I hear this, in one form or another, almost every month, I thought it would be worth responding to again.
I can look at this is in two ways — ... Views: 1056
Following through on goals - Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals. What I mean is going a step further then actually recording your goals. With that said the question is how do we effectively work our goals list...
Here are a few ... Views: 752
Goal setting and personal planning are skills that have to be learned, developed and honed to perfection by repeated use. One common question about goals setting and personal planning is: “Where do I start?”
Start with a finished picture
You might be tempted to start at the beginning – ... Views: 794
Article Title:How to Achieve your Personal Goals (from Steps to Success, Prosperity and Happiness)
Author: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Self Help, Personal Growth, Motivation, Goalsetting.
Web Sites: http://www.craiglockbooks.com
We hope that the ... Views: 736
It’s that time of year again when we start talking and thinking about New Year's Resolutions even though they’re old hat and we instinctively know they don’t work. Because your friends, family and colleagues may chat about what Resolutions they’re going to make, do you find yourself wondering ... Views: 776
I'm sure that you can recall many times when you have had a brainwave, a bolt from the sky, a sudden idea or an intrusion that you never brought to fruition for any number of reasons.
Maybe you initially thought the idea was so brilliant that it seemed to be the answer you have been looking ... Views: 856
I read an article recently about why it is important to align goals with our values. It seems this salesman set his goals for the coming year. He had a target for volume of sales and acquired new business. He then planned his work schedule to accomplish these goals. It would involve a great deal ... Views: 846
How often do we reach the point of scoring the fantastic goal , but petty issues come up in the way which diffuses our focus from the big ball and ends up in a frustrating and disappointing finish .
Resolve to keep your eye on the big ball. In working with employees the big objective is ... Views: 764
Let's face it. We’ve all been through a powerful seminar or an enlightening personal development group of tapes and we emerge with a lightbulb above our heads and happy thoughts such as ‘what a great concept! I am going to have to use that in my life. Flash forward a couple days or weeks later ... Views: 830
Okay, I know the drill in fact I feel like invented it. You go to a great seminar or get through a set of tapes to help you improve your life--- 3 months go by and those actions you were committed to taking haven't gotten done, but you have the best and most organized desk in the whole office. ... Views: 909
Having goals in our lives is important. For some, merely creating goals brings about a positive change. When you make a goal, you are creating an exciting challenge for yourself. To make sure you meet that challenge with the right tools, you will need to do three things.
The ... Views: 4955
Do you find yourself setting goals and then not following through on them? You start, then get sidetracked. Before you know it, you have fallen back into your old pattern and given up on your dream once again. If this sounds like you, don't give up. Read on...
For the first 38 years of my life ... Views: 961
If you're like most folks, failure comes with negative judgments, and you have a variety of ways to dodge both the judgments and the bad feelings that come with them. You hunker down, often hunching your shoulders, pulling your energy in, and perhaps adopting an apologetic posture as if to say, ... Views: 854
Feeling trapped by lack of funds? We can learn from those who live comfortably and retire early. They speak a different language from those who are stuck in a scarcity process.
1. Banish the word "expensive" from your vocabulary. Replace with, "That's not a priority for me."
"Expensive" is ... Views: 2902
When you are undergoing a career transition, you step out of your comfort zone. By definition, a comfort zone is…well, comfortable. Once you felt in control of a high-powered career. Now you have neither control nor career. It's frustrating and scary.
When you break up a relationship, you also ... Views: 1331
Everyone reading this article is six inches away from experiencing huge successes and breakthroughs in their life. Six inches? Sure! That’s the distance between your ears.
What I’m saying is we are designed with all the resources needed to make our fondest dreams come true. We only need to ... Views: 717
From time to time, we wonder about the mystery that exists in our day to day experiences and events that happen in our lives. Some parts of these events are beyond our control and some are not. We are all here to experiment the theory that we learnt before we decided to embark upon our journey ... Views: 979
T – Think It Through:
All winning teams, sports or otherwise, know they must have a specific goal in mind to work towards. A football team knows that they must advance the ball down the field and score more times than their opponent. They know what a victory looks like, and exactly what they ... Views: 878
The bottom line is simple. No matter what amount of income you earn or don't earn, you CAN be in control of your finances. But you must first be in control of your choices.
Here are some steps to help you:
1. Determine your level of integrity about money. Do you spend money, then hide the ... Views: 895
The bottom line is simple. No matter what amount of income you earn or don't earn, you CAN be in control of your finances. But you must first be in control of your choices.
Here are some steps to help you:
1. Determine your level of integrity about money. Do you spend money, then hide the ... Views: 882
If you were going to drive to somewhere unfamiliar – whether cross country or just across the city - what would be the first thing you would do? Map it out? And then after you mapped it out, would you never look at the map again? Not likely.
More likely, you would refer to the map often, to ... Views: 944
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Consistency - by Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach
Submitted on May 12, 2007 from
Since this is the time of year for Resolutions, I would like to share with you the ONE resolution that I have made for 2002. Perhaps it will impact your life, in the same way that it has already impacted mine.
My Resolution is: "I will be consistent." Now, before you protest, I know this goes ... Views: 776
Have you ever considered that most of what happens in your life happens because of the way you think? Your thinking directs your emotional reaction, which in turn directs your behavior. The way you react to a situation is not just a representation of the events; your reaction also depends on ... Views: 1611