Many goal setters put a lot of work into getting the planning done but then seem to let the implementation run on some form of autopilot. Now there is a time and a place for getting out of your own way. However, remember this. Things began to happen because you initiated the goal setting process ... Views: 1767
I still vividly remember finding a Tony Buzan mind mapping book in a second hand bookshop in the early 1980s. I was sufficiently curious of the book's premises to test mind maps while I was a physics teacher in the UK. This article reviews the goal setting lessons I learned while mind mapping in ... Views: 1148
"It can't be that simple", I often hear it said! But for a few of the lucky ones, moving into massive action on a big goal is not an issue. I've even had comments to the effect that just the thought of what achieving the goal would mean for them was sufficient to propel them into going for ... Views: 1183
Inquisitive workmates, friends or close relations have most
likely asked anyone involved with Personal Development:
"What are you doing all this for?"
Have their questions ever made you stop and think for a
minute or two? And did you flunk the reply because you were
lost for words, felt ... Views: 1307
Do new Internet businesses really need the services of a
business Coach, even if they can afford it? Being that one
of my roles is as an Internet business coach I am somewhat
biased and would generally answer "yes" to my own question!
Nonetheless, it is possible to effectively ... Views: 1609