Renew Your Sense of Purpose

As the Earth renews itself with the arrival of spring, it’s a great reminder to refresh yourself by renewing your sense of purpose. I took a moment to recently reflect, renew and rediscover my own sense of purpose and was reminded once again of just how blessed I truly am to have discovered and live my life’s passion.

As I look back over the past year of Living at YES!, I am very excited at the many lives – including my own - that have been touched, awakened and changed. Living at YES! became official on March 14, 2005. It’s hard to believe that in just 13 months, so many wonderful things have happened in such a very short time.

The idea actually came to me in a dream. I woke up one day with the words “Living at YES!” on my mind. “What a great phrase!,” I thought. “What am I supposed to do with this?” The next night before going to sleep, I asked, “What does Living at YES! mean? I awoke with this answer: “Living at YES! is your new mission, purpose and profession. Although I had been practicing as well as teaching others to live this way of life for the past 13 years, I had never officially given it a name. That night in my dream, all the pieces finally “fit.” YES stands for You Embracing Spirit.” WOW! Living at You Embracing Spirit! What a great title! I was thrilled and suddenly flooded with ideas and possibilities for this new coaching program I was to create. I thought of little else for weeks. I allowed it to sink into every crevice of my thinking process, because I knew that when the Universe gave me a gift as rich as this, my life would change forever. And it has.

I had a similar experience in 1996 when I was traveling around the country presenting workshops teaching metaphysics. I was getting an 800-telephone number when the operator asked me the name of my business. Out of my mouth, without a single thought passing through my mind, popped “Open Heart Ministries.” I soon realized that OHM is a name for God! From this moment on, I knew my heart had made its commitment to be a messenger of love from the Universe to the world. OHM’s mission statement is “Raising Spiritual Self-Esteem in a human World.” OHM has now become my Wedding Ministry offering Non-Denominational/Interfaith wedding ceremonies. I felt the same sense of clarity and purpose when the dream came to me that night. I knew this was the next step in my life’s journey of helping others live a life in full abundance.

Over this past year our (The Universe and I) website has been created by Darla from to share our expansive philosophies on life. Graphic artist Holly Hill helped create our Logo with the “Y” in the shape of a heart. When you “Live at YES!,” your heart opens. More than 2,000 people receive the weekly inspirational message with more signing up each week. Our writer, Susie, has interviewed 7 members who have shared their “Personal Success Stories” in hope of inspiring others. It’s working! We already have 7 more people lined up for the remainder of the year!

In 2006, we began the yearlong program, “Embrace Your Magnificent Self” that is proving to be a wonder-filled opportunity for participants. We are also beginning the Entrepreneurial Spirit Groups for self-employed business owners creating businesses from the heart. I have also facilitated tele-classes, held on the first Thursday of the month, with participants from across the USA and as far away as Hong Kong.

Most importantly, I have been blessed to do what I do best: coach. I have the opportunity to coach many people in releasing their fears, removing self-imposed obstacles and in embracing the spirit of life!

As I reflect on the past year of Living at YES!, I feel so very blessed by all the people’s lives I have been able to touch by encouraging them to discover their heart’s desire and courageously embrace their visions. I am so grateful that we can all have what I call, “A working relationship with the Universe.”

I renew my purpose to open my heart to Wisdom and bring metaphysical and theoretical Truth into everyday, practical language. Thank you for Living at YES! and for sharing the journey with me.

As you mow your lawn and plant your gardens this spring, I invite you to contemplate renewing your sense of purpose rediscover your sense of adventure as you continue on your life’s journey.

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Author's Bio: 

Sharon Marquart is a Certified Life and Spiritual Coach, Public Speaker, Teacher and Published Author. Her coaching practice is, Living at Yes, (You Embracing Spirit). She inspires and motivates others to embrace the Spirit of life, to Know their Presence, to Feel their Power and to Live their Passions. Sharon is committed to motivate and inspire others to live their best life. Sharon has written “Living With Soulful Purpose, “ “9 Steps to a Happier Healthier You,” and “4 Principles for Living Abundantly.” She can be reached at or e-mail Sharon