What would you create if nothing was holding you back?
What if you could literally change your experience of success on a cellular level? In other words, change your DNA.
Actually you can. And it doesn’t involve surgery!
But first, let’s look at what’s going on. Let’s say you’ve ... Views: 1644
Are you lacking energy? Do you feel disorganized? Overwhelmed? Unclear about the next steps? Wondering how on earth your business will survive over the coming years?
Chances are your brain is struggling and is not performing to its best. That’s not great when your survival as a business owner ... Views: 1145
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks they say. But that’s not actually true. Our brains are way more adaptable than we thought. We can reverse many of the signs of aging as new studies in brain health reveal. Believe it or not, we can actually reverse some of the signs of dementia and ... Views: 1213
Why do so many people struggle with attracting what they wish into their lives?
Well there are a couple of things they fail to understand about the law of attraction works which put a spanner in the whole thing.
For real and sustainable change to take place, we need experience it, feel it on ... Views: 1188
"The voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes but in finding new eyes." Marcel Proust
The Big Picture
When Rusty Schweikert made his space walk from Apollo 9 and saw the earth as a whole, it changed him forever: ‘Frames and boundaries over which we fight are not real from the ... Views: 1180
Authentic Leadership - and the most important stocktake you'll ever make
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Harold Whitman
The ultimate question
Clarity of ... Views: 1115