It's that time of year again when we start talking and thinking about New Year's Resolutions even though they're old hat and we instinctively know they don't work. Because your friends, family and colleagues may chat about what Resolutions they're going to make, do you find yourself wondering ... Views: 1121
When we think about effective time management we often look at it as a means of better organising our professional lives. However, it is also a valuable tool for maximising and making better use of your leisure time and the time you spend with your family.
There is little doubt that your family ... Views: 1144
December is generally a hectic time for most of us and before we know it January is upon us. As you welcome in the New Year, your thoughts may turn to the goals you’re going to set yourself for the year. Spending time thinking about and writing down your goals will get your New Year off to ... Views: 1105
Christmas is a time when we want to experience love, joy and peace, but for many people it’s an extremely difficult and stressful time. On the one hand, you look forward to enjoying Christmas and on the other hand, you dread what it’s really going to be like. However, Christmas can ... Views: 1113
1. Take time for yourself on a regular basis. Perhaps you might take a long bath, read, have quiet time alone or whatever feels good for you. You will be feel good about yourself and more relaxed and energised to enjoy your life more fully.
2. Ask people to help you. Choose 3 things today that ... Views: 1125
One of the keys to getting the most out of your time is developing the ability to ask yourself the right questions at the right time. This need only take a few seconds before you begin any given task. More often than not, you will find these few seconds will present new and better ways of doing ... Views: 1031
As strange as it may sound, being busy doesn't necessarily mean being productive. While we all want to get the most of our day, both at work and at home, trying to pack too many things in can be counter-productive. Taking a few minutes time out each day to consider how we can better spend our ... Views: 1013
If things are getting on top of you and you feel like there simply aren't enough hours in the day, it may be time to take a step back and reevaluate your situation. With the pressures of modern life it is easy to lose focus on the goals that are genuinely important to us. If this sounds like ... Views: 1290
Effective time management is a step by step process that takes determination and a long-term commitment. However, it is essential that you do not try to take on too much, too soon. In this article I advise you on how you can manage your time effectively.
We all have days when we are left ... Views: 1107
Many people struggle to find the time to do the things they want to. There are only 24 hours in a day and that is never going to change. However, we can change how we look at time and how we use it to help us lead a fuller and more productive life.
If you have a to do list that is longer than ... Views: 1075
With today's busy lifestyle you will often feel that there simply isn't enough time to do everything you want to do. Most of us have busy work schedules and have families to look after so every minute of leisure time seems like a valuable commodity. However, there are some simple steps you can ... Views: 928
How often do you hear yourself saying you don't have enough time? Even if you're not saying it out loud, I bet you think it. "I wish I had more time" or "There's never enough hours in a day" are statements voiced every day by most people. It's a fact of life that there just isn't enough time. ... Views: 1382
I awoke to the feeling of being shook and felt scared because I didn't know what was happening. It later transpired that we had experienced an earthquake. As I reflected on this occurrence and my feelings at the time, for me, it was a metaphor for shaking up our lives. What do I mean by ... Views: 2129
Fast forward yourself to the end of December and as the year closes, how are you feeling about your achievements during this past year? Really get in touch with your feelings, live them, breathe them and don't let them pass by. Are you feeling any disappointment, regret or frustration for the ... Views: 2439