You can move forward as fast as you want. You can absorb information at the speed of thought. You can use the processes explained in this book to get all A’s in school, to earn a doctorate, to pass an exam, or just to become the smartest person on the planet.
Instant learning is the ... Views: 623
Each of us knows at least 250 people that we don’t even know that we know. Each of us has constant and continuous meetings with people: spontaneously in the elevator, on the bus or on the train to work, at the grocery store—everywhere.
The Law of Attraction
Decide that you are a ... Views: 699
Follow Through
At the end of the day, network marketing is a business; and to succeed in business you have to follow through.
Many people in network marketing spend all their time planning, scheming, and dreaming instead of doing, living, and modeling their business.
Talk to people. Tell the ... Views: 674
We already know that network marketing is about storytelling, and whoever tells the best story wins the immediate sale, enrollment, and recruit. We’ve talked about the first part of business that’s crucial to success – the opportunity story.
Now, let’s look at how to master your product ... Views: 714
Network marketing is about storytelling, and whoever tells the best story wins the immediate sale, enrollment, and recruit.
Telling the best story is the secret to building an outstanding organization and team.
Our life and our network’s life are about the quality of the stories that we ... Views: 781
I’ve worked with Toyota and helped with consulting and moving their factories. They work at an unbelievable speed because they are totally focused on one thing, which is the principle of kaizen: constant, never-ending improvement all the time every day.
In other companies an employee has ... Views: 618
If I ask you what you did this year and you say, “Let’s see: I did ten tasks, every day for 200 working days, so I did 2,000 things,” then you’re completely worthless in adding value to the business. I can guarantee that anything you are doing ten of in a day is not going ... Views: 580
Once you have a clear laser-beam focus on a WOW level goal, there are two other keys to remember.
Speed of Decision
The first is speed of decision. When I go out to companies as a consultant and to survey employees, the number-one frustration of most employees is the decisions their bosses ... Views: 837
What is the traditional approach for trying to get focused in business? It is the Pareto principle, commonly called the 80/20 rule, meaning that 20 percent of the effort or activity is always responsible for 80 percent of the results.
It’s absolutely ludicrous and out of date. Pareto’s not ... Views: 941
Does it pay to do more with less and focus more?
Focus is the key to your profits!
Look at one of my favorite examples: Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s.
Ray used to get asked, “When are you going to diversify?” He had a great answer for this question: “We will ... Views: 793
The real challenge is that we have all been incorrectly conditioned and trained to believe that the most important thing in business is the opportunity.
However, if you try to make use of all the opportunities that show up, you lose all focus. By trying to be all things to all people, you end ... Views: 643
In my experience with building businesses, I know that within days, literally, of starting a business that business starts to lose focus. I’ve learned through all the years of creating more than 35 companies and working in 35 countries that focus is the only challenge in business.
What ... Views: 746
I’d like to say something about “associating.” Sometimes we think of this word in terms of our personal associations, the building of our relationships; but there is another way of associating. It is associating with your mind. Learn from others; study those who are successful. ... Views: 685
Would you say that in order to be successful, to do what you want to do, you have to associate with unlucky people? No. Just the opposite. Do you want to work with people who are unprepared to take advantage of opportunities?
Do you want to hang out with people who have tattoos that say ... Views: 763
If you are prepared, when the opportunity presents itself, you get lucky. Consider this…
Oprah Winfrey was making The Color Purple and she was sitting at lunch with Steven Spielberg, arguably the world’s greatest director. He was writing in his journal the goals he was going to ... Views: 749
I remember the exact moment I learned the principle of preparing for luck.
I was on the wrestling team. Now, if there’s one thing I can tell you about any sport, it is that wrestling is probably the sport that has the least luck. There are only two people out on the mat, so you cannot blame it ... Views: 935
Fate favors the bold, the strong, insistent, consistent, and persistent person.
You may say, “Well, then, how does luck work?” Does it seem to you that there are people for whom everything just works out?
You might ask, “Why doesn’t that ever happen to me?” Then again, maybe it does and you ... Views: 5057
Most people believe that the secret to time management is doing more things in less time. This is simply not true. The secret to time management is doing fewer things!
This may sound strange, but it is still true. It is so important that I will say it once again.
The secret to time management ... Views: 761
Nothing that happens to us has any meaning at all—other than the meaning we give it, that is.
Think about it; if you were not there to interpret the event, to name it, to classify it, to give it meaning, then it would just be.
Let it be.
Let It Be
If you don’t like what it means, let it mean ... Views: 689
I spent several years as the CEO of an organization that was going through tremendous change. We were acquired by a company in a foreign country; then we had a merger, our entire product line shifted, and the economy had a downturn.
Now the funny thing about problems is they float. That’s ... Views: 648
All you need is within you. You were not made for failure here. You have unbelievable resources inside you, if you find them and learn to use them.
Think of an area of your life where you are competent, successful, powerful, strong, or confident.
What situation in that area of your life would ... Views: 635
Organizations measure success in term of numbers: the amount of profit, the size of expenses, the turnover of inventory, and the level of quality. It is a world of numbers!
Successful team members know their numbers.
Your organization hired you to deliver a “number.” What is it? If you are not ... Views: 746
So how can you fast-write a book? The answer is that there are multiple ways. You can write it yourself. You can have it ghostwritten. You can coauthor it. You can dictate it. You can interview your way to a book.
Writing Yourself
Before you write a book, have a soul-storming session with ... Views: 799
Many authors, more than you could possibly believe, have the one of the greatest books of all time locked in a safe, file cabinet, file folder, or computer. Why have writers got a backlog of brilliant material hidden away? Because writers write. Prolific writers write prolifically.
Ask writers ... Views: 716