Why is it that some people seem to have the ability to attract wealth and are seemingly successful in everything that they do while the majority of us drift along. making a living but never making any money?

Is it luck? Do these people know something you don't? Of course they do! For starters, They have never been 'fearful' of moving out of their 'comfort zone', that state of being that many of us settle into. That state that prevents us from moving on and improving our circumstances. That inbuilt fear many of us have of the unknown. They have achieved their goals by setting themselves 'success code directives', a very effective way to overcome those 'habits' that hold us back. How could this process have such a positive outcome?

Subconsciously, we all set goals in much of what we do. For example: We may drive to the petrol station to get fuel, go to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, walk up to the pub for a pint. We rarely 'see' it as such, (a goal) but that is what we have achieved. We would never get to anywhere or achieve anything if we didn't. Yet, if we are asked to set a specific goal, why then do many of us 'view' that as an obstacle to overcome?

How many times have you found your mind 'wandering'? One definition of wandering is ' to move about without a fixed course or purpose', or to put it another way: to move about without a fixed goal in mind! (we have all done it).

So, does 'luck' have anything to do with being successful? It may surprise you to find out that it does but not in the accepted sense! That being, that good luck and bad luck are completely random and that you do not have any control over it. You do!

There have been numerous accounts of people in certain environments like deserts, forests and snow fields who trek miles for hours and days, only to find out to their utter dismay and bewilderment that they have ended up back to where they started! They have wasted precious time and energy achieving nothing. There was no visible or obvious point of reference, nothing to aim for. They set off in the hope that they would reach a goal, without a goal being in sight.

In life, there is (generally speaking) an 'inbalance' between the good luck you experience and bad luck with bad luck usually occupying the larger percentage. (I'm sure you have noticed that)! It is within all of us to turn around this 'inbalance' so that our good luck exceeds our bad luck, by training our mind to focus on a goal ahead. What a life changing experience it would be to achieve this.

Well..Wouldn't it?

Created by Martin C Parr. To learn more tips and techniques about 'Successful Mind Management Tactics' go to: martincparr.com

Author's Bio: 

Martin C Parr publishes top quality Self Improvement and Internet Based,Easy To Follow,Business Manuals,giving you,genuine step by step guidence to personal development and achieving your goals...To learn more tips and techniques about 'Successful Mind Management Tactics' go to:> martincparr.com