A well stocked kitchen is important for those who enjoy cooking, although a very basic kitchen can be very workable as well. There are some essentials in any kitchen, such as pots and pans, one or more baking pans, and certainly knives. Many kitchens lack knives that are any good. In fact the ... Views: 721
The medical community is always telling us to exercise, and it seems that there are continually new reasons being discovered why exercise is good for you. Still, most people do not exercise it seems, or only do so erratically. Fortunately exercise is easy to do, whether you are simply walking ... Views: 916
The medical community is always telling us to exercise, and it seems that there are continually new reasons being discovered why exercise is good for you. Still, most people do not exercise it seems, or only do so erratically. Fortunately exercise is easy to do, whether you are simply walking ... Views: 916
Losing weight is simple, in theory at least. But actually doing it and keeping the weight off is far more difficult as many of us know from personal experience. And unfortunately as we age, our bodies slow down, and it becomes harder to lose weight. Many people gradually gain weight as they age ... Views: 916
Do you make New Years resolutions, resolutions to make you happier, healthier, perhaps a better person or similar? Many people do, but unfortunately many people abandon them within a few weeks. There are many reasons for this, the biggest one being unreasonable expectation or goals, and most ... Views: 798
Many of us have a few pounds of extra weight to lose, and many of us are not going to lose them at least anytime fast. And for those that do the weight often comes back on. I have friends who have been losing and gaining the same 20 pounds for years. There are plenty of diets out there, and most ... Views: 660
Email can eat up all your time, at least any spare time and more, if you let it. It is supposed to be a tool but can turn out to be a time productivity nightmare. Somehow many people thinking email is their top priority at work and even in life sometimes, but obviously this is not true. Email ... Views: 1522
Unfortunately many of us should lose weight, which is a polite way of saying we are overweight. Even more unfortunately, most of us won’t, at least according to statistics. And of those of us that do lose weight, 80% will regain that weight. There are seriously health implications to being ... Views: 846
The world is a stressful, or at least the modern world is. With schedules and deadlines and traffic and more, just ordinary life can cause a lot of excess stress. I’m certainly not immune and probably no one is. Here are five ways I reduce or limit stress. Hopefully they will work for you as ... Views: 1873