Many women are not prepared for the emotional effects of divorce, especially if they are the one that initiated the separation and divorce. The so-called divorce support they receive from meaningful family and friends often wind up being an “ex” bashing session, which makes her feel worse about ... Views: 2643
The Victim Mode
During and after a divorce many women fall prey into the victim mode. While in victim mode a woman will not be able to thrive after divorce. Many women do not even realize that they are doing this and do not see how much harm they are causing themselves. By continuing to play ... Views: 4700
According to the national Center for Health Statistics, the woman files two-thirds of divorce cases. A more amazing statistic is that when the couple are college-educated, divorces initiated by the wife is a whopping 90-percent!
What's more interesting that for the past one-hundred years the ... Views: 3529
The divorce rate in the United States has increased tremendously over the past 75 years. Analysts have several theories on the reason behind this. The divorce rate is an alarming 45-percent for a first marriage and over 60-percent for a second marriage.
Based on my personal experience as well ... Views: 3689
A successful entrepreneur has mastered the art of a balanced life. They take the time to care for their own personal health and maintain meaningful relationships with their loved ones. They are driven by their passion to serve others and to utilize their creativity. What makes a successful ... Views: 8026
An entrepreneur is a person who begins a business based on their passion. They don’t think of it it as work – they find it fun, creative and invigorating. An entrepreneur (including an online entrepreneur) also accepts all the risks and responsibilities of any new business and will have ... Views: 6667
Most people wander through their entire life believing they are in the drivers seat …
But are they really?
Are you???
When you are driving your vehicle, you have your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road, your foot on the gas (ready to brake if necessary) and most important of all ... Views: 2007
It is believed that direct or indirect messages that we received from our parents may contribute to the development of our feelings. As children we are often labeled in our family.
We might be identified as smart, funny, and sensitive, lazy or superior – just to name a few. As we grow we ... Views: 4480
Keep in mind that having a healthy self-esteem does not mean conceit. It also does not mean that you never doubt or have low points in your life.
Here are 7 common traits of people that have a healthy level of self-esteem ….
A person with healthy self esteem is confident in the ... Views: 2711
Have you ever wondered how to be more self confident?
What is it that you are looking for when you think of self-confidence?
To be more self confident the first thing you must do is become your own best friend. You have unique talents and gifts that were given ONLY to you. Isn’t that ... Views: 2124
When someone lashes out at you in anger what does it really mean?
People who are judgmental and harsh towards others usually disapprove of something within themselves. It could be that they see a trait in you that they desire for themselves or one that they dislike about themselves.
An ... Views: 12339
"We are one big family of people, trying to make our way through the unfolding puzzle of life." Sara Paddison
For thousands of years people have been attempting to solve the puzzle of life. The problem is that there is not one solution. Each of us has our own unique puzzle to solve. Your ... Views: 2468
Experts agree that visualizing is one of the key factors in obtaining your goals - including weight loss.
Is it really as easy it sounds?
Visualizing takes practice - just like anything else in life. It may be hard to picture yourself 50 pounds lighter - especially if it's been years since ... Views: 4454
Does it feel like you just woke up one morning with all those extra pounds? You went to sleep and woke up much heavier than you ever thought you would be. You hardly notice yourself in the mirror anymore.
When did that double chin creep up on you?
Has your face always been so round? ... Views: 4310
How many excuses have you made for ...
Not starting your weight loss program
Cheating on your diet
Going off your diet completely
Not exercising
Have you ever made the following excuse?
"I've already blown it - So it doesn't matter what I eat now."
"I'll start my diet ... Views: 5361
Having a High Self-Esteem is a skill that anyone can learn.
Decide what you can and can't control. Change and act on the things that are in your control and release the things that are out of your control.
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning ... but anyone can start today and ... Views: 2596
The simplest way to understand what The Law of Attraction is that your thoughts create your reality. Everything you are right now is based on your thoughts in the past.
The first step to making the Law of Attraction work in your life is to understand your thought patterns.
Both your ... Views: 2073
"Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, ... Views: 27433
Happy people have a different way of thinking and doing things. They maintain a positive attitude about people, things and life in general. They interpret the world that they live in differently than the average person.
Happy people generally have the following habits that express their ... Views: 4987
Positive thinking is not the phony-baloney it was once believed to be. Numerous studies over recent years have shown that optimistic thinking leads to a positive attitude. People with positive attitudes live longer happier healthier lives.
1. Thinking positive is a choice. With practice it ... Views: 3356
Here are some great motivational weight loss tips. They will not only get you started on your weight loss journey, they will help you to stay motivated and inspired. Motivation is the main ingredient that determines your success in weight loss. Ready, Set, Get Motivated ...
Motivational ... Views: 1936
It's natural for us to have cravings. It's part of our body's way of telling us what it needs. For instance if you are low in iron you might crave red meat. If your body is low on potassium it might crave bananas. When a craving strikes the first thing you might want to try is drinking a ... Views: 3781
Are you tired of hearing "Diets Don't Work."?
As an overweight person needing to lose weight, this can seem quite disheartening. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you can't help but wonder if they're wrong – surely there has to be a diet that works … You know that you've lost ... Views: 1366
What is a physical barrier?
According to the dictionary the meaning of the words:
Physical - Of or relating to the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit.
Barrier - Anything that restrains or obstructs progress.
Thus a physical barrier pertains to something going on in your body that ... Views: 2639
It’s important to reward yourself for your accomplishments during your weight loss journey. Reward yourself for behavioral changes as well as physical. After all the key to maintain your weight loss depends on the behavioral changes you’ve made along the way.
Your rewards need to be non-food ... Views: 16967
What is an external barrier?
An external barrier is an outside influence that prevents us from achieving our goal.
Do you know which external barrier that people say is the number one reason they can’t lose weight?
If you said “Time”, you are right! When asked people say that with their ... Views: 1692
Discover how to overcome External Barriers to Weight Loss
What is an external barrier?
An external barrier is an outside influence that prevents us from achieving our goal.
Do you know which external barrier that people say is the number one reason they can’t lose weight?
If you said “Time”, ... Views: 1808