Now that you are considering retirement or are newly retired, you are undoubtedly thinking about things that you can do that your schedule did not allow for in the past. We all have huge, wandering trips where we go to far-flung locations on exotic adventures, right? Have you stopped to think ... Views: 1035
Remember your school days when you were continuously learning? Your mind as a child was like a sponge soaking up knowledge and adding to the bank in your brain. As an adult, you undoubtedly learned a lot of information and new skills when you first started your career and along that pathway. ... Views: 1006
The months before retirement can be some of the most exciting in your life. Just think, no more alarm clock, battling rush hour traffic, endless and boring meetings, working with people who you don't particularly care for, and the tired term "doing more with less." Retirement is the solution to ... Views: 908
A huge majority of people live in a very busy, loud, and sometime chaotic world outside of our homes and unfortunately sometimes inside them as well. This makes it impossible to sit down, think, contemplate, and write about your ideal life in retirement. Fortunately, if you are creative, you ... Views: 1000
In the last blog post, we talked about making a complete list of all of the achievements of your life and putting it on paper. Hopefully you have done that and taken the time to relax and enjoy all that you have accomplished. Did you ever stop to think how much you have achieved? It feels ... Views: 1281
You have probably seen the stories on the news (especially the morning talk shows) about people who save hundreds of dollars on every shop by using coupons. You may say “that could never be me; I don’t have time to clip and organize coupons!” Believe it or not, couponing is really not ... Views: 1450
Planning for retirement is definitely a busy and exciting time filled with decisions. There are so many things to do and decisions to make but there is one thing that you need to make sure you know and benefits (such as life, health, dental and other insurance). Good news is that, for most ... Views: 1151
Undoubtedly, you are a very busy person with a lot of structure in every day. You wake up with a plan for the day, check email, voice mail and probably social media. You read the news, you eat breakfast (sometimes on the way to work) and you arrive at work at basically the same time every day. ... Views: 1267