O for Opportunity
R for Relax
G for Generate
A for Arrange
N for Next
I for Idle
Z for Zest
E for Execute versus eventually
It is a new year and an OPPORTUNITY to organize your self and your space.
RELAX as you go into the process of identifying what you value in ... Views: 1285
I often ask myself who am I? Who am I to ask for a war to end? Who am I to tolerate a war that's gone too far? Who am I not to jump up and down in protest? Who am I to stand from afar and not say a word? What is my purpose in this life but to be a peace maker, a warrior of love, a kind ... Views: 1111
I have so many times worked on forgiving others for acts of in-justices, unkind acts, hurtful things said or done, anything I deemed a wrong done to me. I have worked on empathy so that I would be able to forgive the perpetrators over and over and over again. It seemed like it was a never ... Views: 1259
Love is the center of the universe, so many say, but can the center of you be filled with love? If not, I am afraid to say that love may not come your way. Love is like a magnet. If you fill yourself with love then love will be attracted and drawn to you. If you are filled with bitterness, ... Views: 1173
I walked down the isle headed towards my first husband. There was a screeching voice inside my head that said "Don't do it". Did I listen? No. I just kept walking and smiling. I noticed the melody of the harp and the calming violin, the beautiful flowers my step-mother picked out ever so ... Views: 1142