The support of friends, family, and our community has been shown to extend our lives, lower our risk of infection, and help us recover from conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure more quickly and effectively. A study conducted in 2001 by Beverly H. Brummett, Ph.D. and ... Views: 1939
Social support can be defined as the emotional comfort and security given to us by friends, relatives, coworkers, and others. It is the contentment we feel from being a part of a community that loves us and cares for us, and that will help us through difficult situations in our lives.
In ... Views: 3504
In 1911, a Swiss psychiatrist named Eigen Bleuler was the first to describe autism as a medical disorder. However, he was talking about adults, and the condition he was describing is now known as schizophrenia. Thirty years later, in 1943, Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins University redefined ... Views: 4168
Orthomolecular medicine, according to two-time Nobel prizewinner Dr. Linus Pauling, is the process of preserving good health and preventing disease by varying the concentration of substances in the body at the molecular level, such as minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. ... Views: 1654
Depression is at epidemic levels. In the United States, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) reports that major depression is the most prevalent mood disorder today, affecting 17 percent of the population at least once in their lifetime. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... Views: 3382
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for humans in industrialized nations. However, the disease is virtually nonexistent in most animals. According to Dr. Matthias Rath, author of Eradicating Heart Disease, it isn’t impossible for animals to get heart disease, but it is a very rare ... Views: 1811
Scientists have found that the nutrients needed to fight different types of cancer are very similar. Their research shows that the same supplement regimen can be used to treat most cancers since orthomolecular treatments for cancer don't focus on attacking cancer tissues. Instead, they attempt ... Views: 1366
"No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the mineral salts he requires for perfect health, because his stomach isn’t big enough to hold them! And we are running to big stomachs.
No longer does a balanced and fully nourishing diet consist merely of so ... Views: 1860
In 2009, Dr. Joseph Biederman, a leading Harvard child psychiatrist, told drug maker Johnson & Johnson that predetermined studies of its medicines for children would generate profitable results for the company. Dr. Biederman laid out the plans for testing Johnson & Johnson’s drugs in a slideshow ... Views: 4440
Dangerous Psychiatric Drugs Your Doctor Recommends
Since the first SSRI antidepressant was released in 1988, over 200 lawsuits have been brought against the major SSRI makers, including AstraZeneca, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Eli Lilly. For the most part the lawsuits have been in response ... Views: 8336
Sales of psychiatric drugs are big business. Worldwide sales of antidepressants, stimulants, anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic drugs top $82 billion a year and fuel the $330 billion psychiatric industry.
Psychiatrists continue to label millions of Americans with “mental illnesses” and to ... Views: 2171
Research and clinical observations over the past 40 years have found that psychotropic drugs produce suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts and possibly suicide in a small portion of depressed patients. The FDA has ordered Black Box Warnings on all antidepressant medications, warning that they may ... Views: 1112
Emotional abuse results in damage to the hippocampus, a brain area involved in learning and memory ability. This damage results in associated memory deficits, according to studies from Yale University School of Medicine, Yale Psychiatric Institute and the Department of Biological Sciences at ... Views: 17067
Modern society generally sees stress as a negative or harmful emotion. The truth is, we all have a healthy base level of stress, known as eustress. Harmful stress is referred to as distress. Healthy stress is essential in helping us to manage life's challenges. Distress can make us sick, or even ... Views: 1026
“Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.”
-Mark Twain
Motivation is the desire to do things. It's the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It's the crucial element ... Views: 1110
Chromium has been called “Nature's Prozac." Researchers at Duke University have found that a daily dose of 600 micrograms of chromium picolinate led to a significant decrease in symptoms of atypical depression. Scientists are researching chromium as a treatment for mood disorders, both mild and ... Views: 1195
Your digestive system plays a major role in your overall health. 60 to 80 percent of your immune system is located there, according to Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD. The digestive system is a strong yet delicate ecosystem, finely balancing bad and good bacteria. The good bacteria are known as probiotics. ... Views: 1667
Yoga is a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. What sets it apart from similar exercises like stretching or calisthenics is the deep and distinct connection with your breathing.
Scientists at the Fred ... Views: 1397
Scientists at the New York Medical Center, the University of California, and the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons found that yoga could be a beneficial, low-risk, low-cost treatment for:
stress-related medical illnesses
substance ... Views: 1060
Introducing the fast, easy way for you to experience the benefits of meditation today.
Meditation has long been used to aid in weight loss and make dieting easier. Sometimes diet and exercise alone are not enough to get you through the times when you're hungry, fatigued, or stressed out, ... Views: 1022
Meditation boosts your brain's levels of mood-elevating chemicals, such as:
It helps you to control mental chatter and self-destructive impulses. A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that a meditation program was ... Views: 2464
Depression is a worldwide epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, it affects about 121 million people worldwide, and those numbers are increasing. Depressive disorders affect as many as 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a ... Views: 1213
Obesity and being overweight and the associated health problems are estimated to be more costly than the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. The cost of both wars is estimated to be around 150 billion dollars annually, according to the Pentagon. The most recent study on the cost of obesity ... Views: 1199
People who engage in regular exercise, including walking, show improvement in their depression, comparable to people treated with antidepressant medication, demonstrating that exercise and depression recovery are linked. Exercise has none of the harmful and potentially deadly side effects of ... Views: 1158
Do you run to the latest fad diet when you want to lose weight? You are not alone. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates that each day Americans spend an average of $109 million on dieting or diet related products, or over $34 billion a year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... Views: 3111
Having the support of family and friends can be just as important to a weight loss plan as exercise or calorie restriction. People who go on a weight loss plan with friends or family lose more weight than people who go on a weight loss plan by themselves, according to researchers at the ... Views: 1014
The Mediterranean diet lifestyle can help alleviate symptoms of depression. A study of almost ten-thousand healthy Spanish adults, conducted at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain, found that those who most closely followed the Mediterranean diet lifestyle were 30 percent less ... Views: 938
Recent research suggests that depression may not be a disorder, but an evolutionary adaptation which brings certain mental and emotional advantages. Depressed people often report persistent rumination, which allows them to analyze complex social dilemmas more effectively, according to the ... Views: 1259
Visualization is the process of creating a mental image of what you want to happen. Research has shown that visualization can have both physical and psychological benefits. Repeatedly visualizing your goals can build confidence, and improves your ability to deal with stressful emotions ... Views: 1301
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.”
-Abraham Lincoln
Here are six powerful tips to help you learn how to set smart weight loss goals.
1. Your goal must be clear, concise and specific.
A common mistake people make when setting goals is that they are too general and vague. Saying ... Views: 1412
Making simple changes to your diet can have profound effects on your brain and body. Scientific organizations all over the world have found that eating the right foods can reverse depression, reduce anxiety, boost energy levels, improve mental alertness and concentration, and fight a variety of ... Views: 1981
"Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be food."
The benefits of macrobiotic diet foods are becoming increasingly recognized. Over the last several decades, the macrobiotic diet has been the catalyst for positive dietary and lifestyle changes around the world. The ... Views: 1289
Millions of people around the world have learned how mindful meditation can reverse depression. Now you can use this powerful tool to vastly improve your quality of life.
Mindful meditation has the ability to reduce stress, relieve depression and anxiety, and lower your blood pressure, ... Views: 1193
Omega-3s in fish oil have been shown to protect your heart and prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Here are 7 amazing proven benefits of fish oil supplements that will help you fight depression, boost your brain functioning, reduce inflammation, and a great deal ... Views: 964
Oxford University and Pennsylvania State University have found that certain foods have fat-burning, muscle-building, or satiety-inducing properties. Here are ten great weight loss foods that help you burn fat, build muscle, and increase your energy. They also help you to control cravings.
1. ... Views: 977
We all experience daily stress, and the incorrect response to this stress can cause you to gain weight. Research shows that nearly 90 percent of overweight people are emotional eaters. They overeat as an incorrect response to stress. Not all stress is negative or harmful. We all experience ... Views: 961
Major scientific organizations all over the world, including the Mayo Clinic and the World Health Organization, endorse the Mediterranean diet lifestyle as a primary way of preventing chronic diseases. It has been proven effective in helping you to lose weight, lowering your risk of heart ... Views: 1270
What you occupy your mind with is of essential importance to your physical and psychological health. Research shows that humans have an average of 60,000 thoughts every day. Although the idea of consistently controlling your thoughts can seem overwhelming, it is one of the most important skills ... Views: 1700
Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy has been shown to reduce anxiety in a broad range of clinical populations, as reported by the University of Ottawa. Meditation reduces stress and enhances forgiveness, according to a study published by the Journal of American College Health. Meditators ... Views: 2987
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed."
-Dr. Wayne Dyer
What you occupy your mind with is of great importance to your physical and psychological health. When you learn to gain control of your ... Views: 1159
Millions of people struggle with completing goals and overcoming challenges due to the habit of procrastination. In fact, it's one of the most common personal issues that people seek help for. There are several reasons why people procrastinate or avoid tasks. They can range from simple, basic ... Views: 2603