Did you know that guided meditations are one of the greatest ways to get into the habit of meditating? That is because they are straightforward to use, which is great if you're in need of constant relaxation after a hard day.
The funny thing is most people find it hard to find the time to ... Views: 899
The good thing is that there are no specific ways to meditate: no specific posture or breathing rhythm is necessary. Of course if you want to sit in the lotus position or breath rhythmically by all means do, but there is no need to. Because once you have gotten the hang of it you can meditate ... Views: 1023
A holistic way of living and meditation have become very popular in current years, with more individuals looking for an alternative to the frenzied speed of everyday life. Nevertheless, a lot of practitioners of meditation don't reflect on the obstacles modern society gives to meditation. Even ... Views: 932
One of the most widespread of all fears that people have is that of speaking in front of an audience, whether it be a small or a large audience. Even though you may find individuals who would rather try to get away from ever speaking in front of people the thing is it is a quite difficult thing ... Views: 1071
A lot of people are terrified of the thought of speaking in front of a large crowd, but did you know that you stand to gain a lot just by reaping the benefits of conquering the fear of speaking in public?
Glossophobia is the technical term for the fear of public speaking. People who suffer ... Views: 2124
What is Reiki? Well, Reiki is the vital life force of the Universe. The Japanese meaning of the word Reiki is universal Life Force. With Rei meaning universal consciousness, and Ki meaning life force, energy. This energy is a conscious and intelligent force that streams through and nurtures all ... Views: 1511
In spite of the dependability of air travel, a lot of people are still developing a fear of flying. If you have a friend who has aviophobia (the technical term for the phobia) you can help your friend to overcome that fear. How can I do that? You might ask.
Well, you can act as a confidante ... Views: 1483
Think about it traveling to different countries is great. But the thing is what happens if you like travelling, but you are scared of flying? It can't be easy for you can it? If you have not developed some strategies to conquering the fear of flying because whatever destination you go to for a ... Views: 1393
The Fear of flying or aviophobia (the technical term for the phobia) is thought of as quite common among people who travel often by air.
What is it that makes flying safe? Did you know that flying is the safest form of travel, and Statistics prove it? That is because the airplane is managed ... Views: 1087
Medical experts describe pain as, "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage." The degree of pain that different people feel varies: what might be a minor irritant to one person might be extreme pain to another person.
Qualified ... Views: 988
Some of the tissues we have in our body are soft and are susceptible to damages. Some of the best ways to mend damaged soft tissues is by massage.
People who have never had a massage are uncertain about it. They get anxious thinking about it. Usually they ask some question like: "Must I take ... Views: 1286
Do you suffer from frequent pain? Do you hate relying on medication every time you suffer from pain? If you do, then you will be pleased to hear that yoga meditation is another pain relief option open to you that doesn't involve having weird side effects. A lot of people suffering from frequent ... Views: 1150
Hypnosis has and is still being utilized for all kinds of various reasons. Did you know that it can also be a helpful technique for pain control?
Hypnosis is just another technique you can use to rid your body of pain by employing numerous hypnotic methods, that stops the pain indicators from ... Views: 1101
Knowing what you want in life generates personal power and arouses you to the magnificence of the universe. It leads you to the core of a spiritual journey as it transforms your views and feelings. Knowing what you want does not guarantee an easy life, but rather a life open to opportunity and ... Views: 1045
Being aware of yourself and feeling great about yourself this helps a lot in making your work-life a lot better. The way you do this is by having a correct sympathetic view of your values and strengths these are the qualities that make you feel great about yourself. The process starts by ... Views: 1179
The significance of achievement depends on the person who is asked to explain it. For some, this all comes down to finding and achieving their goal. And once that is achieved, they feel confident to tackle whatever other ventures they have chosen to go for. But this is not as simple as it ... Views: 925
A lot of people take almost a lifetime to discover what they really want to do. So It would be best if you knew the fundamentals to finding what you really want to do while you are still young. This way, you will have lots of time to accomplish whatever you want, and enjoy its benefits ... Views: 910
It may be simple to say that you are ready to take certain steps in discovering your goal. But once you have decided to do something towards your goal, you will soon recognize that nothing is truly easy when it comes to this. There are a lot of things to think about and matters to be sorted ... Views: 1058
The Fear of Public speaking is one of the most widespread fears that people have. Public speaking is all about making a speech before spectators. Even though this undertaking seems to be somewhat clear-cut, there are numerous issues that could come into play, which makes this a real kind of fear ... Views: 1212
The fear of failure is widespread; for understandable reasons. Most people want success and yet only those people who are courageous enough to face this kind of fear are the ones capable to climb above their fears and attain whatever goals they have set out to achieve. Those other people who are ... Views: 1174
Fear can affect anyone irrespective of age, or how strong and tough a person is. Nevertheless, children are more disposed to develop fears because their extent of comprehension about the world, and things in general is quite limited. The same can also be said about their deduction ability in ... Views: 1338
What is Fear? Well, fear is one kind of emotion that affects a person's life considerably, and can change the way a person deals with their surroundings. Humans and animals equally have this emotional reaction founded on any occurrences in their surroundings that presents danger, whether ... Views: 1084
Conquering your fears might seem easy in theory, but actually applying methods that can help you to overcome your fears is never easy, particularly for that person directly caught up in that trap. Depending on the strength of the fear, or fears, some people might be able to challenge it ... Views: 1087
There are various kinds of fears. Nevertheless, they can be classified into three central fears: internal, external, or subconscious. Among the three, the subconscious and internal type of fear is the most problematic to find a cure for because the person must take the initiative to identify the ... Views: 1086
In this fast-moving world, you need to consider not only yourself, but others as well. What you do does have an influence on other people, just as other people's negative or positive attitude affects the environment around them.
What is magnificent these days is that most people are ... Views: 1479
Having a positive mental attitude is part of programming yourself to feel and believe you are optimistic in your approach to different situations that life might throw at you, and that you are going to be successful in achieving your goals. Thinking positively builds self-confidence. The thing ... Views: 1356
Stress is that feeling of being unable to cope with situations that arise; of not having the correct information on how to deal with a problem. Being stressed means to be in a state of extreme physical or nervous strain. Extreme stress then turns into distress when your state of mind slips into ... Views: 1119
You may find it surprising to know that there is more than one form of confidence. Some mannerisms that can seem to be a sign of confidence in a person are in fact not confidence at all. The thing is what is genuine confidence? Well, genuine confidence is a natural deportment or magnetic energy ... Views: 2391
To be able to be in touch with your inner coach, i.e. your positive self, is one of the most important lessons you can learn in life. This is especially true if you want to be able to take charge of your mind and control negative thoughts patterns.
Your mind is a continuous metropolis of ... Views: 967
By enhancing your feeling of introspection as much as possible you will become much more contented with life and much more honest with yourself. There is not much to be gained by only being slightly honest or biased against your shortcomings. It is also necessary that you try to prevent seeing ... Views: 4171
Have you ever come across a perfect person? I bet you've answered no to the question. The thing is no one is an ideal human being because if humans were, there would be no such thing as wars, stress, sadness, or mistakes. The funny thing is even though, while we may never accomplish perfection ... Views: 1375
Everyone knows that Life is not always easy to handle. If you think about it, want whether it be a want of love, material possessions, or spiritual development is all part of everyone's earthly experience. Coming across hardship is not really a bad thing - the point is it's the way a person ... Views: 1040
Emotional well-being is the ability to manage your emotions in any situation. If you think about it the way you project yourself to the world around you has a large part in determining your overall happiness. Around 25% of what makes people contented in their life comes from being able to be ... Views: 1107
Blushing is caused by an emotional and visual response to a certain situation, and is associated to the emotions of fear, shame, guilt, embarrassment, ridicule and of course with being in love. Facial blushing can cause pain and embarrassment. What makes it even worse is when someone notices ... Views: 1668
All experts in the field of psychology know that the brain functions best when it is in a stress-free state. Non constructive emotions, like fear, worry and anxiety bring about mental and bodily stagnation. If you want to relax the mind and body, then the ability to be able to see the funny side ... Views: 915
What is a panic attack? Well it is a symptom of anxiety at its worst. Even though it only affects a few people, it is still an increasing problem in our society. The fear that is linked with it can be remedied with professional help. I am writing this article as an introduction to the symptoms ... Views: 1035
People face the lack of self-confidence in many different ways. Some people just have an enormous fear of something which they are unable to control. Still other people have such a very low self-esteem that they feel that they are unable to do the simplest things by themselves. They always feel ... Views: 1088
Do you feel uncomfortable when you come in contact with the opposite sex? Does this lack of confidence stop you from forming relationships, or asking someone you like out for a date? Many men and women suffer from having no confidence at all when it comes to meeting someone of the opposite ... Views: 934
Two of the most popular searches on the internet every day of the week is Self-help and self-assertion. Nearly everyone has an inborn desire to help themselves either in a material, or spiritual way. Self-help is the most important way to achieving self-acceptance. If you have decided on ... Views: 1900
Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking is way up there with the fear of death. Apparently studies have shown that the Americans fear public speaking more than death, and that the British fear it only second to death.
That really doesn't surprise me. I used to be an actor, and I ... Views: 1302
Nearly everyone would like improvement in their life. Whether if it's in their love life, at work, or life in general. So what is stopping most people from achieving a better way of life? Could it be that they lack sufficient confidence, and persuasive skills? There are many people of both ... Views: 1422
What is resilience? Well, resilience is having the capacity to bounce back from adversity, and to successfully adapt to difficult situations. People who have this flexibility are adaptable and realistic in their thinking. They see failure as just a momentary set back. Basically they don't take ... Views: 986
"I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way - I hope it never will." Arnold Schwarzenegger.
What is it that the majority of ... Views: 1169
Do you have a bad habit like biting your nails, or twiddling with your hair? Maybe you can't help excavating your nose and ears - a habit that should definitely be eradicated! Well, if you do, the good news is that bad habits can be broken.
The first thing you need to do is to admit to ... Views: 2569
The ability to successfully set your goals is one of the most useful skills to have if you want to succeed in the game of life. Are you going for unachievable goals that you don't feel that passionate about? Are you forever giving up on things that you have just started out on? It can be easy to ... Views: 1153
If you've discovered your perfect career, you may still come across stress at work from time to time, all because of the simple reason that everything in life doesn't always go according to plan.
It doesn't matter if you're fighting work stress constantly or just every now and again, there ... Views: 1074
You all have experienced a period in your life where you have felt out of control and imbalanced. It is perfectly natural! But how can you attain a balance in these chaotic periods?
If you can understand what true balance in life really means then you will be on the first step toward creating ... Views: 806
The way you view life is so important, and yet most people never realize that. If you're an optimistic kind of person, you'll open all kinds of positive doors for yourself and lead a very fulfilled life. However, with a negative mindset you could end up in places that you never wished for, and ... Views: 841
The way you feel about yourself makes a really big difference in how you think about yourself. The thing is you can keep away from feeling down, or troubled if you know what to say to yourself and know the right way to say it. Even during hard times you can find moments of happiness and ... Views: 864
Why Raise Your Expectations?
If you're absolutely contented with your current condition in life, you might be thinking why you'd want to raise your expectations. Well, when you want more, you'll push yourself to accomplish that much more.
I want you to think about a time when you expected ... Views: 884