Signs from the Universe is everywhere - pay attention. Be aware of what is coming your way today, as the universe is constantly giving us hints and clues of the next step to take and where we're headed.
A lot of people are not aware of these subtle signs that is revealed to us all the time so ... Views: 12830
It's about self realization, and to come to the realization that before we can 'have' anything, we must feel it inside.
Because everything is from and through you and me, we can't give what we don't realize we have. I say realize, because the world is create from within, with the power of our ... Views: 3605
By changing your behavior the world changes too. Your inner growth can't be seen by others and while it may seem to others that you are just the same you have been for years, they can't see what has happened in your inner domain if they don't know you very well of course.
Little by little ... Views: 1389
Paying attention to our intuition from the beginning can save us from a lot of heartache.
I love this quote by Oprah Winfrey:
"In little whispers... your intuition is telling you something. Did you not pay attention? The universe will speak to you a little louder - with a little tap on ... Views: 2410
First of all, put yourself in a meditative state of mind. Meditation is, like Michael Beckwith puts it so wonderfully; "to pay undistractable attention to Reality"
It's so true; and so we begin with that.
Close your eyes. Get yourself into a vibration of unconditional love, get still, with ... Views: 2542
Living from the presence of God within means to have come to the realization of Spirit and trust it, and rely on in more than you have previously relied on the world to take care of you, provide you with jobs, shelter and clothing.
When you no longer think that you have to join the flock who ... Views: 1289
Why understanding each others values can help resolve conflicts.
Assuming that you have taken your time to identify your values, it's very important to become clear about the hierarchy they are in as well. Why is that?
Because we can share values with the people we surround ourselves ... Views: 5688
Have you been experiencing that lately that people are always late to always late for meetings? That's the law of attraction in action; somehow you haven't been true to your own values.
It's never about the other people really; it's about us being firm and clear about what we want and staying ... Views: 2894
Surround yourself with supportive energy and remove yourself from draining people!
You do not need to get unfocused and confused by getting involved in other people's dramas and beliefs about life.
People around you will most certainty be scared of you when you begin to radiate the ... Views: 4847
The universal law of attraction is not working for you as you'd perhaps like it to work and it could be for this reason: the laws of the universe, the law of attraction in particular as I'm writing about in this article is not to be approached with an attitude that we are going to "try it out ... Views: 1563
I remember I used to attract into my life all sorts of things when I was younger, but I had no idea that it was by the law of attraction, I did think about the power of thought, and I had an inner knowing already as a child that we are as vast as the universe itself. I just didn’t ... Views: 1711
I believe that there is something called fate, and then there is destiny.
Fate is something that we decided before we were born. We decided to learn things in this particular lifetime that may not be to our physical being’s liking—perhaps having abusive parents or some sort of addiction. ... Views: 1885
Why should we write down our goals and dreams on paper?
Here's 22 reasons why:
1. Thoughts get easily forgotten and lost in everyday life - We think lots of thoughts everyday; about 60 000 of them everyday!
2. By writing our goals down on paper, we are clarifying what is most important ... Views: 2121
When you believe in yourself, anything is possible.
It's nice if someone else believes in us, and for some that can sure help them to become more confident, but ultimately you have to believe in you for change to happen-because it's what you believe will happen in your life that will happen, ... Views: 7217
There's a quote I really like:
"I've never began any important venture for which I felt adequate prepared" by Sheldon Kopp.
The only thing that ever holds us back is fear, nothing else. And fear can be described as worry, anxiety, doubt and anxiety. It's all fear, and fear is always from ... Views: 1822
Forgiveness and letting go of the past is empowering and freeing. You do it for you and not to let others "of the hook". Give yourself the gift of forgiveness.
How to forgive?
When I was younger I used to say that I can forgive but I can't forget, and in a way that's good advice if it is ... Views: 1712
One emotion and state of mind that most people feel is the most difficult to deal with is the sense of not having any clarity about anything. We feel powerless, clueless and frustrated by not knowing what we want, why things are as they are, what to do, which way to go and we can place ourselves ... Views: 3043
The four F's that helps us move forward when there seem to be obstacles on the path we have chosen.
But before I mention them; the most important thing anyone can do, is to see the obstacles as stepping stones, and always remember that many, if not most, of every successful person has gone ... Views: 958