You have a Vision. You want to live your dream, to pursue it, but the possibility of ever achieving it looks so distant from where you stand. Big endeavors require big effort... are you ready to tackle this one?
We often come up with a grand idea. We get excited about it and we start dreaming ... Views: 1275
It has been seven years since my life changed. Back then I had no clue what that meant. I was in shock.
Seven years ago, as my numbness subsided, I could only foresee struggles ahead. I always viewed my life as a collection of situations pushing me to struggle for any chance of achievement. ... Views: 1290
A recurrent comment I get from friends and even strangers I discuss my latest initiative TheNewHappyMe with is "Wow, you are so passionate about this project, you must love working on it."
Actually, I never gave much thought to it until I started getting that feedback. Apparently I glow, I ... Views: 1378
Self-esteem is an important topic in the world of TheNewHappyMe. It of course also has its place in the theme of wealth.
Money alone, even with the opportunity it provides to wrap myself in lace and pearls, will never allow my self-esteem to flourish. I will remain small inside if that is ... Views: 888
Money is a band-aid solution for core needs we may not even be aware of. I still can’t get over the massive popularity of get rich quick schemes and how easily people fall for the promises. Emotions, especially those that accompany personal needs, have incredible influence on our decisions about ... Views: 1169
I have read about rich individuals being miserable on many occasions. The initial shock of this realization comes from the fact that we often consider money as the solution to all ailments, the savior and the key to happiness. The man may be rich but he may not be wealthy at all.
So why is ... Views: 1041
Finding a way to stop a bad habit isn’t always easy. It sometimes takes an ah-ha moment to change your mindset that in turn changes your behaviour instantly.
I recently experienced such an ah-ha moment. My habit was all about the high cost of energy in getting angry and frustrated at ... Views: 1003
Yesterday, I came face to face with the Universe’s way of slapping a reality to… yes… my face!
My schedule is incredibly packed these days and I try to put aside some time, mostly late afternoons, for my children. At precisely 8PM, I lock myself up to work on my daily post and the Daily Hint ... Views: 1048
“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood”
- Marie Curie
Baby steps allow me to stay on target, to move forward slowly but surely towards my goal.
Baby steps also allow me to break down my fear into smaller segments that are more easily manageable.
The ... Views: 1198
I have identified my starting point. I know where my finish line is. What comes in between? How do I get from point A to point B. This may be very straight forward to some, but requires following a formula for success to others. After all, nobody teaches this is school!
An Action Plan is the ... Views: 1202