It often appears that the term “providing value” is labeled, put in a box and placed on a shelf, when value should truly be something that encompasses the entire room. I’ll elaborate. When we provide value, it should not be limited to the goods and/or services that we provide, but rather, it ... Views: 1080
Understanding a problem is the first step to solving it. When it comes to weight loss or weight maintenance, one of my most difficult issues has always been night hunger, however controlling my appetite throughout the day has never been a problem. As a matter of fact, I barely notice that I’m ... Views: 1057
Within each of us lies a power so great that many of us cannot comprehend the potential it holds to change our lives forever. We doubt, we worry, we cry, we fear and yet while all of these emotions are completely normal and part of what makes us human, too often we surrender to them for ... Views: 1144
It takes a lot of energy to remain on task when Murphy 's Law is in effect (Murphy's Law = whatever can go wrong, does). Having personally experienced this (repeatedly) over the years, I have been able to build muscle in this area and can now remain focused and keep moving forward, right through ... Views: 1527
How often have you exceeded the day's caloric goal or if you aren't counting calories, simply overeaten and then said to yourself "I already blew it so I might as well eat what I want the rest of the day, because tomorrow - it all ends! I'll just start over". Following that statement, do you ... Views: 1393
There are times when forgiveness can be the furthest thing from our minds, particularly when the person we should forgive has done something we deem to be unforgivable. It took me years to understand that forgiveness is not for the sake of the other person, but for our own sakes. It takes very ... Views: 1000
Rejection can be very painful and if our self-esteem isn’t where it should be ideally (and many of ours isn’t) then rejection can throw us a devastating blow. The ability to handle rejection without turning it inward, attacking ourselves with thoughts of unworthiness and losing our ability to ... Views: 1895
Letting go seems to be one of the most difficult things for most of us to do, yet it’s the most rewarding and freeing experience you can ever give yourself. The ability to let go frees you both emotionally and physically.
There is often a misconception as to what “letting go” really ... Views: 1217
Good fat? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
Yes and no. Good fat is essential to a healthy heart, developing soft, younger looking skin and for the storage and delivery of fat-soluble vitamins. Good fat also has many other health benefits when eaten in moderation. If you are on a weight loss ... Views: 967
Most of us have been there, and sometimes without warning. Depression typically attacks those who have suffered a loss, physical and mental abuse, have low self-esteem or are experiencing a lack of fulfillment. The degrees in the severity of depression vary from bouts of mild depression ... Views: 2851
When you become unstoppable, you are making a statement that no matter what crosses your path, you will not stop until you have reached your destination. Perhaps your destination is a specific fitness or weight loss goal or maybe you aspire to be a multi-millionaire, famous musician, ... Views: 1082
Some years ago, if I could describe myself in one word, that word would be “distracted”. I would jump from one task to the next and never seemed to get anything accomplished, often feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. The day finally arrived when I realized that I wasn’t getting anywhere and I ... Views: 1706
Over recent years, I have come to realize that the complete elimination of fear is unlikely. There was a point, not too long ago, that I believed I could learn to get rid of fear and then life would be grand. Well, not exactly. I still have fears, but guess what? Life is grand anyway.
... Views: 2097
We all know that the direct path to a strong, healthy and lean body is eating right and exercising. If you don’t know this yet – surprise! So, if most of us know how beneficial regular exercise is, why are so many of us still not doing it? Well for one it takes time and energy that we often ... Views: 1367
Visualization is one of the most powerful tools we have to make our dreams become a reality. It is a daily ritual of mine and I have manifested some pretty amazing things and circumstances into my life since I began practicing the art of visualization. However, if I had not acted upon that ... Views: 1305
As you've probably heard by now, research shows that eating five or six small, healthy meals a day is very effective for keeping your energy up, mood balanced, appetite under control and metabolism moving. In this article I'm going to explain the how and the why behind it and also how ... Views: 1599
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve put off until tomorrow what I should have and could have done today. It wasn’t until I learned how to overcome the tendency to procrastinate that my life began to change drastically for the better. Soon I began to have more energy, significantly greater ... Views: 1357
Before I begin talking about affirmations and how to use them to assist you in your weight loss journey, I want to briefly discuss mindset. It is important that you think about this journey as a lifestyle change, not self deprivation. If you view the effort to lose weight as a “diet” or as ... Views: 1096
It’s O-dark early and the only thing worse than climbing out of bed is getting fired (and that’s debatable). Ever have one of those first morning thoughts and if yes, do you have them often? Well, do I have good news for you! This is how you can change that:
1. Upon opening your eyes or ... Views: 1081
One would think that such an enormous task like organizing a life would take days, weeks, even months. But 30 minutes! What’s the catch?
So often we allow our minds to over-complicate things. It really is a very simple process to organize your days, in a few short steps. Once you’ve ... Views: 1046
With all of the information out there, I’m pretty sure you have a decent idea about what needs to be done in order to lose weight. Bottom line? Eat healthy foods and exercise. This sounds simple enough, but for many people it’s a struggle. The struggle most people face isn’t in knowing what ... Views: 1167
As I awake each morning, my mind tends to hurriedly wander off in anticipation of the day’s pending events. To do lists and deadlines note their urgency in my mind before my eyes even have the chance to focus. An immediate sense of panic rips through my cortex, causing me to jump to my feet ... Views: 1209