Did you ever have a job, a business, a class you were taking, a hobby, or a mate in your life (as a few examples) that just made you feel on top of the world? It was your passion, your purpose, and you loved it no matter what? You thought to yourself, “I could do this for the rest of my life and ... Views: 1216
Did you ever have a job, a business, a class you were taking, a hobby, or a mate in your life (as a few examples) that just made you feel on top of the world? It was your passion, your purpose, and you loved it no matter what? You thought to yourself, “I could do this for the rest of my life and ... Views: 1291
Forgiving yourself and/or others for past mistakes is a hard thing to do for many out there in the world, but it is the only way you can really set yourself free of the negative energy that harbors inside you when you are feeling pain, anger, resentment, judgement, disappointment, guilt, etc. ... Views: 4160
When you have goals or dreams you want to make a reality, often times you get in your own way of accomplishing what you want to manifest in your life. It is not just your limiting beliefs that get in the way, it also has to do with your attitude and how you think and feel about what you want to ... Views: 1624
You're Getting Married!! Congratulations!!
Now It's Time To Start Planning!
Getting married is a wonderful time in a couple's life and it is a gratifying experience for me to be part of the celebration of their joining together. With so many things to think about and plan, many people ... Views: 1243
The Spring air is here! This is the time to get inspired, motivated, determined, disciplined and driven! Is there something you've been putting off doing or changing about your current life situation? Are you in an O.K. place in your life, but you vision much more? Have you hit rock bottom and ... Views: 1444
There are so many people out there, (I used to be one of them) who would say they've decided they want to create positive change in their life, but they do not take action towards making that statement a reality.
I know why they say this but do not take the steps needed. Many people are ... Views: 1603
Introduction To The Law Of Attraction
This Video Below Is For You If You Want To Learn About The Law Of Attraction, Are Ready To Create Positive Change In Your Life And Haven't Up Until Now.....
I shot this video above last week ... Views: 1535
Have you ever had a gut instinct? You know, that feeling that comes over you when something doesn't seem
right? It could be a sudden feeling you may have that motivates you to be in the right place at the right time to reveal
that missing piece of the puzzle. These instincts can come in ... Views: 1491
When you constantly think about what you desire way too much and notice that you are not receiving what you are asking for, you are actually creating a subconscious block which is keeping you from your desires. Negative energy such as fear as one example could be the very reason why people are ... Views: 3503
Sometimes in order to make long term positive changes in your life, you have to hit rock bottom. I want to share a story that will hopefully inspire others. If only I knew then what I know now is what I used to say, but
in reality, as long as you learn from your mistakes and do not repeat ... Views: 5945
Note: If you don't know about The Law Of Attraction, you may not understand what I am trying to get across in this article. If you focus on what you desire, and think on paper, results happen...
In this article I explain how I used The Law Of Attraction to find Mr. Right, and you can ... Views: 3602
Positive energy is the one thing that at times we all feel we need more of, especially around this time of year on the East Coast when it's cold outside and it is dark when most of us wake up in the morning. On the other hand, when you are doing something you love and you have a lot of passion ... Views: 1601
A few months ago I heard a quote from Tony Robbins, "If You Can't, Then You Must" and it really resonated with me because in the long ago past I can't tell you how many times I found myself or others around me who constantly said, "I can't lose weight", "I can't find a job","I can't own my own ... Views: 1471
Meditation is the playing field upon which you put together your beliefs, objectives, and desires in your subconscious brain. It will help you put your concentration on relaxing which is very hard to do otherwise. Meditation exercises your brain so that you can improve your center of attention ... Views: 946
The Law Of Attraction is always working whether you know it, understand it, believe it or not so why not use it to help accelerate your business success? See below my TOP 5 tips and techniques that will help you really attract what you want for your business especially if you are an ... Views: 1104