Everyone has a dream. Everyone has the ability to imagine what life can be like. We all wonder or “wish I could” do things. Yet many people continue to place that dream aside and go with the flow of everyday life. If you are someone who is ready to do something different or incorporate ... Views: 938
“Get busy living or get busy dying” was what Tim Robbins’ character said in Shawshank Redemption. Those words really hit home. Many people feel, at one time or another in their life, like they are waiting; waiting for something to happen. It’s an unknown anticipation which creeps in over ... Views: 833
Throughout our waking life our conscious thoughts can and often make it difficult to find the answers we are looking for. Our conscious mind acts like a soldier guarding our thoughts, actions and whenever possible our emotions. When we have an extremely important decision to make and it is ... Views: 694
"I think I can. I think I can." Those are the immortal words of the Little Engine That Could, the train locomotive from the children's story who against all odds pulled his heavy load over the mountain. Those words were his affirmation to himself that pushed him to keep trying until he finally ... Views: 3406
There are three main reality types in our world. One is the "optimist" who is constantly seeing the world with the "glass half full". Another is the "realist" who looks at each situation and calculates what is positive and what is deemed negative with each one. Often the "realist" calculates the ... Views: 1447
Our mind is a beautiful complex mechanism which provides us with necessary knowledge to proceed in life. The power which lies within the province of the mind can catapult us toward our dreams and desires making them a reality, or, keep us stranded in a pit of despair. Our mind is the author ... Views: 972
Many people believe the reason their memory is poor is due to getting older. Age has little to do with the reason these wonderful people forget. The reason people are becoming forgetful is because that is exactly what they are training their brain to do.
There is a common expression in many ... Views: 3669
Whenever we go to motivational speakers or read books on the subject of the “Law of Attraction” we hear that were are to avoid concentrating on “how” something is to manifest into our lives. If we simply focus on what we want, the universal laws and principles work their magic and manifest our ... Views: 909
“Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest of acts. This is the secret of success”. ~ Swami Sivananda
When we continue to have experiences which in our mind are perceived as stressful or unproductive, we begin to program our mind in believing this is what we can expect. ... Views: 777
“A man without a plan for the day is lost before he starts.” ~ Lewis K. Bendele
What is meant by the above quote is, many people become so familiar with the daily routine of responsibility, duties and heavy workloads, we lose sight of the many great accomplishments we have achieved throughout ... Views: 3690