Are you well over 50 and worried that you won't be able to retire in security? There are 2 things you must give consideration to that will increase your chances to a secure retirement.

If you're short on retirement savings at fifty and you believe that there is no way you can afford to retire, then you need to reflect on your retirement plans and restructure them to become more realistic and achievable.

The following are two ways to modify your retirement plans that would get you to a secure retirement:

Extend The Time Of Retirement For 5 Years

Delaying retirement for five years can have a major impact on your nest egg. Let us suppose that you've got $500,000 in retirement savings at 65. On 5% earnings per year, it's going to be worth $625,000 after five years. That will be 25% more than what you had 5 years before. Together with that, you could include the additional savings you will acquire for your 5 extra years of working. Presuming that you can save $15,000 per of those five years, your added savings will raise your retirement fund to $700,000 which is around 37% greater than what amount you have had five years earlier. That’s a significant increase to your retirement savings.

Reduce Your Life style

Reducing your life style may not sound too desirable. However, if you lower your retirement expectations and search for easy approaches to cut down your spending you will find that it isn't too bad at all. The important thing is, it will enable you to stop working or allow you the ability to retire and will also grant you the potential to retire in financial stability. And so, it'll all be worth the inconveniences.

You may move to a location with lower living costs and cut a great deal off your budget. There are several domestic states that you can possibly relocate to. Don’t live in big cities where all things are costly. Anyway at 70 and above, keeping up with the metropolitan world will be a bit demanding on you.

A different approach is to downsize your house. Relocate to a smaller place and save on property taxes, insurance premiums and maintenance costs. You could possibly also live in a condo or townhouse near the city so you could let go of your vehicle and save on automobile maintenance and expenses.

Reduce your everyday spending. There can be countless numbers of ways to do it. One example is to save on food which makes up a big part of your budget. Don't dine out frequently. Cooking at home will not only enable you to save but it will also ensure you a much healthier diet. When you do eat at restaurants though, take advantage of your flexible time as a retiree and avail of early bird discounts in dining establishments.

Learn ways and means to save on a regular basis even on the tiniest of things for they could have surprising results when they accumulate.

To put it all together, if you integrate the increase in your retirement savings by working five additional years with the decrease in your retirement budget, you will have a remarkable increase in retirement preparedness no matter if you’re short of your retirement savings at 50.

The 2 retirement planning methods given earlier will profoundly improve your chabces to a secure retirement.

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One last tip I'd like to share with you is, if you're working with a money mentor, make sure that you run different retirement goals with him to be able to arrive at a more accurate number of how much you need to retire.
By Christa Blair