f you're in a slump right now, you know exactly what I mean. No matter how many successes you've had in the past, it all seems irrelevant now. It seems like no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, you won't be able to achieve your goals; and even if you do, you're not sure that ... Views: 1137
Visualize Your Goals daily
Visualization – said to be a very important ingredient in reaching your goals in life.
As Napoleon Hill said in his famous book “Think and Grow Rich” whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe he can achieve
Once you know what I is you want to achieve ... Views: 1489
As someone once said to me “when in the room – be in the room”
In other words pay attention be where you are- if at work don’t spend your time thinking about home and if at home don’t spend your time thinking about work.
All you have is now – you cannot live for the morrow or re-live ... Views: 1535
. Identify Your Rationale. In order for your goal to achieved it must be backed up with motivation, you need to take to heart its significance to you. Identify the reason and purpose of your goal. List out all the benefits you expect as a result of getting there.
2. Plan Your Goals. One of ... Views: 1411
Some people have bad habits they can't easily break. Bad habits are things that could hinder your advancement and self-growth.
Do you want to break free of your bad habit?
A short verse
Sow an act, reap a habit;
Sow a habit, reap a character;
Sow a character, reap a destiny.
Do ... Views: 2199
Building up self-discipline and thinking positively is sometimes hard to do. We all need discipline in order to be successful with all the challenges and problems of daily life.
We should consider building up our self-discipline with positive thinking and self-talk. In order to be successful, ... Views: 4367
You can list down as many dreams as you can! You may be dreaming of fulfilling your greatest desire, getting the best education that can be obtained by money, or buying the car of your dreams.
However, all will be futile if you cannot push yourself to strive hard to succeed in your goals. ... Views: 3154
The Importance of Time Management in Your Life
Time is something that you can never take back.
What’s done is done. Nothing in history can be changed. The most we can do about anything that has already been done is to take counter measures to prevent the damage from spreading. However, there ... Views: 5269
Time Management Tips to Win
Time management is critical to boost good organization of one’s personal utilization of schedule. Managing the early morning routine, for example, could be one way of effective time management if things are executed in a smooth and convenient manner.
The problem ... Views: 1646