Have you ever felt like you’re walking around with a knife in your back?
Have you seen it happen to others?
Was the pain so intense that you were paralyzed or disarmed to do anything about it, and therefore, you didn’t?
Or did Anger get the best of you?
This is a ... Views: 723
There seems to be a constant struggle between Impulse and Ambivalence, Intellect over Emotions and Reason over Intuition. With so many choices, how do you make the right decisions? How do you know you are winning at meeting your goals, your desires, your timelines, and your successful ... Views: 1032
Anger is one of our most primitive emotions. It always has, it always will be. It can also be a life saver. When emotions get bottled-up, it puts a tremendous strain on your health, relationships, family, friends, community and business.
Anger is one way to let the volcano of emotions ... Views: 1418
•To ask for help when needed?
•To make quick and smart decisions on the spur of the moment?
•To invest in yourself, long-term?
•To have the courage to put yourself first?
•To TRUST that everything will be okay?
I know these are loaded questions, but just like the elephant in the ... Views: 900
Having a home-based business has tremendous perks. You are in charge of your own time, activities, projects, tasks, delegation, and you don’t have to drive much to see clients or meet with vendors. However, one of the down sides is that if you are not circulating and networking in your ... Views: 839
It was the early morning hours of March 31st, when suddenly, the house was shaking, the wind was howling, and all was dark. Electricity was off. Cell phone was dead, and of course, no computer either.
I found my portable radio and listened to the tornado warning. Intuitively I knew where ... Views: 993
It happens to all of us. We have been hibernating during the Winter, and all of the sudden Spring is upon us, at which point we find out, we are simply “out of shape” not to mention hungry, thirsty and in need of much wanted nourishment. And it is not just about the body, but the mind and ... Views: 924
When I was a little girl, my Mom used to tell me that I was “remarkable” and it made me feel very special. Then I heard her say the same thing to my school friends, my sisters, and so on. When I called her on it, she explained that in her world, every child was remarkable, every one of us had ... Views: 973
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, is that one size does not fit all, and I don’t mean clothes-wise, I mean, people-wise. We get into new relationships with certain expectations, only to be disappointed (some times.) - Why? Because ONE size doesn’t fit all. Not one person fulfills all your ... Views: 816
There are fundamental issues that shape the life of a champion-to-be; and it has neither specific age nor boundaries, nor physical Amazon like-built, but a lot of heart, passion, intellect, physicality, emotions, and lots and lots of “Intuition.”
For some folks, the energies are amazing, and ... Views: 682
Do you view Multi-Tasking as a good thing? Do you think that if you don’t do it all, it won’t get done correctly? Worse yet, it won’t get done at all? If you say “yes” to one or all questions, let me tell you that you are not only hurting your business, you are also putting your physical and ... Views: 621
Have you ever felt like telling somebody to literally “Go to Hell”…but didn’t?
You are NOT alone.
• How often do you bite your tongue?
• How much does it hurt when you do?
• How long does it remain sore?
• How do you feel when you don’t speak up?
• In the long run, is it ... Views: 792
Early in the year, everyone talks about planning, changes, moving-forward, transformations, and some interesting and well-meant resolutions that seldom come to fruition. However, how about “Freedom”? Yes, freedom to be who you are without feeling the “need” to please anyone but yourself?
I ... Views: 697
As I continue to re-vamp, create and co-create new systems, programs, and products, none can happen without the help of my master mind buddies, clients, colleagues, virtual assistants, team-members and amazing brainstorming sessions, that though, out of the clear they seem to appear, they come ... Views: 713
I want to tell you about my Aunt Rosa, who at 97, decided to get a mini-facelift, refused to wear glasses because those were for old people, and even tried to move her hips to the sounds of Shakira’s music whom she adored and was beginning to like Lady Gaga’s style. My Aunt or Tia Rosa (in ... Views: 739
What do a root-canal and your business have in common?
Thankfully, it’s not every day, every month, not even every year we are confronted with having to have a root canal, like I just did last week. However, the visual and real pain associated with it, turns out to be something quite ... Views: 674
When the noises around you are so loud you can’t hear yourself think, what do you do? You turn them off! And if by magic, you can think again, and envision again, and create again, and dialogue again, and feel a sense of newly regained energy, “again”.
That is Silence to the Fifth Power. ... Views: 843
We show and must have courage….to manage our overwhelm by prioritizing. We must become our own “heroes”.
Have you ever noticed how people react when they have had it UP to here and they can’t take it anymore? Has it happened to you?
It’s called “Overwhelm.” So what do we do ... Views: 774
As we go through life wondering “What’s in it for us?” Perhaps a better question becomes: What’s in it for THEM?
Interesting, isn’t it? This kind of question makes you think outside the box and prompts you to look at your products and services from a completely different angle.
When ... Views: 721
What is a MasterMind Group?
There is synergy of energy, commitment, and excitement that participants bring to a MasterMind Group. The beauty of MasterMind Groups is that participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each ... Views: 2499
Most of us have heard the clinical expression "OCD" (Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder) which as Wikipedia explains it: "is a
mental disorder characterized by "intrusive thoughts" that
produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing
anxiety, or by combinations of such thoughts ... Views: 1065
When, where, with whom and how we use the “F” word, still remains a mystery to some folks, and to others, is right down scary if not unacceptable. And yet, not using it in an effective way can cost you thousands of dollars in business not to mention, missing out on prospects, opportunities, ... Views: 797
After spending 8 days on a very intensive, Coaching Tele-Sumit, brainstorming and learning from some of the best in the business, I was deeply refreshed on the impacting results of coaching and the tremendous variety of values it offers to those who use it.
Have you ever noticed how one ... Views: 778
I was recently asked that question by a colleague of mine, and without hesitation, the words just rolled out of my mouth.
When I was a little girl, I always wanted to grow up to be a Doctor. I remember my first "Play-Doctor" set my Mom gave me when I turned 6.
My Dad on the other ... Views: 800
When, where, with whom and how we use the “F” word, still remains a mystery to some folks, and to others, is right down scary if not unacceptable. And yet, not using it in an effective way can cost you thousands of dollars in business not to mention, missing out on prospects, opportunities, ... Views: 1333
I ran a survey last month on what were the three most significant issues that hold back business people from making the right decisions, at the right time. The answers were illuminating to say the least. Most of them were about inability of making decisions at all.
Although most of the ... Views: 893
"The Life given to us by nature is short, but the Memory of a Life well spent is Eternal!
(Cesaro, Greek Philosopher)
This gives us a compelling reason to dispose of people we can no longer deal with. They're toxic, they're negative, and they are sucking the life out of us. It's time to ... Views: 874
Confucious said: "He who builds business around passion, never has to work again."
It was true then (almost 5,000 years ago), and it's still true today, if not truer!
Think of what you always wanted to do but haven't done yet.
What would happen if you never did it?
What would ... Views: 819
It is evident that the old adage: “There’s strength in numbers” holds very true in all aspects of life.
None truer than when coaching in groups. The benefits are immense.
- Clients are helped to achieve success in a collective fashion, while this highly interactive process, allows them to ... Views: 828
Brilliance is a word that is used in many different contexts. When we use it to describe people, it's often as a synonym for super-smart or genius. Sometimes when working with my clients on discovering their brilliance, they’ll tell me this: "I'm not that smart." (But they usually are!)
When ... Views: 1880