When I am speaking in front of a group on the topic of productivity and organization, inevitably I get this question:
“I have so many tasks I need to get done that are ALL are TOP priorities. How do I figure out what to do when everything is a #1 priority?
Good question.
I have some ... Views: 1836
In the last week alone I’ve done the following:
> Consistently eaten far more sugar than what feels good to my body
> Procrastinated and rationalized my way out of yoga class three times
> Found it mind-numbingly exhausting to empty my dishwasher
> Stayed up past midnight a handful of ... Views: 1314
1. “In 2005, a psychiatrist at King’s College in London administered IQ tests to three groups: the first did nothing but perform the IQ test, the second was distracted by e-mail and ringing phones, and the third was stoned on marijuana. Not surprisingly, the first group did better than the other ... Views: 1466
I’ve seen it time and time again. My client is no longer letting items fall through the cracks. They have created time in their calendar for focused work without interruptions. Their productivity has skyrocketed. They’ve built a beautiful system for knowing what it is they need to do and when ... Views: 1229
One very big key focus in my work with clients is understanding what triggers overwhelm and developing a system to get them – and keep them – out of it.
Dealing with the mail is very often one of these triggers.
And it makes sense doesn’t it? There are all decisions to make when dealing ... Views: 943
While speaking to my friend and colleague Christine Lucas of the Salvation Army last month, it dawned on me that I needed to write this article.
Often I find in my client’s homes stacks of solicitations and donation requests.
These free address labels, greeting cards, and pleas for cash ... Views: 1652
Today I’ve compiled for a very quick top ten list of my favorite organizing tips.
- Get more sleep! – You’ve heard it here before but it cannot be overstated: you will never be more organized then your personal energy allows.
- Pitch your mail ASAP – sort your mail as you walk into your ... Views: 1285
Are you a disorganized person?
Is that what you are telling yourself when you can’t find your report in the morning or your socks don’t match or you walk in 10 minutes late to a meeting?
Or are you telling yourself something worse?
That you are lazy.
That you are stupid.
That ... Views: 1431
Systems are simply ways of automating or structuring processes so that they can occur without so much thought or attention—and by more than just one person, so that the business can continue to run if you decide to take a vacation.
Figuring Out What to Systematize
For most of us, ... Views: 1252
It is a common belief that our short-term memory can hold up to 7 pieces of information at any given time. That is why they originally made telephone numbers 7 digits long.
But in recent years scientists have realized the real number is actually closer to 4.
FOUR. 4 ideas, to-dos, ... Views: 1083
Check Email Only When You Can Process Email. We all love to ‘check’ our email to see what has arrived since we last viewed our inbox. But this means we continually add to our to-do list (and our anxiety) without giving ourselves the time to actually deal with the email (i.e. respond, delete, ... Views: 1468
There are three types of sacred spaces:
- A room
- A location for a specific item
- An interruption-free block of time
All three have the following characteristics in common:
- They are used for one specific purpose
- They are clutter-free
- They flow naturally with your ... Views: 1134
There is a fear of being more productive and efficient with our time that no one ever talks about.
Without addressing this deep-seated fear it can be challenging to create an organized schedule and space that truly supports your goals and allows your days to flow with ease and enjoyment.
I ... Views: 937
“There just isn’t enough time in the day!”
It is a common frustration I hear. Or this one:
“I have too much to do – I will never be caught up!”
Sound familiar?
I tend to get stuck in these patterns of thinking, too. That time is the enemy. That there is never enough and so I ... Views: 941
Have you ever felt trapped by your to-do list? Like it was running your life instead of the other way around?
You aren’t alone!
This is a common theme among those I am fortunate enough to work with: How am I supposed to relax when I have so much TO DO?
I feel your pain. I’ve been in ... Views: 949
We’ve all heard of the negative impact of ‘shoulds’ – you know the frustrating “I should do this” or “I should do that” cycle of trying to get yourself to do something because you feel like you have to.
For the record these types of tasks are laden with the heavy energy of obligation and ... Views: 1335
Are you a chronic ‘doer’? Does sitting around ‘relaxing’ give you the jitters or worse – make you feel guilty? Are you terrified that if you let off on the gas even a little, all that you have created will collapse?
This is a phenomenon I am all too familiar with and one I am passionate about ... Views: 869
A couple of years ago I took an improv class. I didn’t do it because I secretly yearn to be the next Drew Carey, but because I had heard that improv classes can sharpen your public speaking skills and how well you think on your feet. The idea also scared the hell out of me, so I figured that ... Views: 1169
Ahhh. Here we are again – the quick end to another year and a new one clamoring into the starting gate as we speak.
For years, I have used this time to begin a big goal-setting session for the New Year – to dig in deep and outline all that I want to achieve in the year ahead in each area of ... Views: 756
In my line of business I often run into amazing parents, spouses, business owners, graduate students, and in-demand professionals – many of whom fall under each one of these categories at the same time.
Clearly I love working with overachievers because on a certain level I can relate. We love ... Views: 1046
Whenever I decide to introduce a new habit into my life, the doubting voice inside my head shouts, “You think you are going to be able to keep that up? Forever?!Who do you think you are– Wonder Woman?”
This default response occurs whether I feel the itch to start a new yoga practice or ... Views: 847
This month has been filled with so many fun organizing projects and amazing transformations! In a matter of minutes one client cleared out three closets full of clothes that no longer fit her and made room not only for more storage but also for greater self-acceptance. She was ... Views: 977
Pause for a moment and consider just how many to-dos, ideas, projects, and plans you’ve currently got floating through your brain. They keep flitting around bumping into other thoughts, (“Boy, I wish I was still in bed”), and never stay put on your mental to-do list. It takes constant vigilance ... Views: 809
When people learn that I am a professional organizer, they often ask me what my favorite ‘organizing tips’ are that I like to use with my clients. Many are surprised when I tell them that some of my favorite tips – and those I believe can most impact their productivity and organization - don’t ... Views: 703
Last night I got the chance to relax on a beautiful backyard porch home to a number of potted tomato plants, herbs and ivy – even the occasional rabbit. Trees and singing birds surround its high walls - it is a little haven of nature in the middle of the city.
Being from the country, I ... Views: 1051
The trees have started to bud, the birds are singing, and the daffodils are popping open everywhere. You can just feel spring on its way!
When it gets like this outside I have the strong urge to shake up the stagnant winter energy inside my home. The air indoors seems in such stark contrast ... Views: 1940
I once read a dating book by relationship expert John Gray (no relation:) who explained that one of the tricks to starting a good relationship was to always end your relationships in the best way possible. This has always stuck with me: If you embrace the change, are grateful for and learn from ... Views: 1067
1. Opt out of distractions to allow time for focused thinking:
- Turn off e-mail indicator on your task bar and send calls to voicemail
- Set Blackberry alarm (for how long you can work) and then hide in drawer
- Close your door or hang a picture of a closed door on your cubicle wall ... Views: 1070
Planning for life can be challenging. It is constant. We need to do it everyday and something is always popping up to threaten our objectives: meetings, traffic, weather, phone calls, or even just our energy levels and ability to focus. It can feel like we are under siege, constantly fighting ... Views: 898
So where is the universally most effective place to start organizing? Anywhere! Yup, that's right - the first place you select is perfect. This spot is exactly where you are supposed to begin. That low hard-to-reach shelf in your pantry? Excellent. The random basket of odds and ends in your ... Views: 906