Happiness is not out there.
It does not need a partner, job, children, or pets to exist. Happiness is within you. It is your natural state. Your divine essence is a happy one. Yet, you may have forgotten this. No need to worry – most of us have.
We live in a world that makes unhappiness, ... Views: 575
When it comes to buildings, many of us know that in order for the structure to last, it has to have a strong foundation. You wouldn't want to build a house on quicksand! Well, the same concept applies to having a happy, fulfilling life. In order to be happy (consistently), you have to ensure ... Views: 735
Inside of you is a BIG dream. I’m not talking about big by other people’s standards. It’s a big dream to YOU. Maybe your big dream is to be in a passionate and loving relationship. Maybe it’s to have children. Perhaps you want to be a celebrity, a best-selling author, or a seven-figure ... Views: 690
Recently I had the privilege of attending a ten day silent meditation retreat at the Vipassana Meditation Center in Massachusetts. Although I have meditated on occasion, I had never done anything like this before so I wasn't sure what to expect. The process was grueling - physically and ... Views: 678
Radical self-acceptance means seeing yourself for all that you truly are - neither with rose-colored glasses nor with muddied glasses, but with a clean, clear accurate lens.
There are 5 components to radical self-acceptance: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual.
Radical ... Views: 729
Have you ever admired someone and wished that you possessed some of the qualities that you saw in them? Maybe you admire their leadership qualities or how organized they are. Perhaps it's how well they relate to others or how spiritual and grounded they seem. Whatever it may be, when you are ... Views: 942
Have you ever been on a date with someone at a restaurant that is too noisy that you can't hear your date speak? Well, that's what it's like to have an inner critic (a.k.a., the judge, saboteur, gremlin, mental monster, etc.) that never shuts up.
When your inner critic talks nonstop, it ... Views: 758
Recently, I've noticed that far too many women that I know (including myself!) have a tendency to put ourselves last. We muster up the energy to wake up in the middle of the night to take care of the kids (or our beloved pet), stay late at the office to meet a deadline for the boss, or drop ... Views: 1850
You have a big dream. You have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. You visualize success, say your affirmations, and you take action. You wait around for things to happen, but... nothing. At first, you are holding steady and strong, keeping the faith that what you are longing for will ... Views: 860
There are so many benefits to giving: personal satisfaction, mood improvement, and igniting the universal law of reciprocity - to name a few. The problem lies when you over-give.
Here are some symptoms of over-giving:
• You feel burdened, tired, resentful, or exhausted
• You secretly hope the ... Views: 749
Do you resolve to do something, or set a goal or intention to, but then, mysteriously, allow life's distractions to derail you?
How often do you deny your own needs?
lie about how tired you truly feel, or just keep plugging away to ensure that you don't disappoint someone, even though it may ... Views: 685
Most people feel like at least one area of their lives is a mess.You may be successful in your career, but notice that your relationships are not up to par. You may have an amazing spouse or partner, but are struggling with your health or finances. You may be that woman who appears to have it ... Views: 630
Fear is rooted in the primitive part of your brain the stem of your brain, which houses your instinctual "fight-or-flight" reaction. Our ancestors were able to survive, in part, by sticking with what was familiar. As a result, we have a programmed part of us that compels us to stick with the ... Views: 732
In our personal and professional lives, we face growing pains - circumstances that challenge us, stretch us, and prepare us for our heart's truest desires. These circumstances exist to strengthen you and get you ready for the next level. The problem is that it is difficult to determine whether ... Views: 509
Communication is a vital part of any relationship. When done poorly, it can lead to tension and adversely affect our relationships with our significant others, family, and friends. Tension is uncomfortable! Yet, so many of us don’t know how to get out of that space in a productive way that ... Views: 609