This post is a continuation of my previous article, Making Room for Your Dream, where I wrote about making room for your dream. (If you haven’t read it yet, I would definitely recommend reading it before reading on.)
Now that we have each taken some time and visualized our dream, sat with it, felt it, and cleared some space for it – it’s time to take action. It’s time for each of us to begin living our dream – bringing it to life – and melding our actual life and our dream life into one.
Remember when I wrote about our egos wanting to protect us from the unknown? Well, since we are in completely uncharted territory, there is a good chance that our egos will show up quite a bit during this transitional period to try to guide us back to safety. Our fear and security buttons may be pushed more often during this time, and it’s up to us to stay conscious of this and see how committed we truly are to living our dream. Will we run back to safety at the first chance we get or will we stand strong in our faith and continue this journey towards living our ideal life? It’s completely up to each of us – our fate always lies in our own hands.
One such test appeared in front of me today. I am part of a wonderful women’s group where we all support each other in reaching our own dreams and help each other spread our messages however we are able to. One of the women in the group is just finishing a book and wondered if any of us could recommend an editor for her – and several recommendations were immediately offered.
Many of you who are just meeting me aren’t aware of this, but prior to owning my gift business I was a technical editor. This is what I have a degree in, and this is what I have years of experience in. Years ago, this was the path that I thought I would be on for the rest of my life. This is the path that my ego wanted me to take – it was secure and safe. This was the path where I knew what I was doing. My red pen could pinpoint right and wrong – black and white. This was the path where gray didn’t exist. Yet, this was also the path that didn’t feed my soul. While I was good at it, the act of editing zapped away every ounce of creativity, passion, and fire from my soul. I became more closed off and dead inside with each assignment I was given.
And even though I am fully committed to this new path of being an inspired writer, this was a test that took me a bit off guard. I just took a big leap yesterday toward firmly planting myself on this path, and I wasn’t prepared for the tests to come so quickly.
I will admit that I had a split-second moment where I wanted to reply to her message and offer to do it. “I am an editor!” I wanted to scream. And then, thankfully, my higher self stepped in and simply wouldn’t allow me to hit reply. This part of me knew that this was a test. This part of me knew that hitting reply would be going backwards. This part of me knew that editing is not a part of my dream. This part of me knew that I am fully committed to living my dream. This part of me knew that even though the money from this project would be most welcome at this point in my life, we are always supported by the universe and even more money will flow in as a result of my sticking to my commitment and staying true to my dream. This part of me knew that when we step up and take a leap of faith and do what we love, the universe will always support us. We will always be taken care of.
And so I listened to this part of me and simply did nothing. And in this moment I knew how fully committed I truly was to living my dream life. A test appeared, and I passed.
I welcome you to recognize the tests that appear in your life now that you are also fully committing to live your own dream. Recognize them for what they are – your scared ego wanting you to be safe and comfortable. And thank your ego for being there for you, but let it know that you are now putting your higher self in the driver’s seat – and this part of you always knows the way.
Jodi Chapman is the author of the blog, Soul Speak; the upcoming book, Coming Back to Life; and the bestselling Soulful Journals series, co-authored with her husband, Dan Teck.
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