So you’ve just ended a phone conversation where you were looking for some concrete help, and now you feel frustrated!
Thinking back on it, you realize that “yeah but” was repeated (by you) at least three times. You want advice, yet the conversation took turns that didn’t feel ... Views: 2906
“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” Jim Rohn.
When everything is going smoothly, being resilient is probably not on your radar. Yet when the proverbial sh*&t hits the fan, we assume our resilient toolbox will be available and full. ... Views: 1337
“The fact is,” said Rabbit, “we’ve missed our way somehow.” They were having a rest in a small sand-pit on the top of the Forest. Pooh was getting rather tired of that sand-pit, and suspected it of following them about because, whichever direction they started in, they always ended up at it, ... Views: 1641