If you are interested in personal development it is important you commit to investing in yourself. No matter what it is you want to improve, no matter what you want to achieve, it will almost certainly require an investment or will be much better and be achieved much quicker with the right ... Views: 1467
At the start of a new year, many of us make resolutions which we will try to keep throughout the coming year. A commendable effort, but very often one which we fail to maintain once the first few days of the year are past.
Whether or not you are planning to make New Year Resolutions, I urge ... Views: 1166
What exactly should Christmas mean to us?
You are probably already aware that Christmas has its roots in pagan religion. It is a celebration of the death and then the rebirth of the sun – hence the date just after the Winter Solstice, when the sun is the lowest in the sky and then gradually ... Views: 1097
As a researcher and promoter of personal development and success systems the commonest question by far that I hear is “How can I be successful?” How to be successful is the driving force for most people with whom I come into contact. Not surprising really, as this is my niche and my area of ... Views: 1186
A lot of people try “affirmations”, “creative visualisations”, techniques such as the Law of Attraction and other methods outlined in "The Secret", or other ways to achieve their goals. They do this for a while, sometimes for a long while, but find nothing appears to be happening. They are no ... Views: 1306