Do you dread mornings and feel like you always have to walk on eggshells because you are stressed to the max before you ever leave home in the mornings? Do you feel like a failure as a mother because your kids leave home without a good breakfast or lunch and everyone is fighting? Here are 4 ... Views: 2894
When you are busy getting tasks done but you don’t get it all done are you hard on yourself, thinking you are a failure? Stop being so hard on yourself and start using a planner to help you accomplish more that you want to do guilt free.
I lift weights at the gym 5 days a week. My gym ... Views: 1511
Have you heard the expression “A stitch in time saves time?” If you have ever gotten a rip in your dress or pants or some other article of clothing and haven’t fixed it right away it usually continues to grow. But if it would have been fixed right away it wouldn’t have taken so much time to ... Views: 1568
It can be hard to let go of things and get rid of clutter. Clutter becomes overwhelming when we hold on to things we don’t need or use. Here are 7simple tips to help you decide effortlessly what to let go and what to keep when organizing your home.
Getting rid of clutter seems to be a hot ... Views: 2025
Does the thought of de-cluttering your home, closet, a drawer or any space in your home make you uncomfortable? Perhaps you feel tired, sad or ashamed so you feel which stands in your way of de-cluttering your home. If you said yes to any of these questions perhaps you are hanging on to beliefs ... Views: 1840
It was a warm July morning, birds were singing outside my open window and the curtains ruffled in the breeze. I was standing in my bedroom and I was scared. I thought scary things are supposed to only happen in the dark on cold rainy nights. I had a good reason to be afraid as I was trying to ... Views: 1625
Getting rid of clutter just got easier by usingthese 2 tried and true ways to manage your time and get rid of clutter. If youthink you don’t have enough hours in the day try these for 10 days ans find outwhat a big difference they make.
When I think of my 82 year old grandma I think of her ... Views: 2092
Do you dread the weekend because there is always so much
to do and you are glad to get back to work? If getting rid of clutter is something you want to do but you get tired just thinking about it here are 5 ironclad organizing tips to get you going.
Don't you just love Monday's? Without a ... Views: 1303
Are you tired of spinning your wheels when it comes to getting rid of clutter and it seems to take more time all the time. Try these 3 simple tips to lighten your load.
I remember when I worked in an office someone had the brainstorm that we as workers would every 15 minutes write down what ... Views: 1787
Do you want more time to do the things you really like to do? Here are 6 fresh tips to help you get rid of clutter in your home so you will have more time to do the things you love to do.
Several years ago my aunt went back to school to become a nurse when she was in her 40’s. Her husband was ... Views: 1312
Are you stressed because there isn’t enough time in the day to declutter your home, run the kids everywhere, cook meals and have time for yourself? Here are 4 time-tested tips to help you find more time without being stressed to do it.
My mother used to say “A stitch in time Saves Nine”. I ... Views: 1276
How do you decide what to keep and what to toss? With these three simple steps it will be easy for you to get rid of clutter and be free of the guilt of holding on to things you don’t know what to do with.
It was a cool Tuesday Morning as we climbed among the huge landscaped rocks in our ... Views: 1544
Preparing at work for your vacation involves more than just getting rid of clutter on your desk. Are you worried the entire time you are away from your office under the guise of "being on a vacation"? Are you one of those people who feel pressured to be "at work" even when they are away from the ... Views: 1215
Traveling is fun and takes us away from our "normal" lives but it can be frustrating if you don't have the right documents with you when you need them. Learn what documents you need when you travel and how to quickly organize them by using these 5 proven organizing tips.
I am going to tell ... Views: 2133
Do you wish your life could be simplified? As a professional organizer, women tell me all the time they want to simplify their home and life. Many of them recognize a way to simplify is to get rid of clutter and get organized.
Living simply and being organized has a different meaning to ... Views: 1256
Chill out this summer and get organized with these 8 easy tips. With a little planning ahead it is a snap to organize your home for summer fun.
In the days before freeways when I was a child my mother would load up the car with two kids and everything we would need for the summer and travel ... Views: 1892
I grew up in a tiny little town with a population of 2,500. It was safe to walk the streets and everyone had a post office box. I liked twirling the dials to open the box. Sometimes I went too fast and I had to do it over again to reach our mail. I rode my bike all over town and we didn't have a ... Views: 1236
Discover 9 rejuvenating tips on how to maximize your time and how to get rid of clutter.
Saturday was one of those days when I needed to work and I wanted time to do some fun stuff like quilting a quilt for my daughter. I set the timer and worked on work stuff one hour and then I did the fun ... Views: 1343
Are you discouraged by magazine articles that set the expectation for organizing too high? Here are 5 proven and powerful tips for getting rid of clutter in just a few minutes.
My daughter had eye surgery a few years ago and when she was released from the clinic she was given a pair of snazzy ... Views: 1461
Do you find yourself nagging your spouse to get rid of clutter and to organize? Nagging doesn’t work and can drive a wedge between you. These 7 tips will help get your spouse organized without nagging.
As a professional organizer one question I am often asked is, “How do I get my husband to ... Views: 7254
Everyone is thinking about spring cleaning which makes it a perfect time for Spring Organizing. Get Rid of Clutter and welcome spring in your home with 4 fresh organizing tips.
The calendar says it is spring so it seems like a good time to do some spring organizing. However the weather ... Views: 1366
7 time-proven organizing tips for your garage. Do you want your garage to be user friendly? Then you’re in luck with these 7 tested tips that help you in getting rid of clutter in a snap.
The curtain is yellow on the door window that goes out to our garage. It is the color of the outside ... Views: 1494
Spring organizing gives you the jump on summer fun. 8 valuable tips will have you organized in no time.
It is such a gorgeous spring day I washed my car. I will wonder where I am now that I don’t have to look out of windows covered with smudged gunk the tires spray on the windows and rear ... Views: 1282
Clearing clutter is as easy as pie with these 3 time-tested organizing tips. Listen to your mother--she's always right.
Want to start a family fight over clearing clutter in your home? Today I am sharing a true experience. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent--not that ... Views: 1314
Learn the art of delegation to have fun and to save you time and energy when getting rid of clutter.
The neighborhood kids wanted to go to different homes and do a service project. We were asked to come up with a project that teens could do in our home. As I thought about what they could do I ... Views: 1170
Are you a big time procrastinator when it comes to getting rid of clutter and it is sapping your energy? Do you feel like you are a bad person and you need to change? Does it cost you money and time? Here are 4 hot tips on getting rid of clutter.
Procrastination is just like having a big ... Views: 1364
It was a beautiful cold day outside. I know it is cold when my outdoor thermometer says it is 4 degrees. I thought it might be broken but when it warmed up to 6 degrees I knew it was working as the temperature had changed.
This is the perfect kind of day to stay inside and bake cookies, read ... Views: 1233
A door is something I take for granite. How about you? How many uses can you think of for a door? Here is my short list:
1. A door keeps people out when we close and lock our exterior doors.
2. It hides gifts in the closet.
3. It hides clutter-it may be time to declutter your home because ... Views: 1357
You have heard the saying, "Two things in life are certain: paying taxes and dying". Neither is pleasant to think about but if we don't want to leave our heirs with a lot of paper clutter and extra expense and headaches there are certain things we need to get in order.
One of the best and ... Views: 1463
It is more important than ever to be organized when homeschooling. With the children home 24/7 you do want to remain sane. Here are 3 tips for successful home school organization:
Designate a cupboard or shelves in a closet for home school supplies. Give each child her/his own ... Views: 1310
It was a typical work morning. I was sitting at my desk reading through a report and people were coming into the office greeting each other. I could hear Neil through the partition complaining that he was late to work because he had to help his wife find her keys. The thing is this was literally ... Views: 1444
It is winter here in Utah which means we have a lot of snow in our mountains. With the beautiful and fluffy snow comes snowboarding, snowmobilers and ski enthusiasts and (sorry to say) danger. There are times when accidents happen and an outing of snow sports become deadly. One way this happens ... Views: 1227
I just love the UPS truck when it is parked in front of my home and not just zipping by. I always wail..."come back, leave me something". How about you? Doesn't your mind leap to the possibilities of what he (I have never had a she) is delivering to your door? This was the case yesterday when my ... Views: 1355
Last week I received a phone call from a local producer of an early afternoon "lifestyle" show. They asked if I would be on the show to talk about getting organized for the New Year. I did appear on the show and I had a lot of fun. The host talked about the 3 most popular goals people set for ... Views: 1141
We spend so much time in our kitchens shouldn't they be free of clutter and be a place we want to be? How to get rid of clutter in the kitchen in 7 simple steps will lighten you kitchen and put a smile on your face.
I was six the year Santa brought me a child's size white wooden cupboard. I ... Views: 1326
5 great ways to get rid of clutter simply and easily without all the hassle, worry and fuss. An organizing expert makes it fun to get rid of clutter.
About 23 years ago I decided I needed to get rid of clutter in our home. The clutter I am talking about is the clutter of books. I love books, ... Views: 1395
I was a social service worker for 24 years. I worked in an office and commuted to work every day 18 miles one way. Totally out of the blue one day my supervisor came to me and asked if I would be willing to telecommute. This meant I wouldn't have to drive to work every day, I wouldn't have to ... Views: 1537
One of my goals in life was never to quilt. All of that changed one beautiful rainy day at Cape Mears Lighthouse in Oregon. I bought a package with 12 lighthouse quilt blocks in their lovely tincy- tiny gift shop. I love lighthouses so these called out to me. I planned on asking my friend who ... Views: 1760
If I were to write lyrics to the song "These Are My Favorite Things" I would write--walking down the street hearing the crunch of leaves under my feet on a cool beautiful fall day. I also like the way the sun filters through the leaves that are still on the trees in the fall. And it is nice to ... Views: 1404
In the late 1890's the American economy had been hit hard which caused widespread unemployment. This financial crises motivated men to try their luck in the gold fields. Men from all walks of life headed to the Yukon in Alaska. Many were professionals such as teachers and doctors who gave up ... Views: 1463
When I was a little girl I always knew when fall was here. After school we would skip and walk and dawdle down to the local grocery store where we would pick out the biggest pomegranate we could find. That is the only time of the year we could buy them. Back then there was no such thing as ... Views: 1989
It can be so frustrating to want to be organized and try many different things to get organized but nothing seems to work. We are not all the same, we learn differently and we like different things. What will work for one person may not work for another. As a professional organizer I receive ... Views: 2203
It was a cool evening just before dusk. We were in a foreign city enjoying a walk around the streets of an unfamiliar city. My daughter loves ice cream so we were on a quest to find an Italian geliato store which had been recommended in our guide book by Rick Steves.
We came across a ... Views: 1217
The ocean is both powerful and hypnotic. When we visited Maine we watched as the beautiful white waves come crashing onto the rocks. In Delaware we watched as the waves come rushing onto the sandy beach where they calmly flattened out and slunk back out to gather speed again.
On one ... Views: 1904
I am the worst offender when it comes to disorganizing our garage. I know I am not the only offender in the family. Even though I am a professional organizer and I know better I am really good at doing a number on our garage. I routinely organize it twice a year. Once in the spring before it ... Views: 2154
When women find out that I am a professional organizer inevitably they ask if my home is organized. When I simply say yes then they ask me if all of my cupboards are organized. When I say yes they ask if my closets are organized. Again I say yes.
My home doesn’t look like a page out of a ... Views: 2491
Excitement was in the air as gifts were being selected for Christmas giving. My 16 year old daughter who has always been into environmental issues and working on making the earth a better place decided this one year she wanted a special watch. The face of the watch was a sepia/gold color of the ... Views: 1288
Awhile ago I saw a sign with these words: Simplify, Simplify, Simplify. Someone had crossed off the first two words. I had to chuckle. Just simplify.
In my role as a professional organizer I have been working with a woman who has had no less than 6 deaths of close family members (including a ... Views: 2148
I love getting thank you notes. I like reading what my friends have to say about the gift or service I have done for them. I like the beauty of the cards and I love getting “good” mail. The fact that my friends took the time to write me a note makes me feel important.
I received a call from ... Views: 2157
My aunt was married for the first time when she was 42 years old. She married Uncle Fred who treated her like a queen but they were only married for five years before he died. A year later she married a neighbor man whose wife had died at the same time as Uncle Fred.
They were happy together ... Views: 1390