Now I can't speak for you, but I don't mind the hard work I have to put in to get the pay off further down the line, postponing immediate gratification for a pay off in the none too distant future has never been a problem for me, I have always been a “big picture” thinker.
Some people don't ... Views: 1575
You have all heard the saying: “ready, willing and able” before haven't you? That little phrase can be extremely powerful in the right hands, the only problem is that most people only hit two out of the three criteria when it comes to moving forward with their life.
Allow me to ... Views: 1314
When it comes to living your ideal life, there is one thing that you can do that will automatically improve your chances of attaining the life that you have always imagined, the disconcerting thing about this is that only 3% of the population bother to do it.
You could be forgiven for ... Views: 1416
Isn't it amazing that the older you get, the quicker time seems to pass you by? Lets take a look at this year for example, we're in September already, and it doesn't seem like five minutes since I was decimating my Christmas dinner, It is true, time really does fly when your having fun.
What ... Views: 1242
The main thing that is keeping you feeling stuck in a rut is your thoughts and your thought process.
Your thoughts are the determining factor to the actions that you take in life, when you are feeling stuck, it is invariably down to the principle thoughts that you have floating around your ... Views: 1416
There are few things in this life that are permanent, and thank goodness that our troubles fit nicely into that category. You have all heard the old saying that “nothing lasts forever” and as far as I know it is most definitely true. Some things have a tendency to wear the test of time better ... Views: 3383
Now don't get me wrong, I am an extremely patient man by nature, (most of the time) however there are times when patience is not a virtue that I possess.
I would like to let you in on a little secret that will give you a little insight into the title of this article, Feeling Stuck – Shut Up, ... Views: 1434
Does your life feel like it's stalled, and your finding it hard to get going again? Do you feel like you have lost your Mojo, and you have absolutely no idea where to find it?
Do you look at the people around you and begrudge them their success, because they are getting on with their lives, ... Views: 1528
This article is about the 3 deadly mistakes that tend to keep people feeling stuck in a rut for a very long period of time. Maybe you are one of those people, hopefully you are not, either way, after reading this article you will know if you are, and if you are not, you will definitely know what ... Views: 916