Here are five limiting beliefs about personal goal setting that I discovered last Sunday when a passerby overheard my Irish friends and me talking while he was taking some photos. He came over to chat to us.
He is just finishing up his final year in Sydney and unfortunately he couldn't get ... Views: 1627
Earlier this week I joined a gym to help me work on my health goal for 2013. I had previously been working out in my garage after I purchased a bench press. There is only so much one can do in a garage with limited equipment and I have a very specific and measurable goal for my fitness which I ... Views: 982
The key to achieving success in life is to have a goal setting template that you stick to methodically. It sounds easy to stick to right? Well, what’s easy to do is sometimes easy not to do. It’s only early days in 2013 and a new year is ahead of us all. It’s a time where a lot of people begin ... Views: 1738
Many of us ask ourselves how we set bigger goals for work in 2013. How can we get the promotion we have been striving for? Or even a pay rise for recognition of our hard work? A sure-fire way NOT to achieve all these things is by focusing on what people say and not what they actually do. If we ... Views: 1264
Some people don’t know how to goal set for the New Year. Why? They may be feeling low or overwhelmed about the year ahead. Perhaps they didn't have a great year in 2012 and are predicting the same results for the year ahead.
I've been there but these feelings don’t last forever. They will ... Views: 1542
A lot of the time people think to achieve goals in life, people think that they need to start chasing the latest “shiny penny”! They feel that if they don’t have the latest and greatest gadget that they are somehow slipping behind the rest of the world. With new technology evolving so quickly, ... Views: 1301
If you are a young professional entering the world of sales, you will most likely have goals for sales targets you want to reach. You will probably go into this new role with a lot of enthusiasm after watching movies of sales people having all the flashy cars etc… But then something happens. You ... Views: 1801
If you are a young professional entering the world of sales, you will most likely have goals for sales targets you want to reach. You will probably go into this new role with a lot of enthusiasm after watching movies of sales people having all the flashy cars etc… But then something happens. You ... Views: 6
When we struggle with accomplishing a goal we really want to achieve, it can leave us perplexed. When you think about it, why, if we really want the goal, do we not achieve it? What is holding us back? Is it our fault or not? What is the barrier that is stopping us from breaking through with our ... Views: 2212
What is goal setting and why should you use it? You are probably asking yourself this on a daily basis right? Your ability to set and achieve goals can lead you to wonderful places, allow us to be creative and increase our energy and focus. But how do you master goal setting and use it…
When ... Views: 1279
Ways to Achieve Your Goals: Become a Money Magnet
Do you struggle with ways to achieve your goals? Would you like to know one of the best ways to become wealthy? Would you like to know a great way to attract money into your life? Then you must learn to become a “Money Magnet”
Learning to ... Views: 1405
So I guess it’s time to debunk some of the money goal myths like – “Money will change me” or “Success will change the person who I am now” by talking about a very successful footballer who has not changed a single iota since he was a young teenager pursuing his dream of becoming a professional ... Views: 1400
Here is a common saying – “I can achieve goals for life if I work hard enough.” Do you agree or disagree? Actually, it’s a trick question. Because although it’s true that we are in charge of our destiny and results, it’s equally true that we will only go as far as our feelings, mindset and ... Views: 1537
The secret is out on how to achieve life goals… Those who write their goals accomplish significantly more than those who do not write their goals.
What’s more, in a recent study at Dominican University, it was shown that those who wrote down their specific goals and elicited the help of a ... Views: 1568
One of the goals to have in life is the power of positive thinking. My sister got me a book called “The Secret” for Christmas 2010. It is based on the law of attraction and explains that the more we tell ourselves that we are successful, the more we'll behave as if we are. We will start to carry ... Views: 1520
Not long ago, I had been looking for ways to overcome the negative effects of stress, tension and anxiety so that I would become calmer, happier, more productive and more efficient with time. I wanted to change and replace my negative or unwanted thoughts with positive ones.
I had discovered ... Views: 1458
One of the best goal setting examples I have been given in my seminar experiences is to do the hard jobs first because the easy jobs will take care of themselves. This sounds so simple right? Sometimes what’s easy to do is easy not to do.
A couple of years ago, my friends and I spent our ... Views: 1505
Fitzhugh Dodson was a world-famous psychologist, lecturer and writer. He had many strategies for accomplishing a goal. He once said that “Goals that are not written down are just wishes”. I’d like to share with you why writing your goal down works from my life experiences of travelling the world ... Views: 2100
Your goals must be easy to perceive, understand, or interpret. Albert Einstein knew how to set and achieve goals and once said “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” These are wise words from a wise man, so it’s vital to pay heed of Albert’s wisdom. You must be ... Views: 3197
You have to determine the people who are regarded as the best in your line of work, and decide to model them. You don’t have to be like them, but you can study and learn from them. If you associate with people who are not goal and success orientated, that alone can prevent you from achieving ... Views: 2256
Are you struggling with your money goals and your finance goals? I think a lot of people are these days, especially with the current economic climate right? Why do we all struggle with these goals to achieve in life? Why do we grapple with issues around accomplishing a goal in terms of our ... Views: 1511
I was eating my lunch today and I got a call that reiterated a vital lesson in terms of ways to achieve your goals. Working in sales can be a challenge, that's for sure! It's always interesting to actually receive a sales call, especially when you work in the sales profession and have your own ... Views: 1620