The month of September is associated with the beginning of a new school year. Recently I was reading an article that indicated those that are having the greatest success in current job searches, or just keeping their careers fresh and on track were those who are continual learners. While ... Views: 1007
I still remain a big fan of the television show “Seinfeld”, even after it has been off the air in terms of original shows now for fifteen years. Often my wife will hear me begin a sentence stating, “This reminds me of a Seinfeld …” when relating it to a present life experience. One episode I ... Views: 907
Perhaps you have heard that old fairy tale saying “You have to kiss a few frogs before you find a prince?” It came to mind recently as I was working with a client. He is in the process of exploring a new career path. Frankly he knows he would be very good at it because he both has the skills to ... Views: 977
As I write this post, I have returned from a week at the New Jersey shore. I have never much been a fan of the beach. My wife, on the other hand, absolutely loves everything about it, from the ocean, to walking along the shore line, to lying on the sand. During our last beach vacation in the ... Views: 913
Detached Involvement
One of the earliest concepts that I learned in my coaching studies, yet one which is not easy to put into practice is what is termed detached involvement. Being human means having feelings and emotions. When you are aware of those emotions, and allow them to flow without ... Views: 1304
We are now well into the summer season. For many in job search there is a temptation to not put as much effort into their search. One belief is that with so many hiring managers on vacation, there won’t be many people hiring again until the autumn. For others, formal networking groups that they ... Views: 823
When one goes through the certification process of becoming a coach, they are introduced to a number of different concepts and quotations, some of which stick with them for a long while. One of the ones I remember hearing that recently came to my mind reads as follows: “When the pain associated ... Views: 1019
It is that time of the year again when a new group of students graduate and go out to find a job in the working world. While as students, they’re often prepared well in their field of study, it is rare that they are ready to work the process of going out to find a job. Many of the key skill sets ... Views: 812
A few weeks back I had the opportunity to attend a workshop for coaches in New York City. The topic of the workshop was on the practice of coaching. Our presenter covered many aspects, from what it means to be a coach, to co-creating the coaching relationship with clients, to what ... Views: 968
Most of us find ourselves busy with several things at once. It’s no different for me. At any one time I may be balancing seeing one to one clients, planning and writing my blogs and newsletter for the upcoming week, facilitating and presenting at support groups that I oversee, committing to ... Views: 868
I was a participant recently in an enlightening presentation I want to share which I found thought provoking. Perhaps you will too. The presentation was in a circle to a small group. Our facilitator placed 3 cards on the floor, in the format of a triangle. One card had the word Victim, a second ... Views: 1072
One of the negatives of living in a fast paced society is that we become increasingly impatient and despondent when things don’t happen in our life as quickly as we hope they will. We find ourselves out of a job, and within a couple of weeks or a month, we begin to panic when our telephone calls ... Views: 919
As I have stated often in the past I am a spectator sports fan. This time of the year is always a fun time for me with the start of a new baseball season. I’ve been a fan since I have been eight years old, and look forward to each new season with anticipation.
It is common when a new season ... Views: 1043
A lot has changed in my life in the last several years. One of the realities is that most of those that I see or speak to on a frequent basis, I did not know less than five years ago. A change in career, change in where you live and a new marriage will do that to you. The change in career, in ... Views: 871
One of the realities about our world today is that we learn of things happening around our world faster than ever before. There is not much that can happen that does not quickly prompt several internet articles, newscasts, videos, etc. in a matter of minutes. Often there are great pluses in ... Views: 1061
I was at a recent local chapter coaching event where again I had reinforced for me the concept of “gaining perspective”. The session itself introduced to those present a coaching model that many of us had not seen before. It included seven different chairs, each with a label as to a role a ... Views: 927
It is not uncommon at this time of the year for people to feel they have less energy than they do at other times of the year. We’re well into the period after the end of year holidays. Unless you live in a warm weather climate, spring type weather is several weeks away. Hours of darkness ... Views: 818
What do the job seeker who is having an interview and a person who runs a business and has a product or service to offer have in common? They are both attempting to influence the person with whom they have come in contact that they are the right person to provide them what they are seeking. ... Views: 1722
I was recently asked to follow up with three individuals who were provided outplacement services from their former employer to see if they wanted to use the benefit which they had been provided. The benefit consisted of anywhere from 3 to 12 sessions with a private coach to help them in their ... Views: 994
As we start a new year, I have a couple of questions for you. What lessons did you learn during the past year that you are going to bring with you into 2013? What experiences did you have that helped you to find out something new about yourself? You do know that as long as you allow yourself ... Views: 972
There is no escaping that we live in a fast paced society. We tend to receive information in quick sound bites, whether it is via television, the radio, the internet, or even now on our electronic devices. On average, those messages that we receive come to us in 10 to 15 second sound bite ... Views: 911
For as long as I can remember, one of the standard pieces of advice that is given when you need to prioritize your tasks is to make a To-Do list. Many, especially if they’re setting themselves up in the business world, and others even in their everyday life, make a To-Do list each and every ... Views: 938
In this early part of the calendar year, there is always a lot written about dedicating ourselves to continual planning so as to meet our goals. While the intentions of these articles are well meaning and their advice can be very beneficial, there is one trap they can lead you into if you let ... Views: 840
As one year ends and another is about to begin, this is the time of year when a number of different articles appear about taking steps to plan for the coming year. Some write of the practice of setting New Year’s resolutions. Often business based or self improvement based articles talk about ... Views: 963
We’re two weeks away from the end of 2012. What kind of year has it been for you? Have you accomplished all of your goals? What were those wonderful things that have happened to you during the past twelve months?
It is human nature to tend to have a sharper memory toward what we have not ... Views: 954
For many people it is desirable to have everything in their life “under control”. Whether it is having a routine for going to work each day, when their family has dinner, or the leisure activities they do when they have free time, there is some sense of normality to their life. However, life ... Views: 901
It has been a difficult last month where I live in the eastern United States, and in particular in my home state of New Jersey. The aftermath of the destruction of Hurricane Sandy, which impacted us at the end of October, touched so many lives. Many people suffered through severe property ... Views: 984
Establishing a coaching practice as part of my life has exposed me to many new experiences in the last three years. There is the networking with fellow coaches locally, nationally and internationally in the coach federation of which I am a part. As a coaching practice is often conducted as a ... Views: 1026
As we move past the period where we have celebrated Thanksgiving and anticipate the upcoming holidays of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, we often get into the mindset of gift giving. Over the last two years I have met several individuals in job search. Many of them are long time workers who – ... Views: 952
I tend to meet with my clients in person, which means that I’m often out on the road meeting them in public places. Between clients, I’ll stop and catch up on my preparation, reading and planning by stopping at a local shopping mall. I was doing this the other day, when I glanced up from what ... Views: 877
As this piece is posted on my website, it is the morning after the political elections in the United States. Whether your candidates won or lost the race for the offices that they sought, I have a question for each of my readers? How do you elect to move your life forward over the coming days ... Views: 873
I was recently driving in my car with my wife as a passenger. We came upon a bicyclist riding on the side of the road. He was looking for his share of the road on the same side I was driving. In the past I know that I would have been less sensitive to the cyclist. I would have looked to ... Views: 980
You have probably heard it said – we live in a results oriented society. Perhaps you have heard that from bosses where you work. Or perhaps you have heard it in some sort of advertisement via the media. As a coach, I’m always working with clients to be a partner with them as they move toward ... Views: 946
I am currently working with a number of clients that are nearly half my age. It has been a pleasure to do so. The enthusiasm that these clients show in wanting to move their lives forward is infectious.
One thing that does amuse me though is when there is a goal that one of them is looking ... Views: 913
Many coaches when they start their practices are new business owners. We not only learn coaching skills, but we also quickly learn the realities of being in business for oneself. In setting up a business we find there are a lot of things to do. There is the actually setting up the business as ... Views: 871
Recently I have begun working with a number of clients that come from similar backgrounds as me. We grew up in towns made up of hard working parents predominantly in blue collar industries. We’re from strong ethnic backgrounds where people are passionate about their beliefs. And, frankly, we ... Views: 928
One of the realities when you are a coach is eventually your engagements with your clients do end. While that usually happens when the client reaches the goal they were targeting when the coaching relationship began, it can end at any time particularly if the client does not care to continue ... Views: 1378
I find at times the need to remind myself of things that I already know. For example, I find myself annoyed with what I’m hearing on my car radio and instead of remembering I can either change the station, put on a CD of my choice or turn the radio off, I’ll continue listening until I’m upset ... Views: 1145
A company has an opening in which you have an interest. You apply for the job. You’re called in for a first interview, and then another. The process moves on and you are told it is down to the final selection stage, that you are one of the finalists for the position. What do you do at this ... Views: 1145
When we enter an election season, as we do in the United States this year, and the economy continues to languish as it has, each side will always promote what they are able to do to promote job creation for the citizens of the country. Putting the political philosophies, policy setting and ... Views: 1109
Recently I have had the opportunity to observe a number of little children under the age of 18 months old. It is really fascinating to observe them. When their focus becomes locked in on an item that captures their attention, they look to learn all they can about it before moving onto the next ... Views: 1064
Recently I was speaking with a fellow coaching colleague. I was sharing with her my transition from my life of being an employee in corporate America to gaining my coaching certification and starting my own business. We were speaking about how when you begin your own business you are a magnet ... Views: 1214
I tend to do a lot more driving during the middle of the work day than I used to when I was employed in my corporate career. When you are a sole proprietor and meet your clients at various public locations that will happen. One of the things that I have come to learn is there are a number of ... Views: 1061
The summer vacation season is beginning to really start up. Perhaps some of you have already been on vacation, while many of you anticipate taking some time away from home over the next several weeks. It’s a natural part of human nature to focus on the end point of our activities. Think back ... Views: 1248
As my life has evolved these last few years, one thing that is certain is that I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know well a wide range of individuals. When you enter the coaching profession and first enter coach training, you become aware quickly that the discipline attracts a wide ... Views: 1137
I had a very frustrating experience recently with my bank. I went to deposit money in an account. It is an account I use infrequently, however, which annually is the source for funding an important bill that is paid to benefit members of my family. In trying to deposit money, as I had in past ... Views: 1075
I have been a huge baseball fan all of my life. Every year there are teams that get off to good starts on their season. They play well during the months of April and May and jump out to a lead in the standings against their competition. Then they enter the month of June, and all of a sudden ... Views: 1516
You are in the midst of your job search. You’re starting to make contacts in your field, and perhaps even speaking with representatives from companies that you can see yourself working for some day. However, those with whom you are speaking have never worked with you before. You may be able ... Views: 1085
The current difficult job market can make many a job searcher paranoid about just what wording to include on their resumé or to be part of the verbal pitch they use to present themselves. This can lead to many approaches that are not optimal. One may choose to use language that is full of a ... Views: 812
It’s been about three years now that I have been part of the coaching profession. How I view my life and that which goes on around me has definitely changed from how I lived previously. I’ve definitely become a far more aware individual. I’m more open to the idea that even in the most ... Views: 953