Hey there everyone!!
I’ve always had a fascination with numbers. When my massage therapist asked me to pick a number from 1 to 10 to indicate how much pressure I was feeling, I exclaimed “pi”. She said “what?” and I replied, “I can’t get any more precise than 3.14159265359...”
But ... Views: 2147
Hey there everyone!!
While you may or may not be the recipient of an April Fool’s practical joke, we all have been played the fool sometime in life. The question is, what kind of fool do we play?
Here you will find the interesting distinctions of seven kinds of fools. We may not be able ... Views: 2809
Hi there everyone!!
Having participated in hundreds of personal development programs all around the world over the last twenty years, I’m often confronted with the question, “which one is the best”?
The accurate answer is that it depends on what you want, your financial resources, your ... Views: 2169
Hey there everyone!!
At nine years of age, I was going to a summer camp and having lots of fun. One day we to an outdoor swimming pool, and I just laughed it up, splashing and maneuvering my around.
It wasn’t until I got home that night that I noticed I had huge sun burns all over my ... Views: 1720
Hey there everyone!!
There are so many different kinds of freedoms that we may enjoy. Becoming conscious and distinguishing between the various freedoms can allow us to more completely exercise each freedom, and appreciate them all more thoroughly.
I read once that those who can read and ... Views: 1503
Hi there everyone!!
Our events are always different (innovative and creative), but there’s one common element that is our winning formula.
Our community has cool people, and so our parties are full of cool people.
Why? What’s so special about the people we know?
These are three ... Views: 2018
Dear Savvy Web Surfer,
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get tons of free stuff, while others don't?
When was the last time you got frustrated because you paid for something that one of your friends got for FREE (or significantly cheaper)?
Whether you are a teenager, ... Views: 2920
Hey there everyone!!
We’re going viral, and this is how’re doing it.
If humanity is going to really transform, we need to have more than a shift in consciousness--we all need to learn things and do things that we may have never done before.
It’s easy though. It’s all about using the ... Views: 1937
Hi there everyone!!
Why is it sometimes difficult to awaken people to what is right in front of them?
I’ve distinguished four distinct places someone may be in their awakening journey. Similar to understanding personality styles, understanding these four paradigms will help us relate with ... Views: 2301
10. Watch short videos on alternative media web sites to uncover what the mainstream media is not telling us. The most popular and entertaining videos can be viewed at http://transforminghumanity.blogspot.com
9. Talk about “The New World Order” with friends, family, relatives, neighbors, ... Views: 2115
Let’s love the world by sharing this.
"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep
because reality is better than your dreams."
- Dr. Seuss
"Love does not consist in gazing at each other
but in looking together in the same direction."
- Antoine de ... Views: 2746
Hey All You Big Givers!!
Six years ago, I wrote an article called 7 Totally Different Ways to Give Big this Thanksgiving!!
Since then, I’ve come to learn that people need to know what giving is NOT. “The Secret” would say, don’t focus on what you don’t want. However, ... Views: 2320
Hi there everyone!!
Mark my words; this movie will change the destiny of our humanity:
I've never been so passionate, so I am using strong language in this article. Know that every word is said with love.
At age fifteen, I found myself at the ... Views: 4136
Hi there everyone!!
On page 96 of “A Dictionary of Distinctions,” I ask “They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If so, how much is a five-minute dream worth?”
Let’s really figure it out right now. Those in the video or electronic media industry will tell you that standard quality ... Views: 2855
Hey there everyone!!
Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Now, why do you think this means a lot to me? Take a moment and think about it. What got you to start reading this? If you don't read "every" post, what got you to start reading this time? Was it simply because I ... Views: 2812
Hey there everyone!!
Finding and receiving mentorship has transformed my life in ways some find remarkable.
At age thirteen, I was the first person in the Toronto Board of Education to participate in Co-Operative Education (working in the job market). There I met Peter who would become my ... Views: 2218
Hi there everyone!!
We've all heard how regular exercise is vital for good health and a well-balanced lifestyle. Now, how many of us have tried to lose weight, buff ourselves up, or join a fitness program, only to be disappointed by the lack of results we see? Maybe we do workout ... Views: 2511
Hey there everyone!!
Does asking really work? Is it "that" simple?
What gets us to ask in the first place? We ask because we have a desire, and we believe that our desire may get fulfilled upon our asking. What stops us from asking? We don't ask because we don't think our request will be ... Views: 2766
Hi there everyone!!
Goals should be written down and have the following SMART attributes:
Specific. We need to have hard numbers on our goals. However, this is not to be confused with being “precise.” It’s OK to have ranges of numbers. In fact, it’s better for the subconscious mind if we ... Views: 2218
Hey there everyone!!
The “T” in the SMART goal formula represents time-sensitivity. That is, our goals should have a specific date associated to them.
However, there are two kinds of dates that can be associated with a goal. The first may be obvious. This is a hard date. A hard date is a ... Views: 3633
Hi there everyone!!
Did you know that you were meant to be free? That it is your birthright!
Did you know that having a boss is unnatural, artificial, almost inhuman, and it's a constraint on your personal growth?
Did you know that God intended for you to be your own boss? Since ... Views: 2135
Hi Each and Every One of You!!
This is why I’m a visionary.
Being a computer hacker at age thirteen, I resonated with this community’s manifesto which articulated my own consciousness concisely as follows:
“We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you ... Views: 2994
Hi there everyone!!
I’m sitting on the subway across from a beautiful woman... I want to strike up a conversation, but my fears get the best of me. Then, this beautiful woman starts up a conversation with another person on the subway who is also a stranger to her (I eavesdropped on their ... Views: 1868
Hi there everyone!!
What has people feel empowered? What has people make things happen?
Choice. We become conscious of the options that are available to us, we pick something, and then we act upon that choice.
It's simple, but it's not easy. Are you with me? Let's take a closer look at ... Views: 2034
Hi there everyone!!
I remember sitting in a subway car on my way home from grade nine. I had an 88% average and I was making good money at my job, yet I was depressed out of my mind. I wasn't in a rush to get home -- I would stay on the subway for hours, not really caring about the day, ... Views: 5287
Hi there everyone!!
I'm a professional working in the personal development industry. For 18 years, I've participated in all the various disciplines of personal development programs. Even with this extensive knowledge of the industry, I still sympathize when I meet someone at a networking ... Views: 5905
Hi there everyone!!
September 11, 2001 was a historic day for all of us. As the anniversary of that date approaches, we can’t help but sadly recall the events, the tragedy and the great human toll that was extracted. However, this is also a good time to reflect on the eloquent response of ... Views: 2072
Hi there everyone!!
What is Personal Development? There are so many words that we, or other marketers may use to describe what we think personal development is. For example, we may have heard of self-help, self-improvement, or peak-performance. We may have seen the concept targeted to a ... Views: 2835
Hey there everyone!!
Why is it that we write? To record. We write to capture moments. Moments of ideas, of inspiration, of opinions, or of abstract thought. These recorded moments become part of our history. They can be popularized and find themselves in libraries of the future. Or they can ... Views: 2235
Hi there everyone!!
Why is it important to distinguish the categories of public speaking? At one point or another, we’ll find ourselves present in all three of these possible situations. If we’ve ever thought, “this is so boring,” or “teach me something new,” or “I don’t feel like ... Views: 2495
Hi there everyone!!
What would it be like to live in global peace? I think it would encompass having complete trust in everyone else. That would cause us to all be working as one global entity. If that were the case, what would it mean for the world? It would mean countries and organizations ... Views: 1903
Hi there everyone!!
There’s chatter in our minds. There are things we say to ourselves without realizing it. This is our internal communication.
Think about it. Are you saying things to yourself right now as you read this? Are you asking yourself questions? Are you pausing and ... Views: 5098
Hi there everyone!!
We are so overloaded with information today that we sometimes tend to generalize everything we learn. From the foundational book, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peel, some people have generalized personal development to be “thinking positive all the ... Views: 3883
Hi there everyone!!
Personal growth doesn’t just happen when we’re being trained, learning something new, or having a new type of experience. In situations where we give of ourselves unconditionally with love, with no expectations, we strengthen our character, raise our self-image, and ... Views: 3711
Hi there everyone!!
The multitude of personal development programs available in the market is vast and overwhelming. How do we know which programs are right for us? What can we do to maximize the benefits of a self-improvement course? Here are three steps that I've discovered to be crucial in ... Views: 1987
Hi there everyone!!
Before we begin, let me say that I use the term "personal development" very loosely. Anything that we are doing in life that helps us to grow personally, is personal development. So, taking a new cooking class is personal development . . . Deciding to travel to a new ... Views: 2715
Many years ago, as my personal-growth journey was expanding, I strived to find the fundamental principals of success that would be consistent to the entire personal development industry. I was happy to find some of these principals, yet I was shocked as I noticed that one principal would ... Views: 2160
Hi there Faith-Seekers!!
Faith is a word that is talked about a lot in personal development. Many of us may conceptually understand what faith is. We may even make conscious efforts to employ faith consistently in our lives. But do we really utilize faith in ALL areas of our lives? We may ... Views: 7120
Hey All You Big Givers!!
The first thing we may think of when we think of giving, is money (or gifts and presents which cost money). However, some of us may feel financially constrained . . . The second thing we may think of when we think of giving, is our time. With fast-paced lifestyles and ... Views: 2340
Hi Everyone!!
Fear Factors: 4 Simple Steps to Feel the Fear...And Do It Anyway!
1. Feel It.
This can be the most difficult step. It's natural to want to get past our fear and not feel any anxiety. In our attempts to "overcome" fear, we tend to sometimes ignore it or suppress it... That ... Views: 6380
Hi there everyone!!
Mythology can be intriguing to study. The stories that are portrayed in myths may be fictional, but there is usually some truth that has allowed the story to be passed down from generation to generation. That's what "myths" are -- they are not completely true or completely ... Views: 4138
What is intimacy? I think it's a special feeling of closeness where we can be ourselves with each other. When we can be completely free to say whatever we want -- no matter how personal or sensitive -- then there is intimacy.
What is chemistry? I think chemistry occurs when people feel a ... Views: 4176
Do you want to feel more love and connection in your life? One way to accomplish this is to have more conversations! It's that simple.
Think about it... Have you ever been in elevator with a dozen people and nobody said a word to each other? Why do we sometimes hesitate and stop ourselves ... Views: 5049
Hi there everyone!!
You've heard of living in the moment and the Power of Now, right?
Does it make sense to live life that way 100% of the time?
It actually wouldn't work. There are times when we want to contextualize the past, anticipate the future, and be conscious of impact that we ... Views: 3933
Hi there...
I know what it's like... I had times when I wasn't happy doing anything that I did. I did some great things, but I was never happy. All I knew is that I wanted to feel better, and whatever I did to try and feel better, didn't work. I felt horrible. Even though others thought I ... Views: 2014
Hear a Special Audio Message about The Power of Words, right now.
Click the "Play" button on the following web page.
Or, you can read the story here...
The Power of Words
"The Power of Words" was the ... Views: 2530
Hi Everyone!!
In a previous newsletter, some of you wrote back requesting clarification on how all of us can be "100% responsible for our lives" when there are certain obvious things which we cannot control, such as sexual abuse or a physical disability.
First, let's distinguish ... Views: 2279
"Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what the see in the cinema
Whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness and equality
Instead of spreading ... Views: 3230
Hey there everyone!!
The people that are part of my community love coming out to my parties, shows, and events. The experience people have is extraordinary, and they rave about it.
Why? What’s so special about the people I know?
I’ve been distinguishing what attributes of people’s being ... Views: 3748
I Will Change The World for You
Different perspectives I will share with you.
You will get to know you.
In yourself you will see what you did not see before.
In the world you will create what you were meant for.
Choice flows like a magic carpet
Because the freedom is in your ... Views: 5198