Have you written your Bucket List? Have you scheduled your Bucket List?
A Bucket List is a list of things you want to do before you die. It’s those things in your mind that you want but, too often, just leave as a future wish while life passes you by.
At the end of life, the biggest regret ... Views: 1287
Did you make your budget for 2011? Did you finish it?
A budget is not just money and spending. Ideally, we have a budget for:
Expenses (mortgage, food,
Taxes, school, clothing etc.
Play (vacations, etc.)
Things (cars, boats, ... Views: 922
What did you add to your eulogy today? This week? This month? This year?
Yes, you are writing your eulogy every day. Writing it based on what you do and what you don’t do. It’s what is not done that upsets us the most. It’s the what we could have done, could have been, could have, had, had we ... Views: 1074
Be uncomfortable.
To be comfortable is to be less than you are meant to be.
To be uncomfortable is to stretch yourself to be the best you can be. It is to learn, to grow, to try new things, and to expand your horizons. Uncomfortable is another way of saying living your life to the ... Views: 1042
What course are you on?
Are you consciously on any course? Or, are you drifting and going wherever the tide, the winds, and the currents take you?
If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?
Just like your life, a ship can change it’s course by one ... Views: 949
Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
Be aggressive, be all that you can be.
If not aggressive, what? ... Views: 4157
You already have the answers.
Remember the story of the farmer looking for gold? He sold his farm, traveled out west, mined the rivers for years and never found gold. Back home, at his old farm, the new owner found gold in the river that ran through the farm.
You already know the answer. ... Views: 944
What am I afraid of?
Financially? ?
In business?
Remember, Ben Franklin said, A few of the things I worried about actually happened.” IF I was not afraid, what would I do?
In business?
Relationships? ... Views: 909
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The Rules - by Russell R Shippee & Cameron R Shippee
It's me, Cameron.
So, being less than two, I guess you expect me to write about the
rules of the sandbox.
Well, you are partly correct. The rules of the sandbox are no
different than the rules of the game, and the rules of the game
are about the game of life.
We were all born knowing ... Views: 827
Endless Tapes
Kids don’t have endless tapes. We interact, we express ourselves, and then we forgive, forget, and move on. We do not clutter our minds and our energy with the negative.
Adults have tapes, your endless tapes, are those stories you tell yourselves over and over again. Often, ... Views: 1026
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Bold - by Russell R Shippee & Cameron R Shippee (grandson)
Be bold. I'm a kid and I'm bold. How about you? When did you stop being bold? What is the last truly bold thing you did?
Here are some of the bold things I've done, so far: ??Learned to eat food . . . Learned to crawl . . . Learned to stand up . . . ?Learned to walk . . . Learned to talk
You ... Views: 1066
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Regrets - by Russell R Shippee & Cameron R Shippee (grandson)
Regrets? I have none.
Like yourself, I came to earth to live life to the fullest, to learn, to grow, to share, and to enjoy the adventure. Do you remember that you did the same?
What happened? When did you stop living life to the fullest? That must be the time you started with ... Views: 795
The end sounds final, ominous, and frightening to many. How about you?
Are you ready for the end? Are you ready to accept the end? What will you do at the end?
In all that we do, we should start with the end in mind. What is the end of this project, goal, or adventure? Only in focusing on the ... Views: 902
What are your priorities?
Is it to survive the day? Is it to respond to whatever comes? Is it to do what others ask you to do?
Bouncing from one item to another is exhausting and unfulfilling. Just doing what comes along leaves people feeling they accomplished little, if anything, at the ... Views: 1015